FPC MIDWEEK: "First Press"
Worship with FPC Covington

Sunday Morning Worship

You are invited to worship with us on Sunday mornings:
Facebook Live and In-person at 11:00 am.

We will celebrate the Sacrament of Communion this Sunday! We invite all worshipping with us online to prepare bread and cup.

We welcome Rev. Dr. Lindsay Armstrong to the pulpit this Sunday. Lindsay is an ordained Presbyterian Minister and is the Executive Director of the New Church Development Commission for the Presbytery of Greater Atlanta.

The Reverend Dr. Lindsay P. Armstrong
New Church Development Commission
Dedicated to unleashing potential in people, communities, and churches, Lindsay Armstrong is the President and CEO of the start-up studio of the Presbytery of Greater Atlanta – a non-profit dedicated to starting and building new Presbyterian churches. In that capacity, she currently coaches 34 leaders and works with 28 new church communities. A graduate of Princeton and Columbia Theological Seminaries and the former senior pastor of three different Presbyterian churches, Lindsay loves seeing God on the move.

Welcome to the 2021 Season of Peace. This four-week pilgrimage is designed to deepen the pursuit of peace for congregations. This is an offering of the Presbyterian Mission Agency. During our regular "Passing of the Peace" on Sunday mornings, we will put Peace into action!

Sunday, Sept. 12 Highlights:
  • Recognizing Peace
  • Finding Peace
  • Practicing Peace
  • Extending Peace
  • Living Peace
Tech Team Ministry
We are seeking additional Tech Team volunteers for Sunday mornings to assist with our audio-visual ministry. Training provided. Sundays 10:30 am-12. Interested in learning more? Email
Faith Formation Fall 2021
Children's Sunday School
Sunday School Room Downstairs
Teachers: Rotation Model
Curriculum: Follow Me
Interested in teaching?

Youth Sunday School
Teachers: Pam and Jim Stillerman
Curriculum: Feasting on the Word

Adult Sunday School
Fellowship Hall
Teachers: Bob Tabb, Charles Ardis, and Brad Philips
Curriculum: Feasting on the Word
"Seekers and Searchers"
Two-part Sunday Morning Series

September 19 and September 26
10:00 am in the Parlor

This is a small group offering to share what it means to be Presbyterian! What are your questions about the Presbyterian church? Submit them to Neeley by Sept. 15th and we will discuss them together!
Tattoos on the Heart Book Study
Book: Tattoos on the Heart: The Power of Boundless Compassion
Author: Gregory Boyle
When: 6:00pm Monday Evenings
Sept. 13 (Chapters 1 and 2)
Sept. 20 (Chapters 3 and 4)
Sept. 27 (Chapters 5 and 6)
Oct. 4 (Chapters 7 and 8)
Oct. 11 (Chapter 9)
Where: Zoom
Youth and Adult Bible Study

Wednesday Evenings
Start date: September 8

September Topic: The Beatitudes
October Topic: The Parables

Facilitators: Brad Phillips, Courtney Pittman, and Neeley Lane
Jammies and Jesus is BACK!! Sunday evenings on Zoom from
7 pm-7:10 pm. Invite a friend!
Lectio Divina:
Pastor's Bible Study

Join us on Tuesday at noon to spend time studying the upcoming Sunday's scripture text!

Tuesdays @ Noon in the Parlor!
Coffee and Conversation
will continue this fall!

Wednesdays 10 am
Fellowship Hall

All are welcome!
Ways to serve in our community
Family Promise
Mission Sunday
All are invited to put together Move in Kits for our Family Promise Neighbors!

Join us on Sunday, September 19th, at 10:00am (during the Sunday School hour) in the "Old Youth Room" for a time of service and fellowship!
Stewards of God's Creation
Join a team of congregation members on Monday, September 20th, to discuss ways to care for God's earth at FPC Covington and in our community!

September 20 @ Noon in Church Parlor

For more information contact Chris Martin or email
Change the World Day
October 23

For Change the World Day, our church will be collecting items to create Health Kits.
Look for the bins in the Narthex and Church Office beginning August 24.

Items needed include:
Shampoo, lotion, deodorant, hand sanitizer, disposable razor, toothpaste, toothbrush, antibiotic cream, bandaids, and gallon size zip lock bags
Newton County Community Food Pantry
Our Community Food Pantry is open Wednesdays and Fridays from 9:00am-11:30am. Donations are welcome.
Contact: Bernice Bailey 770-784-0037
Location: 7125 Turner Lake Cir SW, Covington, GA 30014

The Food Pantry is in need of CANNED FRUIT! You may drop off your donations in the Narthex!

Follow the Food Pantry on Facebook
Covington FUMC Food Ministry
Volunteers Needed to be the hands and feet of Christ in our community!
Click the link below for ways to serve!

featuring Bob Tabb and the Endowment Team
Please keep the following people and their families in your prayers this week:
Prayer Updates:
  • Our prayers are with Sandra LaCroix and her family upon the death of her daughter, Courtney Hoover. Courtney passed away on Thursday, September 9, 2021.
  • Jack Wheeler - Pneumonia
  • Jeff Terrel - (Friend of Steve Kapp)
  • Anne Cranford - treatment for breast cancer
  • Lynn Lanier- Amyloidosis (Friend of Chris Martin)
  • Dan Walden - Cardiac Amyloidosis
  • Tommy Bassett - liver cancer (Friend of Danny and Beth Vining)
  • Doug Bolton - Burn Injury
  • Steve Jones - (Friend of Alice Walker)
  • Hulda McDonald - health issues (Friend of Judy Davis)
  • Susan Fiedler - health issues (Friend of Darcel Tabb)
  • Blair Weaver - health issues
  • Sarita Pope - breast cancer (mother-in-law of Elizabeth Martin Pope)
  • Beverly Beasley - husband has leukemia (friend of Jean Elder)
  • Karen Lein Kaasa - home health care (sister-in-law of Julie MacKenzie)
  • Karen Moss - treatment for breast cancer
  • Carter MacKenzie - neck injury (son of Julie and Jeff MacKenzie)
  • Tom Bass - bone marrow cancer and dialysis (friend of Beth and Danny Vining)
  • Wilford Reed - daughter was in a car accident; his brother has age-related issues (friend of Jeff MacKenzie)
  • Bob Darby - kidney problems (friend of Jeff MacKenzie)
  • Sharon Beasley Strickland - tests for oral cancer (a classmate of Jeff MacKenzie)
  • Joyce Williams - breast cancer treatment and Alzheimer's Disease (Danny Vining's sister)
  • Brandon Massey - blood cancer (grandson of Chuck & Sherry Brasher)
  • Carol Baynes - cancer (friend of Phyllis Yoder)

Military Service
  • Koen Ardis - Navy
  • Lee Scarborough - Army
  • Billy Scarborough - Marines

Independent Living and Assisted Living:
  • Penny Blakeney (home)
  • Julia Brubaker (Benton House)
  • Jean Elder (in FL with her daughter)
  • Dot Fincher (Merryvale)
  • Jerry McGaffney (Merryvale)
  • Guy McGiboney (Merryvale)
  • Travis Moss (Pruitt)
  • Betty Robinson (Merryvale)
  • Louise White (Merryvale)

Please click below to email Peni to update your prayer requests or send new prayer requests. In your email please indicate if you would like your request to be confidential or added to our prayer list.