Ohio Housing Finance Agency       57 East Main Street | Columbus, OH 43215
Draft BGF Guidelines Available for Comment
The Draft 2020 Bond Gap Financing program guidelines have been posted to the HDAP webpageThe BGF program is geared toward developers using non-competitive (4 percent) credits in conjunction with multifamily bonds

Comments on the draft guidelines can be sent to and will be accepted through April 24, 2020.
2020 Competitive HTC Round On Schedule
Review of applications in the 2020 9% HTC round are still on track and following the calendar as outlined in the QAP. Applicants should expect to receive notice of preliminary scores and underwriting issues on April 6, with responses due back on April 13. Final results are still anticipated to be announced on May 20. 
Public Hearing for Draft PY 2020-2024 Ohio Consolidated Plan
The Consolidated Plan public hearing scheduled for April 13, 2020 will be conducted via live webinar. To register, click here

To access copies of the PY 2020 Annual Action Plan, PY 2019 Annual Action Plan Amendment, and PY 2020-2024 Plan, click here . Comments can be submitted before the hearing to Ian Thomas at .

The Draft PY 2020 Ohio Consolidated Plan Annual Action Plan describes the methods the State of Ohio will use to distribute funds it expects to receive from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for the following programs:

* Ohio Small Cities Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program;
* HOME Investment Partnerships Program;
* National Housing Trust Fund;
* Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) Program; and
* Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) Program.