What criteria is being used to determine site layout and tank placement?
Our goal is to make a well-informed and sustainable decision for the entire community that we serve. We are considering several factors in the siting of the tanks, including:
- Elevation - the top of the water surface must be at 607 feet above sea level
- Proximity to residences - to the extent possible, maximizing distance between tanks and neighbors’ property lines
- Nature - limiting impacts to trees and natural spaces
- Compatibility – placing tanks in locations and at buried depths to reduce impacts to neighbors’ viewsheds and enable continued public use of the site
- Cost - ensuring responsible use of public funds
- Access - ensuring adequate access for maintenance and emergency vehicles
- Security - protecting water quality and limiting attractive nuisance behaviors
- Excavation and construction - considering slopes and soil conditions in order to minimize the length and magnitude of disturbance, including tie-in piping and drain construction
- Future planning - designing to accommodate future water storage needs
Is it possible to maintain a flat, open space for sunset viewing, stargazing and other neighborhood activities?
We are aware that this is an area of keen interest for neighbors. Where and how much flat area and other features like plantings, pathways and lighting will be open for community input during the design process. We intend to work with neighbors and other community members to design a space that fits the neighborhood and aligns with broader community needs, such as responsible use of funds, safety and ease of maintenance.
How will EWEB honor the historic nature of the site?
The College Hill Reservoirs were constructed in the 1930s with a Public Works Administration matching grant and are therefore considered significant historic features. EWEB is currently working with the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) and a consultant to ensure we follow recommendations for historically significant facilities.
Part of this process includes consultation with the SHPO, local Tribes, Restore Oregon, the City of Eugene Historic Landmark Commission, local historical societies or museums, and other interested parties to gather input on mitigation strategies that appropriately honor College Hill historic features and its role in our community.
Where will the new tank be constructed and how will the new facility impact views from adjacent homes?
Detailed tank design will begin in late 2021-early 2022. This is when final placement of the new tank will be determined. It's possible that the new tank could be constructed largely within the existing footprint on the south side of the property. This would maintain a viewshed for adjacent neighbors (particularly on the Lincoln St. side) similar to existing conditions.
As we get further along in the design process, we will provide architectural renderings to help show what the site will likely look like with the new tank in place. In general, the new tank will be similar in height to the existing large, rectangular tank. It will be round, concrete, 200-250 feet in diameter and surrounded by decorative fencing. The tank will be partially buried and vegetative screening will be used to visually obscure the facility.