Shul School 2020: Week 8 Wrap-Up
December 13, 2020
Shalom Shul School parents,

That's a wrap on Sunday Shul School 2020! (Parparim/Devorim/Tzipporim parents, you have the rest of the week to finish up your last Hebrew lessons!) We hope your kids enjoyed it and we look forward to welcoming y'all back in January.

Expect an announcement sometime next week about Shul School Spring 2021!

Happy Chanukah, and have a wonderful winter break.

Meryl Zimmerman
Education Director
Gan Nitzan

Today the children of Gan Nitzan celebrated the festival of freedom and light. We shared our chanukiot (Chanukah menorahs), dreidels and did a little spinning. We sang every Chanukah song we know! Solos included: Chanukah Oh Chanukah (Jacob), I Love Latkes I Love Latkes Yum Yum Yum (Eleanor), Sivivon Sov Sov (Lina). We talked about latkes; Reeva likes to dip hers in applesauce but Eleanor and Ezra like to put their applesauce on top. Lina collected a pair of sparkly black boots for tzedakah; we are going to bring all our tzedakah to Shir Chadash as soon as we can get back together in person. Our gemilut hasadim (acts of loving kindness) this week included: Ezra slept with his parents and gave his mom a big hug; Jacob helped set the table; Reeva gives her mom squeezies; and Eleanor celebrated the mitzvah of Chanukah by lighting candles. We also watched a video about Joseph and his coat of many colors; Rabbi Silver told me the many colors of the Chanukah candles remind her of Joseph’s beautiful coat. 

Don’t miss the Chanukah party at 4:00 pm today with Ms. Meryl!

Shafririyot parents- check your email for a special video message from Emily for your kids!

Today, we reviewed everything we’ve learned so far in Parparim. We talked about kindness, synagogues, and Jewish life cycle events. We even made a poster to show what we know. Happy Chanukah, and have a wonderful break!

Ask your child to show you their poster and explain what they learned so far in Shul School.

Happy Channukah! Today we talked about our personal strengths and each others’. We learned the story of Samson and did a fun art project comparing ourselves to him.

Today, we went over the Kedushah. The tune is a bit tricky, so please be sure to go over it a few times over the break. Happy Chanukah, and have a wonderful break!

Be sure to review them over the break using our powerpoint. Here’s the link:
TODAY at 4pm:
Chanukah Musical Program for Young Children! with Meryl Zimmerman

Bring your young ones (6 and under) for a fun-filled 30mts of singing, dancing, and of course spinning like dreidels as we celebrate Chanukah through music and movement.

*Bring a drum, or something that you can pretend is a drum (tupperware, a pillow or cushion, a box, a ball- use your imagination!)*

Here's the Zoom link+info:

Topic: Chanukah Music with Meryl!
Time: Dec 13, 2020 04:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 971 7343 0182
Passcode: pbzP2F
Kids Gala Video

Still have funny unused takes on your phone? Send'em in for the blooper reel! Deadline is the end of Chanukah.

Questions? Contact Meryl ([email protected]) or Cait Gladow ([email protected]).


We had a blast hanging out with our ISJL Fellow, Paige Beame, this past Sunday on Zoom! We discussed our favorite things to do on Chanukah, debated the best latke topping, and made dreidels out of clay!

Click here to watch the recording of Sunday's program so you can join in on the fun even if you couldn't make it live!