Wire-wrapping the tanks is required for earthquake resiliency. The cables are high strength, galvanized 7-strand wire that bonds to multiple layers of shotcrete (sprayed-on concrete). More than 90 miles of wire will be applied to the two tanks!
This process ensures the structures can contain the large loads produced by the stored water as well as the strength and durability to undergo horizontal and vertical ground movement during an earthquake.
For safety, the entire site will be closed during this stage of work.
Additional fencing has been installed to allow an additional 100 feet of clearance around the tanks. On the east side of the site, additional trailers will be installed to provide the necessary safety buffer.
The cables used to wrap the tanks will be under incredible tension stress and if one were to snap, the force could be very dangerous. We ask that neighbors and all members of the public stay clear of the site during this stage of work, which is expected to last around 16 weeks.
Other news and info:
- The final roof pour is tentatively scheduled for Thursday, March 30 (weather dependent).
- Material that is no longer needed will be moved off-site once the last roof pour is complete; expect some minor truck traffic.
- Prior to application of wire and shotcrete, the tanks will be pressure washed.
- Pressure washing and applying the wire and shotcrete will create additional noise at the site.
- The pipes that will connect the new tanks to the water system will be delivered soon and will be staged on the west side of the work area.
- The piping work in Patterson Street will occur in June, and will create access and parking constraints. More info to come as this phase of work gets closer.