December 16, 2020
What's Inside...
  • Merry Christmas from OML!
  • Vaccine Distribution Meeting Friday, December 18, 2020
  • Budget Process Workshop - January 15th
  • If I Were Mayor Essay Contest
  • 2021 NOI Webinars
  • 2021 MC&T Training
Vaccine Distribution and State COVID-19 Update Meeting for Municipal Officials
Friday, December 18, 12:00 pm
The Oklahoma Municipal League, in conjunction with the Oklahoma State Department of Health, is hosting a Vaccine Distribution Meeting and COVID-19 update for municipal leaders. We will discuss the different phases of vaccine distribution and how it will impact municipal government. The vaccine will be available to certain municipal personnel and officials during the early phases of the distribution program. This meeting will give you the opportunity to ask questions directly to state officials leading the effort to distribute the vaccine. Please have someone from your municipality join us virtually this Friday, at 12:00pm. 

Please register for Vaccine Distribution Webinar on Dec 18, 2020 12:00 pm at:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. You may register for the webinar up until the meeting begins, however, we encourage you to register early. 
This is OML's yearly popular seminar which provides municipal officials and staff with a non-technical understanding of the annual budget process for municipalities and their role in that process. It is designed to teach the legal and policy-related responsibilities in the annual budget process and provide practical examples for future reference. Registration and more information
Deadline This Friday December 18, 2020!
2021 If I Were Mayor Essay Contest
The Mayors Council of Oklahoma and the Oklahoma Municipal League invite 8th graders from home, public, and private schools throughout Oklahoma to participate in a statewide essay contest, “If I Were Mayor, I Would ...” to tell others what they would do as mayor to make their city or town a better place to live. More Information
2021 New Officials Institutes Webinars
Due to Covid-19 and the possible hardships that the pandemic has brought upon our cities and towns, OML has decided to have the New Officials Institute (NOI) via GoToWebinar. Dates for 2021 have now been announced.

Space is limited so sign up today!
2021 MC&T Training Via Webinar
The MC&T Program is the Oklahoma Municipal League’s Clerk, Treasurer, and Finance Officer Certification Program. The training for 2021 will be via GotoWebinar. Check the MC&T page for more information and dates.
Thank You To Our Corporate Partners
For Their Continued Support