Volume 40 | January 2022
Caspersen Rowing Center Happenings
Providing a venue where athletes of all ages, talents and backgrounds have the opportunity to develop their rowing ability to their highest potential.
Happy New Year
Happy New Year and Welcome to the 1st edition of the Caspersen Rowing Center Happenings for 2022.

As we begin another year under the shadow of the COVID19 pandemic we want to say thank you for being a part of our rowing community!  

Despite the pandemic, we were able to achieve some amazing things in 2021.

We were able to return to near full programming by the end of 2021 with over 400 Juniors, Masters, and National Team Athletes using the Caspersen Rowing Center on a regular basis;

We got to witness athletes who took their first rowing strokes at the Caspersen Rowing Center win medals at the Paralympics, World Rowing Junior Championships, and National Youth Regattas.

Junior rowers left the Caspersen Programs to attend and row at some of the finest universities and colleges in the country.

One of the most exciting things for me is seeing the impact our Swim to Row and the STEM to Stern outreach programs are having on the participants. This was emphasized in an email we received this week from Trenton’s Center for Child and Family Achievement, one of the partners in the Swim to Row program:

One parent stated, “my granddaughter, loves the water, my greatest fear was her drowning. She knows how to swim now and I can relax “! 

All of the girls improved in areas of personal development and leadership,” my daughter has blossomed into a more confident and responsible person from being apart of SWIM to ROW”

Parents shared that SWIM to ROW also motivated their girls regarding academic performance with all girls improving their grades and 4 of the girls making Honor Roll. A 4th grader at Monument School excitedly said, “one day you will see me on a Rowing Team at the Olympics, the rowing machine is hard but kinda fun.“

We are looking forward to seeing this young lady on the Olympic Team and to see the future achievements of all of our rowers!

As we begin 2022, we will continue to work to be a place where rowers of all ages, talent levels, and backgrounds have the opportunity to develop their rowing abilities to their highest potential. We are grateful to have you as a part of our community on this journey.

Happy New Year!
Kris Grudt
Executive Director
January Virtual Team Challenge 2022!


Are you working out on a Concept2 machine (RowErg, BikeErg, or SkiErg)? Then join the PNRA/Mercer team to take part in the Concept2 Virtual Team Challenge.
The deadline to join a team is January 16!


First, create a Concept2 logbook (if you don't already have one). Click HERE to set up a logbook.

Then join the PNRA/Mercer Team. You can search for PNRA/Mercer in the Teams tab to join the team.

If you were on the PNRA/Mercer team in previous years, you still need to join again for this year.

Start logging your meters!

ANYONE can join the PNRA/Mercer team: current rowers, parents, grandparents, alumni, friends...

If you have any trouble, please contact Team Captain Hilary Gehman

Winter Training
Our Rowers are hard at work in the midst of our winter season! The Juniors are training in person on the ergs, bike ergs, weights and other cardio workouts. And our Masters are hard at work 5 mornings a week on zoom!

We are excited to see the progress the rowers make over the next few months!

Remember if you are driving on the road into the Caspersen Rowing Center



Save the Date!
Save the Date for the Boating Safety Course on April 4 & 5 2022 (Monday and Tuesday)

held at the Caspersen Boathouse

Please Email Hilary Gehman ( for more information and to reserve a spot

Mercer Lake Spring Racing Schedule
Here are the races that have been confirmed for the spring 2022 season!

Mercer Lake Sprints: April 23/24
USRowing Mid Atlantic Regionals: May 14/15

IRA Championships: June 3-5
Outreach Programs
This year we were very grateful to partner with Princeton University for a new Outreach program. The students were introduced to swimming, rowing, and STEM activities. We are so proud of everything they have accomplished this season and cannot wait till they start again at the end of the month! We are looking forward to having our middle schoolers join us again!
Does your employer have a matching gift program?
Check out the Matching Gift finder feature on our website. Click here to find if your employer has a program.
We're all in this together!!
Your support today will make a difference.

Thank you.

Mercer Team gear is still available - face masks, hats, scarves, umbrellas, shirts . . .
Show your Mercer Spirit!
Contact Jules Howarth
PNRA is a 501 (c)3 nonprofit corporation. We are grateful to all who support our mission and could not do it without you! We gladly accept gifts of appreciated stock and corporate matching gifts. Have questions? Contact Kris at
Through your support you make a difference at PNRA!