On the Road for Chanukkah...
Looking for the Purified Oil?
We have been on the road for the Chanukkah celebration at River of Life Tabernacle last week, a week of recording the Seven Abominations of the Wicked Lamp and Seven Seals in the HRN Studio, and now we're in Cleveland, Tennessee, with Bill Cloud and company at Jacob's Tent for the Shine Your Light Chanukkah Conference. Please click on the Shine Your Light link below to join us Friday afternoon and on Shabbat for additional teaching on the regathering of the exiles in "Your Name is Like Purified Oil." We've left you lots of good videos on our YouTube Channel. Due to the rigor of the travel schedule, next week's videos may be slightly delayed in posting, but are scheduled to be available for viewing on YouTube automatically.
Are you braced and ready for the season? You know what I mean, the annual "Where's Hanukkah-in-the-Torah?" debates. If not, consider an excellent investigation into the question, The Seven Shepherds: Chanukkah in Prophecy. There are probably lots of things about Chanukkah that the debaters don't know...and the information actually is in the Torah and Prophets.

In a world spinning with fear, anxiety, irrationality, hatred, and suspicion, there is still peace, order, and hope in the Word.

If you already have a copy, then grab a couple more to give away. Stop the debates and start a Bible study!

Since we are presenting more of YOUR NAME IS LIKE PURIFIED OIL this Shabbat at River of Life Tabernacle, join us on Bill Cloud's (Jacob's Tent) YouTube Channel for praise and worship and encouraging words. Click on the link in "Shine Your Light" below.
You can help! There is a fund-raiser for LaMalah Children's Centre on Facebook. For a donation, Rebecca Dowty is gifting beautiful lap quilts. The funds were raised to send a sewing machine to the Centre, and the additional funds will go toward the purchase of additional acreage for gardening. Click QUILT FUNDRAISER to see the quilts available.

Thanks to all who have donated to LaMalah Children's Centre.

We will briefly review the Chanukkah prophecy of the Seventh Shepherd and Eighth Prince in the context of the Song of Songs and add more of: Your Name is Like Purified Oil. Learn about the homecoming of the exiles of Israel and the "maidens" in this two-part teaching.
Click Shine Your Light to register.

We were in the HRN studio this week to begin recording programs to accompany Creation Gospel Workbook Two: The Wicked Lamp, Seven Seals, Seven Trumpets, and Seven Bowls. Look for those on Hebraic Roots Network early in 2021.

The weekly Shabbat table live streams will be available either on demand at our new Creation Gospel podcast page or at Hebrew Nation Radio. Please note the following air times (PST) on Hebrew Nation Radio:

Thursdays: 9-10 am & 10-11 p.m.

Mondays: 4-5 am & 2-3 p.m.
The registration page and itinerary are up for the Song of Songs Passover in Israel tour! We are spending the winter doing an in-depth study of the Song of Songs as a parable of resurrection and the Garden. With God's help, we will crown the study with a tour of Israel that highlights the geographic locations of many significant Scriptural events. Armed with an understanding of the deeper meaning of the Song, we experience those locations blooming with promise of the returning Messiah Yeshua.

"Arise, My Love, for lo, the winter is past, and the springtime has come. The voice of the turtledove is heard in the Land..."

Click "Next Year in Jerusalem!" to view the itinerary and details of the Passover tour.