June 2022




Foundation office closed in observance of Independence Day 


118 Students Receive Summer 2022 Doyon Foundation Scholarships

A total of 118 students are headed into the summer semester with funding support from Doyon Foundation scholarships! We are pleased to support the educational efforts of 49 part-time students and 69 full-time students by awarding a total of $227,200 in scholarships. Our part-time awards are $1,600 and full-time awards are $2,400. Read more:

In the Community

We had an amazing time earlier this month visiting Bristol Bay Native Corporation and CIRI in Anchorage, and then touring AVTEC - Alaska Vocational Technical Center in Seward! It's wonderful to learn how other organizations are supporting students, get ideas for supporting our students, and identify opportunities to collaborate. Thank you, BBNC, CIRI and AVTEC for spending some time with us! 


Morris Thompson Scholarship Recipients 

This month’s Storyteller student profile is a series featuring four of our current Morris Thompson scholarship recipients: Eva Burk, Pearle Green, Kate Lillie and Sheena Twitchell. Their stories demonstrate the importance of investing in our future leaders, which is what sponsors, golfers and volunteers come together to do each year at the Morris Thompson Memorial Golf Classic. Read more about the event, the scholarship and the students:


Selina J. Sam 

The Doyon Foundation journey doesn’t end with graduation! We are so proud of our alumni, the amazing places they have gone on to, the achievements they are making, and the positive differences they are having in their communities. Each month, we feature an update on one of our alumni. This month, we are pleased to highlight Selina J. Sam, the the planning and development manager at Tanana Chiefs Conference: .


Jaden Kreutner

Doyon Foundation scholarship recipient Jaden Kreutner was born and raised in Hawaii, where he lives across from the beach and loves to surf and bodyboard. When it came time for college, he didn’t want to leave the islands – but staying in Hawaii for school didn’t seem like an affordable option. “But because of this scholarship, I can enjoy my home while I also get a taste of this new environment. I'm so thankful I can go to school because of this scholarship,” shared Jaden, who is now attending Hawaii Pacific University, where he is considering a major in marine biology, engineering or production. Watch next month’s newsletter for another student thank you or send your thank you note to •


$50,000 in Grants Awarded for 2022 Language Revitalization Projects

We have selected 10 organizations to receive Our Language grant funding for language revitalization projects across the Doyon region this year! A total of $50,000 will be awarded to the 2022 recipients for a diverse range of projects. Read more about this year's  recipients and projects:

Visit Our Language Resources Library 

We are continually updating our online language resources library with resources from Doyon Foundation and other entities. In the library, you can access our language activity book for families, the Language Journeys interview series, printable “My name is” nametags in the languages of the Doyon region, fun stickers with sayings in our Native languages, a children’s book and flashcard set in Benhti Kokhut’ana Kenaga’ (Lower Tanana), and many helpful links to language revitalization information, as well as job and internship opportunities! Explore the online library: 

Learn a Native Language with Doyon Languages Online

Interested in learning a Native language? Doyon Languages Online offers FREE online courses in several of the Native languages of the Doyon region – and more are in development! Courses are currently available in Benhti Kokhut’ana Kenaga’ (Lower Tanana), Deg Xinag, Denaakk’e (Koyukon), Dihthaad Xt’een Iin Aanděeg’ (Tanacross), Dinjii Zhuh K’yaa (Gwich’in), Hän and Holikachuk. Courses in Dinak’i (Upper Kuskokwim) and Nee’aanèegn’ (Upper Tanana) are nearing completion. Learn more and sign up:


In our June Native Word of the Month, we share audio clips from our Dihthaad Xt’een Iin Aandeeg’ (Tanacross) Doyon Languages Online course. In the clips, speakers Nellie Probert and Jerry Isaac are finishing a conversation. During the recording session, Jerry shared that the phrase “good luck to you” is a blessing upon the person you are speaking to. Read and listen to this month's word: 


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2022 Morris Thompson Memorial Golf Classic

A big thank you to all the sponsors, golfers and volunteers who came out to support the 2022 Morris Thompson Memorial Golf Classic last week. On Thursday, golfers warmed up at the skills tournament, followed by the reception and Calcutta, where they heard from student speaker, Pearle Green, and raised money for our scholarship fund during the live and silent auction. On Friday, 31 teams enjoyed fine weather as they played 18 holes at Chena Bend Golf Course, followed by lunch and the announcement of winners. Learn more about the event:

Foundation Receives Grant from Leon Huntington Fund

We are honored to receive a $1,000 grant from the Leon Huntington Fund at the Alaska Community Foundation. The fund was established by Leon Huntington, a generous Hilcorp employee, and his company, Hilcorp Alaska. Huntington’s grant will be used to support the Doyon Foundation scholarship 


Welcome, Elizabeth Green, Morris Thompson Intern

Help us give a warm welcome to Elizabeth Green, our Morris Thompson executive intern! Elizabeth is a Doyon Foundation scholarship recipient from Galena, and is attending the University of Alaska Fairbanks, where she’s studying elementary education. She’ll be working with us this summer on a variety of projects, and we’re so glad she’s on our team! Meet Elizabeth: 

615 Bidwill Ave., Suite 101· Fairbanks, AK 99701

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