Local Agency Technical Assistance
 Funding Update

The Communications Division provides notice that the Local Agency Technical Assistance (LATA) program is no longer accepting new LATA applications as of March 24, 2023, from non-Tribal local governments as the LATA program has exceeded funding.

In February 2022, CPUC Decision (D.) 22-02-026 established the LATA grant program to provide funding to eligible local agencies and sovereign tribal governments in their efforts to expand broadband service to unserved and underserved Californians. As part of The Budget Act of 2021 and Senate Bill 156, the program has a $50 million budget for grants of which $45 million is allocated to non-Tribal Local Agencies and $5 million is set-aside for Tribal governments. Communications Division staff will consider applications submitted on a monthly basis, ending on the last day of each calendar month, until the funding is exhausted (D.22-02-026, Attachment 1, p. 7).

Since August 2022, the LATA program has received 116 non-Tribal Local Agency requests for $51.9M in funding, which has exceeded the $45M allocation for non-Tribal Local Agencies. We are still reviewing submitted non-Tribal Local Agency applications and will notify those applicants regarding the status of their application. Therefore, we are no longer accepting new LATA applications from non-Tribal local governments in accordance with D.22-02-026 and Attachment 1.

The LATA program will continue to accept applications from Tribal governments as $2.4M of the $5M is available as of the date of this letter.

Communications Division
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