October 7, 2020
Science, Technology, and Innovation. A project of the Global Girls Collaborative and Futuristas.
In celebration of Day of the Girl, welcome to our newsletter designed to serve the global community of educators, program providers, professional associations, and all the wonderful champions encouraging girls across the world to consider activities and careers in science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and computer science. For more than fifteen years, the National Girls Collaborative Project has been the leading source for exemplary practices and resources in the United States. Now, in partnership with our friends at Futuristas, we are pleased to provide high quality resources from effective programs. Please share this issue with colleagues! Contact us with suggestions for content and distribution channels.
Day of the Girl Logo
International Day of the Girl
October 11, 2020
Progress for adolescent girls has not kept pace with the realities they face today, and COVID-19 has reinforced many of these gaps. This year, under the theme, “My Voice, Our Equal Future”, be inspired by what adolescent girls see as the change they want, the solutions- big and small- they are leading and demanding across the globe.

2020 commemorates 25 years since the adoption of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action – the global agenda for advancing the rights and empowerment of women and girls, everywhere. Generation Equality was also launched in early 2020 as a multi-year, multi-partner campaign and movement for bold action on gender equality. A clear narrative and actions related to the needs and opportunities of adolescent girls and their solutions is central to the Generation Equality mission.
Program Spotlight
She Speaks Science Collage
She Speaks Science Logo
She Speaks Science

She Speaks Science is a social enterprise that aims to promote women and minority scientists, and spark young people's enthusiasm for STEM with storytelling. Their monthly multi-lingual publication Scheherazade, named after the storyteller of 1001 Nights, is an online story weaved by women experts from around the world about their STEM research, demonstrating how science is at the core of our lives. Stories engage, inform and help develop a positive sense of identity. By celebrating scientists as figures not only to look up to but also to identify with, they challenge the normative ideas of who does STEM and what success looks like. These stories are offered in five languages to ensure better accessibility: Spanish, Arabic, Italian, German, and English, reaching readers in more than 120 countries. They also run storytelling workshops at schools to train students in co-creation, innovation, and collaboration, which are essential skills for future generations.

She Speaks Science was founded by Dr Ghina M. Halabi, an astrophysicist at University of Cambridge. She was the first person to receive a PhD in astrophysics from a Lebanese institution and, through her work with She Speaks Science, is committed not to be the last.
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CCWESTT2020 Virtual Speaker Series
November 6, 12, 18, and 26, 2020
The Canadian Coalition of Women in Engineering, Science, Trades and Technology (CCWESTT) is a nonprofit organization of groups, institutions, and industries with a mission to expand the attraction, retention, and promotion of women. The virtual speaker series will feature the keynote speakers originally scheduled for the in-person conference. The 2020 theme is "Future Forward: Engage. Advance. Inspire." Learn more.
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2021 International Women in Aviation Conference
March 11-13, 2021
Reno, Nevada
The 32nd Annual International Women in Aviation Conference will include inspiring keynote speakers, professional development seminars, education sessions, exhibit hall, and scholarship awards. Learn more.
ECSITE 2021 Logo
2021 ECSITE Conference
June 10-12, 2021
Stavanger, Norway
The European science engagement conference is open to all professionals who engage audiences with science and technology. The 2021 theme is "Exploring Synergies." Conference sessions are created, designed and led by professionals within the community and are full of creativity, debate, and unique experiences, from traditional panel sessions to idea-jams, and anything in-between. Call for Proposals end on October 23, 2020. Registration opens February 10, 2021. Learn more.
STEM 2021 Logo
International STEM in Education Conference
July 15-17,2021
Vancouver, Canada
The 2021 conference theme "Changing the Story", provides opportunities to highlight and examine STEM Education that complements common themes of improving academic performance and/or directing students into STEM fields and careers. The theme encourages highlighting STEM Education research that breaks new ground and offers new directions for innovative research, research methodologies, and teaching approaches. Learn more.
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Network Gender & STEM Conference
July 29-31, 20201
Sydney, Australia
This conference brings together researchers, educators, policymakers, industry representatives, and the public to interrogate person- in-context influences towards, or away from, diverse STEM pathways across stages and settings. Early bird registration ends March 15, 2021. Learn more.
Gender Bias Without Boarders Film spiral
Gender Bias Without Borders: An investigation of female characters in popular films across 11 countries
Persistent gender inequality may threaten economic growth and/or social progress. At the most micro-level, discrimination impedes girls and women from achieving their individual hopes and dreams. Through its Millennium Development Goals, the United Nations has championed an increase in equality for women and girls across different sectors by 2015. Despite a push to promote females worldwide, one example of where progress remains stagnant is the U.S. film industry. Read the Gender Bias Without Boarders Executive Summary and Full Research Report.
Girls Opportunity Alliance Logo
Girls Opportunity Alliance
This program of the Obama Foundation, seeks to empower adolescent girls around the world through education, allowing them to achieve their full potential and transform their families, communities, and countries. Girls Opportunity Alliance engages people around the world to take action to help adolescent girls and the grassroots leaders working to educate them.
Global Girl Media
GlobalGirl Media
GlobalGirl Media empowers high school age girls from under-served communities around the world through media, leadership and journalistic training to have a voice in the global media universe and their own futures. GlobalGirl Media seeks to address this disparity by supplying the equipment, education and support necessary to help young women become digital and blog journalists, bringing their own unique perspective on their lives, their communities, and world events to the global web and social media community.
International Journal of Gender, Science and Technology: Re-Imagining Who Does STEM
The first of two special issues, focused on research that emerged from the Network Gender & STEM conference, centering on a re-imagining of “who does STEM,” and featured scholars from an array of disciplines and perspectives from around the globe. Free copies are available for download.
This Emmy Award-winning PBS Kids television show and educational outreach program draws on research about what engages STEM learning and careers. The program has reached millions of girls, educators, and families on-air, online and on-the-ground. SciGirlsCONNECT hosts SciGirls’ videos and hands-on activities in both English and Spanish that address a singular but powerful goal: to inspire, enable, and maximize STEM learning and engagement for all girls. SciGirls key national collaboration partner, the National Girls Collaborative Project helps to promote SciGirls gender equity resources across girl-serving STEM programs around the world.
The STARportal is Australia’s first centralised national portal for exciting and engaging STEM activities from around the country. This searchable database connects parents, students and teachers with their local and online STEM activities in real time.
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Technovation Girls: Girls for a Change.
This free technology-based program is for girls (+transgender, non-binary, or gender nonconforming) ages 10-18. Working in teams, girls find a problem in their community and build a mobile app to help solve it. Along the way, they develop their collaboration, problem-solving, and leadership skills. Adults may participate as mentors, ambassadors, or judges. Registration for the 2020-2021 season will open October 12, 2020.
Girl Power. Three fists in the air.
UN Women Social Media
These public Trello boards contain all the social media content from UN Women. Created to empower and support women everywhere these boards contain GIFs, illustrations, videos, data cards, and slogans that are free to download and use. Many include social media content in multiple languages. Current board topics include Day of the Girl, Generation Equality, Women in Science, and more.
NGCP Futuristas and STARportal partner logos
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This global e-newsletter is generously funded by the Fluor Corporation.