Dear Friends,
Alf Nachemson, MD, an expert in the field of back pain, stated that the key to managing patients’ injuries is to increase their coping skills and the sense of control that they have over their treatments. He also stated that having patients do so would improve outcomes significantly in a much more cost-effective manner.
I would like to bring up three of our recent patients’ cases. All three chose to take control of their individual care. The first was very unusual, and I do not recommend ever trying this! I received a call while a patient was heading down to Indy to have rotator cuff surgery. He thought he may have decided to have shoulder surgery a bit too quickly. When he called, I had no idea he was actually driving to surgery! On the call, this patient informed me that he may have been in need of shoulder surgery. I asked him some key questions.; the kind of questions that would be a red flag and, thereby, making surgery absolutely necessary. Surprisingly, the answers were not the answers that would force one to get shoulder surgery. As a result, I informed this patient that I would be glad to examine him within a week. The final results: this patient didn’t have rotator cuff surgery and now is back to his normal lifestyle!
The second patient was seeing me for a shoulder injury, and called to inform me that he had injured his knee and was going to need knee surgery. I asked if he would like me to examine his knee when he came in for his shoulder. He agreed, even though he said that he was 90% sure he would be needing the knee surgery. After his exam, he realized he might not need it. Long story short, he has no knee pain and was able to avoid knee surgery.
My final case was a severe back pain patient. She had excruciating pain in her back and down her leg. She had had an MRI which had shown a herniated disc and severe spinal stenosis. She had, originally, been told that she needed back surgery. We were able to get her into a spine surgeon who is extremely conservative. He puts himself in the patient’s place and, most often, falters on the most conservative side of trying alternative treatments before cutting. This patient hadn’t been able to sleep in a bed for 2 months. She had been unable to walk more than 5 minutes, and she was walking bent over and shifted to the right because of the excruciating pain.
A friend had recommended us, and this patient walked in hoping to avoid surgery, yet very fearful. We saw this patient daily for 6 consecutive days, including the weekend and a Monday holiday. After 3 days she was sleeping in her bed. By the 4th day, she was sitting and walking without being bent over and shifted. In the end, she did extremely well and did not need back surgery.
With these patient cases in mind, I would like to ask you all to rethink how you handle your physical therapy care. As I stated in the July issue, I am very much “into” taking responsibility for oneself. My parents made sure their ten children were aware of the importance of taking responsibility.
Our clinic has developed its great reputation because of our service and the wonderful physicians who believed that we had something unique to offer. I can never express how thankful I am for all the physicians and patients who believed in us.
That said, I still think, as Dr. Nachemson stated, we all need to take more control of our care. You may not realize it, but you do have the option to choose which physical therapy group you go to at any time. Just because a physician recommends us does not mean you have to go to us (not even if the physician writes the referral on McDonald Physical Therapy referral pads.) No physician can control where you get your care. It is against the law! And although, I am thankful for all the physicians who prefer to direct you to our clinic, I still believe Dr. Nachemson is correct; patients need to start taking control and start learning about their rights in the medical world.
We all have children, spouses, and family that get sick or injured at inopportune times. It is during these times that we are most vulnerable. We need proper direction, and sometimes do not know our rights as consumers. Some common questions we hear are: Can I get another opinion without the physician getting angry at me? Can I get a record of my physician’s notes? Can I get a copy of my x-rays or MRI? Can I go to a different provider for physical therapy? These are just a few of the many questions that our patients have been asking us for years. The easiest answer to all these questions is, YES!
Everyone in the medical profession has been asked to give or accept another opinion at one time or another. It is actually a wise and healthy practice to get 2 or 3 opinions for something serious. Each of us has had patients who have sometimes chosen to switch to another medical provider. This is not offensive to your physician or physical therapist. The key to this entire article is to, hopefully, help you all realize that you are in control of your care! You can say to any of us in medicine that you want to go in a different direction or receive care from a different provider. It is your right, and furthermore, it is your duty to yourself and your family.
Enjoy, and know we are here to help you get stronger every day!
Fran McDonald, PT,DPT,OCS
5 Hip and Knee Exercises to Reduce Kneecap Pain

Pain at the front of the knee, under or around the kneecap (patella) is called patellofemoral pain (PFP). It is one of the most common types of knee pain and often occurs among athletes, active teenagers, older adults, and people who perform physical labor.

Factors that contribute to kneecap pain may include weakness in the hip and knee (thigh muscles).

There are exercises that you can do to strengthen your hips and legs to help prevent or reduce kneecap pain.

Here Are 5 Exercises to Try On Your Own
Make sure that you have a support to hold on to if needed. If these exercises are too easy, be careful to gradually increase the amount of resistance or weight. Increasing the weight or the number of sets or repetitions too quickly can cause or add to your kneecap pain.

If you experience pain or are unable to complete these exercises on your own, seek the help of a medical doctor or physical therapist (PT) who will do a thorough exam and develop a personalized treatment plan to address your pain and goals.

Start by trying to do 1 set (10 times for each exercise), then repeat the exercise for 2 more sets of 10 to reach a total of 3 sets for each exercise. Seek advice from a PT on how best to progress these exercises to challenge yourself further.

1. Squats
  • Stand straight with your feet hip-width apart.
  • Lower your bottom down and backward, as if you were going to sit in a chair. Stop when your knees reach about a 90° angle. Try not to lean your upper body forward more than a few inches. You may want to move your arms forward for balance or stand next to a wall, counter, or other support.
  • Straighten your legs to return to standing straight.
  • Repeat until you reach your goa

2. Side leg raises
  • Lie on your side with your injured leg on top.
  • Slowly raise your injured leg toward the ceiling. You only need to raise your leg 12-24 inches; there is no need to raise your leg as far as you can.
  • Hold this position for 10 seconds. You should feel this exercise working the muscles on the outside of your hip.
  • Repeat until you reach your goal.
  • Repeat on the opposite side.

3. Leg presses
  • Laying on the floor with the ends of a resistance band or tubing in each hand, bring your knees to your chest. Put the tubing across the bottoms of your feet and take up any slack in the resistance band.
  • Keeping your elbows on the floor and your hands by your chest, slowly press both legs outward, leading with your heels until your legs are straight. Gently return to a bent-knee position.
  • Repeat until you reach your goal.

4. Step-ups
  • Stand tall with feet shoulder-distance apart at the base of a set of stairs (or step tool designed for step exercises). Hold on to the railing or wall for support.
  • Shift your weight onto one foot.
  • Place your right foot entirely on the step and press yourself up so that your body is up onto the step, placing the left foot next to right foot on the stair.
  • Slowly lower your left foot back to the floor and steady yourself.
  • Continue this process with your right foot on the step until you have completed your goal.
  • Repeat on the opposite side.

5. Knee extensions
  • While sitting on a chair with both feet on the floor hip-width apart, slowly raise one leg out in front of you until it is level with the floor.
  • Slowly lower the same leg back to the floor and repeat until you have completed your goal.
  • Repeat on the opposite side.
  • If this becomes too easy, tie a resistance band or tubing to a chair leg and around your foot to make this exercise more challenging. Remember to increase resistance gradually as you get stronger.

Call us today for an evaluation or if you have any questions or concerns.

**article from

MPT Happenings

Welcome to Chad Kuehne, PTA

Chad joined our MPT team in June of 2021. He graduated from North Central College with a Bachelor of Science degree in 2016 and then from Fox College in Tinley Park, Illinois, with a Physical Therapy Assistant Associates degree in 2018. Chad is certified in CPR and BLS (Basic Life Support).

In his free time, Chad enjoys playing basketball and golf, biking, hiking, watching sports, and being a huge Packers fan. He enjoys spending time with his girlfriend, Bailey, and dog, Jordie.

We are hiring!

Physical Therapy Aide
see our site for more info

McDonald Physical Therapy
(574) 233-5754