In and Around the Yeshiva
Shabbos Shuva, Shas Chabura, Siyum Psachim, Succos in Yeshiva, Simchas Bais Hashoeva, New Zman, 10th Yahrzeit of Maran Rosh Hayeshiva Hagaon Harav Nosson Tzvi Finkel zt"l

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Yarchei Kallah, Houston Shabbos of Chizuk, Cleveland Shabbos of Chizuk
Shabbos Shuva

A special Shabbos schedule was arranged in Yeshiva for Shabbos Shuva for all those learning in Bais Yeshaya with the Rosh Hayeshiva Shlita and the Rabbeim. Each of the seudos featured different Rabbeim from Bais Yeshaya participating and sharing Divrei Torah and Chizuk. The Rosh Hayeshiva Shlita attended all the seudos. The elevated Shabbos began with a special limud before Shabbos followed by a beautiful Kabbalas Shabbos with the Rosh Hayeshiva, Rabbeim and talmidim in the Scharf Family Bais Medrash. A truly memorable oneg following the Leil Shabbos seuda. Shalosh Seudos featured beautiful singing that lasted long after Shabbos was over. The hundreds of bochurim who attended continue to reminisce about this memorable Shabbos in the presence of their Rabbeim and Rosh Hayeshiva.
Shas Chabura
In Rav Chaim Kanievsky’s letter – read in his presence during his recent, historic visit to the Yeshiva – he mentioned that while it is wonderful that so many are learning the masechtos of Nashim and Nezikin, there is a need to know Shas in its entirety. One of the Mir’s crown jewels is the Shas Chabura, headed by Hagaon Harav Binyomin Carlebach Shlita. The chabura is comprised of approximately 125 avreichim, each of whom learns five blatt a day. About one hundred of these avreichim learn one new daf each day, and do chazarah on another four dapim, thus completing the entire Shas at least five times. The remaining twenty-five or so members – talmidei chachomim of the highest caliber – learn five new dapim every day, completing the entire Shas in a little over two years. A recent Siyum Hashas by this elite group during the Aseres Yemei Teshuva was truly a chashuve event, with a beautiful seuda catered by the Yeshiva.
Siyum Psachim
This past summer zman, the Yeshiva’s main Masechta was Pesachim. On the last day of the zman, members of the Daf Chabura – who schedule their learning with the goal of finishing the Yeshiva's Masechta each zman – celebrated their customary siyum. They were joined by many other talmidim who independently arranged their learning schedule to complete the entire Masechta and were also mesayem at this event. Hundreds of talmidim were among the honorary mesaymim.
Succos in Yeshiva was a beautiful and memorable experience. The Rosh Hayeshiva held a Kabbalas Kahal during the first two days of Chol Hamoed, giving the talmidim – as well as those guests who were able to be in Eretz Yisroel for Yom Tov – a time to visit and exchange Gut Yom Tov wishes. Several siyumim were celebrated by talmidim in the Yeshiva’s sukkah, in addition to much spirited singing and dancing.
Following davening on Hoshana Rabba – in accordance with the Yeshiva’s mesorah – the Rosh Hayeshiva and the Mashgiach began learning the new masechta of the coming zman b’chavrusa. Special minyanim were held in Yeshiva to accommodate the bnei chutz la’aretz, with beautiful Hakafos graced with the participation of the Rabbeim and Rosh Hayeshiva.
Simchas Bais Hashoeva
The Yeshiva's Simchas Bais Hashoeva took place on Thursday night, the second night of Chol Hamoed. Several changes were implemented this year, both due to Covid-19 restrictions, as well as to regulate the overwhelming number of people who are attracted to the Yeshiva’s Simchas Bais Hashoeva. Instead of gathering in the sukkah, the program began early in the evening with dancing in the Bais Medrash with the Roshei Yeshiva, Rabbeim, and hanhallah. This allowed for a much smoother entrance and eliminated having a mass crowd at one moment. The dancing lasted until midnight, followed by a kumzitz with the Rosh Hayeshiva and Mashgiach. When the kumzitz was over, the dancing began again – ending at about 1:15 AM with spirited, hopeful singing of L'shana Haba'ah B'Yerushalayim.
New Zman
The new zman is off to an amazing start; the resounding kol Torah can be heard blocks away. Several hundred new bochurim who have joined the Mir family; all were greeted warmly and personally by the Rosh Hayeshiva and Mashgiach. The Yeshiva is learning Masechta Bava Basra; all the battei midrash are filled to capacity.
10th Yahrzeit of Maran Rosh Hayeshiva Hagaon Harav Nosson Tzvi Finkel zt"l
The tenth yahrzeit of Maran Rosh Hayeshiva Hagaon Harav Nosson Tzvi Finkel zt"l was marked by several events on Motzei Shabbos Parshas Lech Lecha and the next day, Sunday Parshas Vayeira – the eleventh of Marcheshvan.
For the past several years, at urging of the Rosh Hayeshiva Shlita, talmidim in Yeshiva commit to complete the learning of masechtos l’illuy nishmas Rav Nosson Tzvi, collectively being mesayem Shas many times. This year, the talmidim’s combined efforts yielded in the completion of Shas fifty-one times! The grand siyum took place on Motzei Shabbos. The Yeshiva’s main Bais Medrash was filled beyond capacity, spilling over onto the surrounding streets, where large outdoor screens and speakers were set up to enable everyone’s participation.
The Mashgiach Hagaon Harav Binyomin Finkel Shlita, Hagaon Harav Yitzchok Ezrachi Shlita, and the Rosh Yeshiva Shlita offered divrei zikaron v’hisorerus. The event then reached a historic climax as Maran Sar Hatorah Rav Chaim Kanievsky Shlita entered the Bais Medrash. The crowd broke out in the singing of Yomim Al Yemei Melech Tosif. The Rosh Hayeshiva took a few moments to explain the tremendous zchus and significance of Rav Chaim’s participation; this was his first time visiting the Mir in his entire life!
Reb Shlomo Yehuda Rechnitz recited the Hadran, with Kaddish by the Rosh Hayeshiva. Rav Boruch Mordechai Ezrachi, Rosh Yeshivas Ateres Yisroel then spoke about the importance of shteiging in Torah and how it is essential that it continue. Rav Shlomo Kanievsky read a letter with an important message from his father, Rav Chaim, which mentioned that this year – a shemittah year – is an auspicious time for increased learning.
Rav Gedaliah Finkel, brother of Rav Nosson Tzvi, began the new learning cycle with Maseches Brachos. Many people have already signed up for next year’s siyumim. Claim your masechta today by contacting the Yeshiva office!
In honor of all the siyumim, a festive Melave Malka was held for all the Yeshiva’s hanhalla and talmidim. Rav Shmuel Wolman, a very close talmid of the Rosh Hayeshiva zt"l who learned with him b’chavrusa for fifteen years, spoke about Rav Nosson’s Tzvi incredible hasmada and chashivus for learning. “He told we’d be learning Erev Sukkos too, like every other day, and we arranged to learn after Shacharis. But then he added, ‘Shmuli, come in your Yom Tov clothing.’ We sat down after Shacharis and learned straight, without cease, until the siren rang. As we stood up, he looked at me – his face aglow with a radiant smile – and said, ‘I have a present for you.’ He showed me a teshuva from the Avnei Miluim, dated ‘14 Tishrei.’ You see, he was saying, the Avnei Miluim was able to write a teshuva on Erev Succos. That was the Rosh Yeshivah’s gift to a young bochur”, Rav Wolman recalled. Click here to view the event.
The next morning after Shacharis, there was a limud Mishnayos l’illuy nishmas the Rosh Hayeshiva. Later in the day, there was an Aliyah Le’kever with talmidim and hanhalla members.
On Sunday evening, thousands of people around the world participated in a virtual Yom Hazikaron event featuring many speakers from the hanhalla and family members, who spoke about the Rosh Hayeshiva’s zt"l greatness and his legacy for the Yeshiva and its talmidim. Click here to watch this event.
Yarchei Kallah
Sunday-Thursday, November 21 - 25,2021
שמחתי באומרים לי... בית ה' נלך! 
After a year in which we were unable to make a Yarchei Kallah, it is with much hope and anticipation, that we are happy to report that, as things stand now, it is looking promising for this year. At this point we believe the Yarchei Kallah will take place. It’s just a matter of how.

As we continue to plan for the Yarchei Kallah, we are happy to report that overall there’s been general good news from the Israeli Government with their plan to open the borders for tourists in the beginning of November, just in time for our yearly Yarchei Kallah.

Although this news has not been finalized yet, and it seems that unvaccinated tourists may be allowed under certain conditions, yet the easiest and simplest way would be for tourists to be fully vaccinated.

As we wait for word on the final plan, the Yeshiva is still working with the government on alternative plans in case the full opening does not happen. While we are aware that many already booked tickets, the Yeshiva cannot take any responsibility if we are unable to legally have a Yarchei Kallah. In the event that we will have to use the entry permits to enter, we will not be able to facilitate permits for wives through the Yeshiva.

In the meantime, if you do plan on coming, please click here to register for the Yarchei Kallah and reserve your spot.

We will keep you posted as plans develop. Looking forward to getting together again with our Mir family in Eretz Yisroel between the Koslei Bais Medrash for a week of uplifting learning, recharging our bodies and souls.
Houston Shabbos of Chizuk
November 4-6, 2021
Cleveland Shabbos of Chizuk
November 11-13, 2021
Harav Hagaon Peretz Tarshish Shlita and his Rebbetzin on the engagement of their daughter.

Harav Hagaon Eliyahu Lapin Shlita and his Rebbetzin on the engagement of their daughter.

R' Hershel Kaufman and his wife on the birth of a baby girl.
Eliyahu Koslowitz
Yitzchok Menachem Lewitan
Yossi Nisenbaum
Yehuda Rothschild
Yitzchak Rowe

Son's Wedding:
Shimshon Bienstock
Simi Dessler
Nachum Futersak

Daughter's Wedding:
Avrohom Dovid Munk
Shmueli Zimmerman

Tzvi Ciner
Shui Cohen
Nesanel Simcha Dembitzer
Zecharia Devor
Yoni Greenberg
Chaim Jacobs
Aryeh Kotler
Zalman Krasnow
Yoni Landa
Ahron Levinson
Binyomin Munk
Shragi Obermeister
Moishe Parnes
Dovid Rosengarten
Yehoshua Y. Steinerman
Kovi Summers
Refael Dov Webster

Daughter's Engagement:
Yissy Cherns
Yoily Edelstein
Mendy Friedman
Avi Goldfeder
Moshe Hamel
Yitzi Moller
Mutty Ribowsky
Yirmi Rieder
Noach Schon

Son's Engagement:
Amir Jaffa
Shimon Obermeister
Shimon Young

Granddaughter's Engagement:
Moshe Zafir

Grandson's Engagement:
Tuvia Obermeister
Bar Mitzva:
Chaim D. Birnhack
Yanky Braunstein
Avishai Bruck
Chaim Simcha Elias
Yitzchok Epstein
Aaron Felder
Yaakov Friedman
Avi Grossman
Dovid Hoberman
Yisroel M. Judowitz
Chaim Keilson
Simcha D. Krawiecz
Mordechai Kreitenberg
Moshe Landynski
Hillel Lowy
Matis Nayman
Asher Neumann
Ben Pomper
Nachman Reischer
Usher Rosenbaum
Yisroel Meir Rosenbaum
Dovid Scharf
Zevi Schick
Meilech Schiller
Chaim Shmuel Spitzer
Schneur Stefansky
Yitzchok Steg
Yisroel Stein
Michoel Weinberg
Tzvi Weldler

Grandson's Bar Mitzva:
George Karasick

Baby Boy:
Yaacob Assayag
Yirmi Bauminger
Avrumi Brodt
Yonah Carrey
Yisroel Chaim Cofsky
Mordy Dachs
Yisroel Ehrlich
Yerachmiel Erreich
Dov Fiddle
Motty Finkelstein
Shimon Friedman
Shamai Goldberg
Pinny Halberstadt
Mendy Katz
Shneur Klein
Pinny Kofman
Yaakov Kramer
Moshe Leibowitz
Asher Levine
Avrohom Maidi
Nochum Munk
Eli Neuberger
Chaim Leib Newhouse
Bunim Newmark
Yeshaya Pekier
Osher Pohrille
Shaya Rubin
Moe Seplowitz
Eliyahu Switzer
Yehuda Tober
Noach Weichselbaum
Gabe Yitzchakov

Baby Girl:
Chabib Anekar
Nachi Bondar
Mosey Caplan
Eli Eisikovic
Dovi Feder
Yehoshua Finkelstein
Yeshaya Goldberg
Doni Gross
Zev Hofstedter
Naftali Jacobs
Yoel Jacobs
Moshe Kenigsberg
Yehuda Kohn
Moshe Lancz
Shlomo Mardakhayev
Chesky Reich
Eli Scharf
Dovid Seitler
Dovid Weinberg
Dov Zabrowsky
Yosef Zoimen
Shmuel Zytman

R' Sruli Roberg

Menachem Augenstein
Yitzchok Bauminger
Shalom Brodt
Aaron Judowitz
Nachum Katz
Chanina Klahr
Chananya Kramer
Eli Landesman
AY Rappaport

Dovid Scharf
George Hofstedter
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P: 718.972.0500 | F: 718.851.1999 |