Holy Week
Weekly eNews
March 31, 2023
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Holy Week Invitation
Join us as we journey together through Holy Week in various ways and spaces within and beyond our walls. Walk with Jesus starting Sunday with his triumphant entry into Jerusalem, to the Last Supper on Maundy Thursday, to the powerful Passion reading on Good Friday, to the empty tomb on Easter. CLICK HERE to visit our Holy Week webpage for more information and service times.
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Palm Sunday, April 2
8:00 & 10:30 AM
This Sunday is Palm Sunday and we invite you to join us as we recall Jesus' entry into Jerusalem. Weather permitting, we will gather outside 5 minutes before each service and process into the church with palm fronds and song.
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Palm Sunday Brunch
April 2, 9:15 & 11:45 AM
Join us for our Palm Sunday Brunch after the 8:00 & 10:30 AM services. We still need 20 volunteers to help with various tasks. If you can help CLICK HERE. No RSVP is needed to enjoy breakfast and fellowship; monetary donations will be accepted. There will not be Education for All Ages on Palm Sunday. Come enjoy food and fellowship!
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Parenting Small Group +
Bread Making for Kids
This Sunday, April 2
9:15 - 10:10 AM
"Shame dies when stories are told in safe places." This is the centering principle of the time we spend together during our parenting small group. Join us on April 2 and May 7. This group was formerly known as Parent Sunday School! Questions? Email David Galvan, Danny Cowell, or Stacy Cowell for more info! Children are invited to join Owen at 9:15 in the St. Andrew's for bread making.
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40-Days of Giving
Donations Due
April 2 - 9
It's now time to bring all of your non-perishable items to the church for collection. Help support St. Michael’s Outreach Partners by dropping off your donation bag this Sunday in the Gathering Space. All donations are due between April 2-9. Thank you in advance for your generosity. Drop off during the week Monday - Thursday 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM or on Sundays.
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Flower & Music Donations
Deadline Extended
Due April 3, 12:00 PM
Give the gift of music or donate Easter flowers in memory or thanksgiving of a loved one. This Easter, we are excited to provide you with the opportunity to honor loved ones by helping to sponsor the brass for the 8:00 & 10:30 AM Easter Sunday services for $25 - $100. CLICK HERE to make a donation in memory/thanksgiving of a loved one. Paper forms are available in the Gathering Space and in the bulletin this Sunday.
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Lenten Soup Suppers & The Saint John’s Bible
April 5, 5:30 - 7:00 PM
Join us for food, fellowship, and formation this Wednesday evening for our last Lenten dinner and fellowship from 5:30 - 6:15 PM. The Rev. Matt Holcombe will give us one final walk-through of the Saint John’s Bible from 6:15 - 7:00 PM. CLICK HERE to RSVP to cook, serve, clean up, or attend.
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Communion Education
Wednesday, April 5
4:30 - 5:30 PM
Would you or your children like to learn more about the sacrament of Holy Eucharist in the Episcopal tradition? Join The Rev. Matt Holcombe for a Communion Education on Wednesday, April 5, from 4:30-5:30 PM. All are welcome to receive communion at St. Michael's and we would love to help you think more deeply about what it means to receive this sacrament. No RSVP is needed, meet in the sanctuary! Questions? Contact matt@stmikeschurch.com.
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Holy Week Meditations
(will be emailed daily)
Every day during Holy Week (Palm Sunday through Easter) you will receive a scripture passage and meditation written by an anonymous parishioner of St. Michael's for St. Michael's. The scripture passage and meditations correspond with the events as they occurred each day of the first Holy Week nearly 2,000 years ago. You do not need to subscribe to receive these emails as they will be sent directly to you at 5:00 AM. This is another small way your spiritual home is supporting you this Holy Week. Enjoy!
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This Sunday, April 2
Palm Sunday
Nursery Care Available for Children 5 and under 7:45 - 11:45 AM
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Worship with Us
8:00 AM Holy Eucharist
10:30 AM Holy Eucharist
- Watch on YouTube
- Watch on Facebook
- Worship Bulletin
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Education & More!
9:15 AM - Palm Sunday Brunch
9:15 AM - Parenting Small Group
9:15 AM - Bread making for Kids
11:45 AM - Palm Sunday Brunch
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Volunteers Needed
We are in need of additional help this Holy Week and Easter season. Can you be an usher, greeter, lay reader, or help with coffee hour? Click below to sign up today & thank you!
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Youth Art Display
Holy Week Reflection
On Sunday mornings during Lent our children & youth have come together to create a beautiful display for us to enjoy this Holy Week. Each week, our beloved young people used these posters to spur discussion around the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus as well as spur Lenten reflection in their own lives. Each poster has a quote, said by or about Jesus during his Passion. We hope that you spend some time with these posters this Holy Week and experience the Passion of Christ in a new way."
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Baptism Announcement
During the 7:00 PM Easter Vigil Service on April 8, we will offer the sacrament of Baptism for all ages. Please contact The Rev. Matt Holcombe on or before April 2 if you are interested in having your child baptized or if you would like to be baptized. All are welcome! CLICK HERE to complete the baptism request form online.
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CLICK HERE to visit our Holy Week webpage for more information and service times.
Maundy Thursday, April 6
7:00 PM Worship Service
The Maundy Thursday service will begin at 7:00 PM with washing of feet, Holy Eucharist, and stripping of the Altar. Nursery is available and this service will be livestreamed.
Garden Watch, April 6 - April 7
8:00 PM through April 7 at 12:00 PM.
Stay awake with Jesus in the sanctuary for an hour with a partner. Pray, read scriptures, or meditate on The Saint John's Bible that will be available. CLICK HERE to sign up for an hour slot.
Good Friday, April 7
12:00 PM Liturgy & Passion Reading
Our Good Friday Liturgy will include a powerful reading of the Passion narrative, sermon, and prayers. Join us in-person or online.
Good Friday, April 7
1:00 PM Stations of the Cross
Walk with The Rev. Matt around our campus visiting 14 stations as we reflect on Jesus' final moments and journey to the cross. Meet in front of the church at 1:00 PM.
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Easter Vigil & Baptisms
Saturday, April 8
7:00 PM
Come celebrate the risen Christ with us as we start a new fire, welcome the newly baptized into the Body of Christ, and celebrate with a festive Eucharist. Join us in-person or online as we begin our Easter Celebration.
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Easter Sunday, April 9
8:00 & 10:30 AM Worship
9:30 AM Egg Hunt
Christ is Risen! Join us for a festive Eucharist and beautiful music as we celebrate the empty tomb! Worship with us in-person or online at 8:00 or 10:30 AM. The Egg hung will occur between the services for elementary age children and younger. Meet in St. Andrew's Hall at 9:30 AM.
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Easter Sunday
April 9, 10:30 AM Service
On Easter Sunday, at the 10:30 AM Service, we will have an in-person ASL interpreter that will also be viewable on Livestream.
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The Lord's Dinner
Sunday, April 9
5:00 - 7:00 PM
The Lord's Dinner falls on Easter Sunday, April 9 and we are planning on giving away colored eggs. If your family is coloring eggs and you have a few to spare, leave them at St. Michael's (in the kitchen), and we will distribute them at our meal. We also need some volunteers to help prepare and serve the meal. If you can help, please contact Marianne Jenkins at marianneljenkins@gmail.com, Diane Verlinde dverlinde_2006@yahoo.com, or at church on Easter Sunday.
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The Well: Creative Arts Series - The Artist's Way
April 15 - May 27, 10:30 AM
Join us on a weekly journey during the Season of Easter using the book, The Artist's Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity by Cameron (please purchase the book before the first class). Join facilitator Phyllis Delaney from April 15 thru May 27 on Saturday mornings from 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM to share and learn from each other. Suggested donation of $15 for activity supplies. The group will be limited to 15 participants for intimate gatherings. CLICK HERE to sign up. Brought to you by The Well.
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Great American Cleanup
April 15, 9:00 AM
The St. Michael’s Creation Care team invites all parishioners to join them in cleaning up the area around Prospect Lake in Colorado Springs Memorial Park as part of the Great American Cleanup on Saturday, April 15. CLICK HERE to learn more about this event and signup to help.
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Earth Day Celebration Concert
April 22, 2:00 PM
First United Methodist Church
This year, to celebrate Earth Day, the Interdenominational Festival Chorus will perform the Colorado Springs premier of "The Gift of Life" by John Rutter. This concert is a musical collaboration between St. Michael's Episcopal Church, First United Methodist Church, and First Lutheran Church choirs, music departments, and the Chamber Orchestra of the Springs. CLICK HERE to purchase tickets and for more information.
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Can you help?
We are in need of volunteers to help with several projects and ministries around St. Michael's.
Painters Needed - Email Mike Mapes if you can help paint our new Multipurpose Room mrmapes@gmail.com.
Care Team Help Needed - Email Bev Raider dbraidercolo@comcast.net or Rich Page pagex2@comcast.net to help with our growing Pastoral Care needs.
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Caring Freezer
Ready for your Donations
The new Caring Freezer ministry is up and running and ready for your meals.
Instead of cutting your next casserole, soup, or stew recipe in half, please consider immediately putting some aside in a disposable dish to add to the Caring Freezer. With your help, we can keep the Freezer stocked with meals for those in our community who are in need due to illness, surgery, grief, or life challenge. If you would like to prepare a meal, please CLICK HERE to sign up. Contact Ama Couch at amacouch@gmail.com with questions.
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ECW Thrift House Announcement
It is with a heavy heart that we must tell you that the Episcopal Church Women's (ECW) Thrift House is closing. For 65 years, the Thrift House has offered gently used clothing and household goods to the people of Colorado Springs. Over the decades, volunteers from the city's Episcopal curches would run the store with a small paid staff. Profits were then given back to the churches for outreach. Unfortunately, there have been few profits for quite some time. There are so many more thrift stores now, and times have changed. As a result, the Board of Directors has made the difficult decision to close the store. The buildings will be sold, and the proceeds will be used for outreach in a manner that has yet to be determined. St. Michael's has had many, many wonderful volunteers over the years. Volunteering after the pandemic was very hard for so many of our volunteers, and building up our list of fantastic ladies has taken some time! Every volunteer has said how they will miss working at the store. Meeting our customers, getting to know the regular shoppers, finding out how new folks found us, listening to lonely souls who just needed someone to listen, and giving honest opinions on how something looked - it was all a wonderful part of working at the Thrift House. It will be so greatly missed by all. Thank you, St. Michael's, for all your donations and support over the years. During our Donation Drives, we've donated at least 30 carloads of goods in the last few years!
With sadness, Kay C. Mast, Charlotte Mapes, Lorrie Pettis, and Jan Preher, St. Michael's Board of Directors Representatives
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EYE Fundraising
Youth Summer Trip
EYE (Episcopal Youth Event) is an international gathering of Episcopal high schoolers that takes place once every three years. Over 1,000 high schoolers from around the world gather together to learn, grow, share their thoughts on what it means to be a young person in the church, and share their visions for the future of the church. We are excited to be sending Christian Pettigrew, Luke Brooks, & Allie Holcombe. EYE will take place in Maryland this year, which requires a flight. Please CLICK HERE to help support Christian, Luke, and Allie with a donation or through a scholarship. If you have problems with the donation website contact owen@stmikeschurch.com.
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Save the Dates
April will be a full, exciting, and memorable month at St. Michael's with many important announcements and events. Mark your calendars now for the following:
April 16 : Big (HUGE) Announcement!
April 23 : Town hall Meeting with Rev. Matt
April 30 : Children & Youth Sunday
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This week at a glance... (All blue links are clickable)
Friday, March 31
9:00 AM - Celtic Spirituality Group in Chapel
7:30 PM - Virtual Evening Prayer
Saturday, April 1
9:00 AM - 1:00 PM - Festival Chorus Rehearsal (Building wide)
9:00 AM - Palm Sunday Prep Team in Kitchen and Gathering Space
2:00 PM - Caregivers Support Group in St. Francis Chapel
Sunday, April 2
Palm Sunday
7:45 AM - 12:00 PM Nursery is Open for children 5 and under.
8:00 AM - Holy Eucharist
9:15 AM - Palm Sunday Brunch in St. Mary's Hall
9:15 AM - Parenting Small Group in the Chapel
9:15 AM - Break making for kids in St. Andrew's Hall
9:45 AM - Choir Rehearsal in Choir Room
10:30 AM - Holy Eucharist
Monday, April 3
9:00 AM - Laundry Love Offsite
6:00 PM - The Space Between Us in St. Mary's Chapel
Tuesday, April 4
8:00 AM - Virtual Men's Fellowship
9:15 AM - Production/Staff Meetings
9:30 AM - Spiritual Direction in Prayer Room
3:30 PM - Girl Scouts in St. Andrew's
6:30 PM - Sacred Water Creation Care Group in St. Mary's
6:30 PM - Boy Scouts in St Andrew's
8:00 PM - Virtual Compline
Wednesday, April 5
12:00 PM - Healing Service and Eucharist in St Francis Chapel
12:30 PM - Bible Study in Chapel
2:30 PM - Virtual Contemplative Prayer
5:30 PM - The Last Lenten Soup Supper and The Saint John's Bible
5:30 PM - Middle School Youth Group in St. Andrew's
6:30 PM - Easter Sunday Rehearsal in Sanctuary
7:00 PM - High School Youth Group in St. Andrew's
Thursday, April 6
Maundy Thursday
5:30 PM - Cub Scout Den Meeting in St. Andrew's
6:00 PM - Celtic Spirituality Group PotLuck
7:00 PM - Maundy Thursday Service
8:00 PM - Garden Watch begins in Sanctuary
8:00 PM - Virtual Compline
Friday, April 7
Good Friday
9:00 AM - Celtic Spirituality Group in Chapel
12:00 PM - Garden Watch concludes
12:00 PM - Good Friday Service & Passion Reading
1:00 PM - Stations of the Cross (meet in front of Building)
1:00 PM - Friday Book Group in the Prayer Room
7:30 PM - Virtual Evening Prayer
Saturday, April 8
8:00 AM - Men's Fellowship in St. Francis Chapel
8:30 AM - Altar Guild
7:00 PM - Easter Vigil Service
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Birthdays This Week:
April 2 - Aliza Anderson
April 2 - Greg Capell
April 2 - Claire Kulbitski
April 3 - Kay C Mast
April 3 - David Underhill
April 4 - Emma Kean
April 4 - Janet Reichert
April 5 - Andrew Keen
April 5 - Steve Liebowitz
Anniversaries This Week:
April 2 - Jeff & Justine Smullen
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St. Michael's Episcopal Church
7400 Tudor Road
Colorado Springs, CO 80919
Office Telephone: 719-598-3244
Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
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