Welcome to Older Americans Month!
It's May, and that means Older Americans Month is here! We are so proud of all of the work that community leaders in Age-Friendly North Jersey do. Check out our special Padlet where you can share your events and see what others are doing for Older Americans Month. Additionally, this month's newsletter features some special accomplishments and lots of opportunities.
Let's Check Out New Developments:
National Conference Spotlights New Jersey
Leadership on Age-Friendly Communities
Age-Friendly North Jersey Program Manager Althea Pestine-Stevens represented our alliance at the annual conference of the American Society on Aging, making two separate presentations - one on the benefit of having an age-friendly "superstructure" and the other showing the ties between age-friendly and dementia-friendly initiatives.

With thanks to Althea-Pestine-Stevens, Emily Greenfield, and Colleen Diskin for their contributions
Let's Celebrate!
Congratulations to:

Please share with us your accomplishments and awards so that we can feature them in upcoming newsletters!
Let's Recap
Our New Leaders met on April 26 for a brainstorming and networking hour. Local leaders shared where they are at in their age-friendly journeys and provided advice to each other based on their experiences. Participants appreciated the opportunity to learn about concrete steps they can take to get started and continue their age-friendly work from "groups that are just a little ahead of where we are."
Let's Meet
Wednesday, May 10, 9:30-11am
New Leaders Meeting
Leadership Structures in Age-Friendly Community Initiatives
Wednesday, June 8,
Whole Alliance Meeting
Including Historically Marginalized Groups in Age-Friendly Communities
If you haven't received a calender invite, please contact Althea.
Let's Grow
Here are some upcoming opportunities:
The Bergen County Division on Senior Services is hosting a Public Hearing on the Needs of Older Adults on Thursday, May 12, in Hackensack. Call the Division to get on the schedule to provide verbal testimony (201-336-7446) or email Lorraine Joewono to submit written comments.
The Gladys Brooks Foundation is accepting grant proposals from libraries, educational institutions, hospitals, and clinics. Proposals are due by May 31. Click here for more information.
Applications are open for Transportation Alternatives grants. See NJDOT's information page for more details. Pre-application meetings are now mandatory.
Submit your innovations in senior living and aging services for a Mather Institute Promising Practices Award. Submissions are due May 20.
Share your Older Americans Month activities on our special Padlet. Check out events that others have shared, too - maybe you or others in your networks would like to attend!
Let's Learn Together
Upcoming webinars, workshops, and other learning opportunities:

  • Join New Jersey Advocates for Aging Well and PHI at their inaugural 2022 convening on Essential Jobs, Essential Care. This event is on May 23-24, and both virtual and in-person options are available.

  • Service providers and advocates: Register for Bergen County's Get Connected event on June 9.

Check out our Padlet to view more articles, discussion posts, upcoming events, job opportunities, and other curated resources.
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An alliance of leaders strengthening
communities for all ages
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