FRWA eNews
January 8, 2021
Florida Rural Water Association
2970 Wellington Circle
Tallahassee FL 32309
Flushing Signs
Upcoming Training
System Maintenance And Safety/Edgewater
System Operations II/Pace
Workforce Development / Apprenticeship Program South / Southwest Florida
1/2/3 Water Distribution Certification/St Augustine
Advanced Electrical Troubleshooting and Safety Awareness/ Newberry
 Advanced Electrical Troubleshooting and Safety Awareness/ Webster
1/2/3 Water Distribution Certification/Santa Rosa Beach
B/C/D DW Certification Review/Lake City
Online Training
Now is the time!  Don't miss this opportunity!
Next Workforce Development Apprenticeship Program Starting in Southwest Florida Next Week
Florida Rural Water Association is kicking off its next Workforce Development Apprenticeship Program next week, January 12th in Bradenton! Current participating utilities cover the area from Webster to Marco Island and over to St. Cloud. In an effort to cover the whole State, FRWA is able to start the two year programs in each area on a limited basis. There are spaces available. If you are interested in learning more about the program, please contact Joni at 850-668-2746 ext 119 for more information. 

The Workforce Development program offers training to new operators in water and wastewater treatment to strengthen and round out the knowledge base of the apprentice. The instructors make sure that apprentices receive the training necessary for obtaining the Water or Wastewater Class C license. However, apprentices are encouraged to not stop there! Toward the end of the two year program, additional material is covered that allows apprentices to test for higher level licenses if they have the required work experience. 

Apprentices receive training outside the classroom as well through tours of other treatment facilities. FRWA's instructors also use a variety of equipment and cut away models of pumps, motors and other training devices to teach hands on maintenance and troubleshooting. Safety is a major concern in our industry and this program stresses the proper way to utilize Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and additional safety concerns that operators can encounter. Utility management training, emergency response training help each apprentice become a more valuable resource to their employer.

Florida Rural Water Association (FRWA) has partnered with the US Department of Labor (DOL) and Florida's Department of Education (DOE) in creating a workforce development program for water and wastewater operators. This program is not meant to replace any Apprenticeship or Trainee Programs utilities have in place. It is intended to enhance the training, develop relationships within the water and wastewater industry, and increase interest in a career that is vital to the health and safety of Florida.

National News
Scientists Create Polymers To Detect Banned Substances In Wastewater On Thursday night Columbia County Commissioners heard an update on plans that are moving forward to build a wastewater treatment plant at the North Florida Mega Industrial Park.  more

New Tool Projects High-Tide Flooding In U.S. Coastal Locations  A new tool to help decision makers and others assess how sea-level rise and other factors will affect the frequency of high-tide flooding in U.S. coastal locations in the next 50-100 years has been developed by University of Hawai'i Sea Level Center Director Phil Thompson with funding from NASA's Earth Science Division.  more

Water Treatment For Dummies Issues 2nd Edition is now available both online and in a printed version through the Water Quality Association. WQA members can use the updated booklet for in-home sales calls, consumer shows, new employee orientations and service call leave-behind items.  more

7 Tips For Municipal Sewer Cleaning Industry experts provide guidance to optimize cleaning efficiency, while preventing or quickly resolving problems such as tough blockages and "blown toilets"  more

CDC Reports 7.5 Million Waterborne Illnesses, 6,000 Deaths In U.S. Yearly  The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently released a report that looked at data from the years 2000 to 2015 and estimated the healthcare costs stemming from infectious waterborne disease in the U.S. more
State News
Plans are moving forward to build a wastewater treatment plant in Columbia County | WCJB On Thursday night Columbia County Commissioners heard an update on plans that are moving forward to build a wastewater treatment plant at the North Florida Mega Industrial Park.  more

Florida/USVI USDA Seeks Applications for Loan and Grant Opportunities  Applications are being accepted for loan guarantees and grants for renewable energy systems, to make energy efficiency improvements, conduct energy audits, and provide development assistance.  more

Uncertain Future For Apalachicola, Ocklawaha, Shark River Slough | WUSF  Restoration of Florida's Apalachicola River, Ocklawaha River and Shark River Slough for years has been debated, fought over and delayed by courts, politics, cities and agriculture.  more
This Week in Water History

Chicago Earthen Dam

January 2, 1900:   On January 2, 1900, the City of Chicago opened up an earthen dam that isolated the Chicago Drainage Canal and forced the Chicago River to reverse its course and discharge into the Mississippi River 43 miles above the intake for the water supply of St. Louis, Missouri.(Hill 2000) The total travel distance for the sewage from its generation to St. Louis intake was about 357 miles.  Missouri sued Illinois to plug the connection to the Mississippi River, also called the Sanitary and Ship Canal, which they claimed was contaminating the St. Louis water supply and increasing the incidence of typhoid fever in that community.
The U.S. Supreme Court asserted primary jurisdiction in the case.  Testimony of witnesses was held before Frank S. Bright who was Commissioner of the US Supreme Court.  In the first sentence of a report on the trial, the author of the report, which summarized the testimony in the case gave his opinion on the importance and the content of the trial.  more
For more articles on what went on this week in water history, click here.
Florida Rural Water Association | |
2970 Wellington Circle
Tallahassee FL 32309