Throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, the Disability Advocacy Project (DAP) at Nassau Suffolk Law Services has been hard at work representing clients with Social Security issues. Unlike many courts and agencies, the Social Security Administration continued to process claims and hold hearings without interruption during the pandemic. As processes and rules changed, our attorneys quickly adapted to the challenges of Social Security representation during a novel and uncertain time. 

In March 2020, in response to the State of Emergency, the Social Security Administration implemented telephone hearings. While participation in telephone hearings is optional, in-person hearings will not be scheduled until the current health crisis has abated. Our attorneys promptly alerted our clients to their rights and responsibilities under the temporary rules, and helped claimants make informed decisions on how to proceed with their cases.  

By participating in trainings and meetings with DAP providers across the state, our attorneys quickly learned and implemented new procedures for communicating with the Social Security Administration, preparing cases, and representing our clients in telephone hearings. As a result, the DAP unit was able to continuously represent clients at Social Security hearings throughout 2020.  

Additionally, our DAP attorneys helped claimants navigate new legal issues precipitated by the pandemic. Our attorneys have advocated for claimants at local Social Security offices, helped clients claim their stimulus checks, and represented claimants in Supplemental Security Income discontinuations due to widespread identity theft and unemployment fraud.  

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, our DAP attorneys have been able to quickly conform to the changing Social Security landscape. As a result, our clients have been able to access benefits that they are entitled to.   
Understanding Medicaid
Managed Long-Term Care
ICAN, or Independent Consumer Advocacy Network, supports people in Medicaid long-term and managed care plans who need services in the community, like home attendants or adult day care. This presentation for advocates and home health aids describes Nassau Suffolk Law Services' ICAN Unit. Learn about the assistance, advocacy, and representation we provide for Long Island residents receiving long-term care in the community. The presentation also discusses the benefits and services Medicaid long-term care programs provide and much more!

New York State Landlord/Tenant Law and Evictions During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Advocates are on the front lines of assisting people facing housing insecurity in the wake of the pandemic. Even advocates familiar with eviction procedures and tenant protections prior to the pandemic may have questions about how landlord-tenant proceedings are being handled. This webinar will review post-COVID tenant protections, including the Tenant Safe Harbor Act, Executive Orders and the CDC Moratorium and address how the Courts have been implementing these protections. This presentation is designed for more experienced advocates and is not meant for the general public.
Did you know the CARES Act made charitable contributions tax deductible for more people?

The CARES Act allows taxpayers who don't itemize deductions to take a deduction for up to $300 of charitable contributions made in 2020. According to the IRS "[t]he CARES Act also temporarily suspends limits on charitable contributions." More information about these changes is available on or from your tax professional.