November 2021 Monthly Byte
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Simply shop by clicking here  and AmazonSmile donates to Illinois State Dental Society Foundation! 
How have your donations to the ISDS Foundation changed lives and improve oral care in Illinois?

The ISDS Foundation:
  • Awarded $15,000 to help our three dental schools with worthwhile projects from our Dental Education Endowment Fund. Click here to read about them.
  • Awarded $100,000 to thirteen organizations who are providing access to care and increasing oral health awareness. Read more about the winners here.
  • Awarded six scholarships totaling $6,000 to dental students in the state. To find out who won and to read their amazing essays, click here.
  • Presented awards to student table clinic research winners. Read more about the 2021 winners here.
  • Continues our Dentists Support Program. The ISDS Dentists Support Program provides confidential assistance to dentists who seek to recover from alcoholism and other chemical addictions. 

We will continue to provide all of these great programs in addition to host our next Illinois Mission of Mercy on July 22-23. To be able to continue our mission, we need your support.

ISDS Members: Please consider donating to the ISDS Foundation when paying your dues. This voluntary payment will be found on “Step 2” if paying your dues online or shown on your paper statement.

If you would like to make a quick online donation or donate in memory of an individual, you may also click here.

Thank you to all who serve!
Board of Directors:
Dr. Sue Bishop
Dr. Keith W. Dickey
Dr. Gary Fischer
Dr. William B. Hamel III
Dr. Mark Heiss
Dr. Barry Howell
Dr. Michelle Jennings
Dr. Donald G. Kipper
Mr. Ross Kraemer
Dr. David P. Kumamoto
Dr. Christopher Larsen
Dr. Kevin Nelson
Mr. Jerry Ragle
Dr. Peggy A. Richardson
Dr. Brian Soltys
Dr. Perry Tuneberg
Dr. Joseph Unger
Ms. Tami Wanless
ISDS Foundation Officers:

Ex-Officio Members

Dr. ​Stacey Van Scoyoc
President, ISDS

ISDS Executive Director

ISDS Foundation Executive Director

Mission of Mercy Coordinator
Ms. Sarah Jensen
Dentists Support Program Needed Now More than Ever

The emotional effects of the COVID-19 crisis are far-reaching, with increased depression, suicides, and alcohol and substance abuse. If you know of a dentist who is struggling with emotional distress, addiction or substance abuse, please help them to reach out to the ISDS Foundation’s Dentists Support Program. Call 312/318-8810 or 708/287-4132. All calls remain confidential.