One Year Ago ...
It’s hard to believe that it was one year ago that we last gathered in person for worship and to celebrate the progress of the Sanctuary Preservation and Readiness Project at the beautiful home of Geoff and Alison Rusack. Little did we know what was in store for us all: the sickness and sadness, the loneliness, the thankfulness for our many blessings, the new ways of connecting electronically, the losses experienced for our workers and business owners, and so much more.
As the shut-down took hold and our campus was closed, the project oversight team transitioned from twice-per-week, in-person meetings to one meeting by phone every week. We gathered electronically with our teammates from Armstrong Associates and our architect, Bob Easton, AIA. We certainly missed the fellowship of in-person meetings, but we adapted, just like each of you, to our new reality. We kept our foot on the gas and our eye on the budget, addressing each day the remarkable complexity of rebuilding a 120-year-old structure. The regular e-newsletters kept you apprised of our years-in-the-making effort. Stay tuned for more details about the Project that will be discussed at the upcoming Annual Meeting on April 18.
It was impossible to know, of course, that the pandemic would be the perfect time to have our Sanctuary closed for its renovation. We now hone in on the completion of formal construction and the many tasks required to ready the Sanctuary for not just its unveiling as a seismically strong structure, but as our “re”gathering place to remember all that we’ve endured over the past year and begin building up once again our faith and love of our church family.
The Project Construction Committee
Pete Adams
Sheri Benninghoven
Alyson Eyer-Delevett
Tom Mack
Chip Nichols
George Writer