Celebrating Local Chambers of Commerce
Each third Wednesday of October, local communities across the U.S. celebrate "Support Your Local Chamber of Commerce Day." The aim is to spread awareness about local businesses and the work Chambers do to support the growth of entrepreneurs and local businesses.
While there were 40 local chambers of commerce in the United States by 1870, today, that number has surpassed 5,000. The Silverdale Chamber of Commerce has been working hard for local businesses in Kitsap County for more than 45 years, and we'd love to hear from our members and community. How has the Chamber made a difference for your business? Share your stories here and you may find them in an upcoming Monday Morning Memo and on our social media channels!
Don't forget: If you're traveling to and from Seattle via the Washington State Ferries, be sure to check the schedules as both Bremerton and Bainbridge Island are down to 1-boat service through the end of the year. Check the schedule here.
Registration Still Open - Reserve Your Seat Now!
Wednesday, October 27, 2021, 11:30 am
Have you answered our weekly
survey question yet?
Other than your website/social media, how
else do you advertise your business?
Sandwich Board/Physical Signage
I ONLY use Website/Social Media
Please respond to as many of these options as your business utilizes for advertising.
The 6 Chambers of Commerce in Kitsap County are asking the same question of our members to provide both local and countywide insight into what our business community is experiencing. If you are a member of multiple Chambers, please complete only one Chamber's survey for your business each week.
October Member of the Month
Business Members of the Month are elected by the Silverdale Chamber Board of Directors, and are chosen for their commitment to and involvement with the Chamber, are active members of the business community and are engaged in issues impacting Kitsap County.
Nominations Open for Leadership Kitsap's
20 Under 40 Class of 2022
Do you know a rising star? Help us identify business leaders under the age of 40 who are making an impact in business, philanthropy, and in their communities. Nominees should be top leaders in their organization and industry and demonstrate their commitment to the Kitsap community.
Nominees must be 39 years of age or younger through January 30, 2022 and work on the Kitsap Penisula.
November 19, 2021
Save the Date to Celebrate:
January 27, 2022
Admiral Theatre Presents:
Music Theatre International - All Together Now!
KBA Bids Farewell to Russ Shiplet
Do you have news you'd like to share about your business or organization?
We'd love to share! Please send information to Irene at the Chamber!
1800 NW Myhre Road
Silverdale, WA 98383
(564) 240-1000
Did you miss Kitsap Business Forum this month?
Watch the Facebook Live event of October's Kitsap Business Forum, featuring Jonathan Stone. Hear Stone's thoughts on the value of civil discourse in this monthly business event for Kitsap County.
Kitsap Business Forum is held every 2nd Tuesday of the month, courtesy of the Silverdale Chamber of Commerce's Education Committee.
Save-the-Date: Overcome Your Limiting Beliefs
Tuesday, October 19, 2021, 3:00 pm
Member Education & Training Resources
Bremerton Goodwill Offers
Job Training & Education Sessions
Next Session: October 25 - December 16
Registration: Open thru October 22
The Goodwill Training & Education Center located in Bremerton offers FREE classes in a wide range of subjects, including English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL), Computers, High School Completion (GED, HS21+), and Work Readiness.
Please note you must register for classes before the session begins.
Goodwill wants to help you find the perfect class, so please call to make an appointment to learn more about opportunities for the next session. For more information, email venus.km-wr@seattlegoodwill.org or call (360) 373-3692.
4209 Wheaton Way
Bremerton, WA 98310
(360) 373-3692
Hours: Monday & Wednesday 10 am - 4 pm
Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday by appointment
REPLAY: Kitsap Digital Hour
Saving the Holiday Season
Financial Basics for New Small Businesses
Tuesday, October 19, 2021, 1:00 pm
This workshop is designed to give you, the business owner, the financial skills and know-how needed to perform key tasks like to:
- Determine how to accurately compute the amount of funding you’ll need to start your business.
- Learn how to project your future financial results realistically including:
- Projecting sales for a new business
- Understanding your cost of goods sold and gross margin
- Being able to project your operating expenses
- Calculating your net income.
- Planning your cash flow successfully.
This workshop includes a special section on creating financial statements for service businesses.
Proper management of finances is crucial to any business’s success and a special set of skills is needed to understand and create these critical financial statements. This workshop is suitable for everyone whether you are starting a new business or need to update your skills.
This is an interactive workshop. We encourage participation by all attendees -- so bring along your questions!
This workshop was formerly titled “Managing Finances for a New One-Person Business.”
Workshop Fee: $50
Government Affairs Committee
Kitsap Reviewing County
Commissioner District Boundaries
Kitsap County is required by Washington State RCW 29A.76.010 to update its county commissioner district voting districts to reflect results of the most recent decennial census. Currently, Kitsap County is reviewing the new 2020 Census data and preparing three alternatives to meet state criteria. These alternatives will be released to the public for comment in late October.
A public open house is scheduled for 6 p.m. November 3 for the public to ask questions and make general comments. Following the open house, a public hearing before the Board of County Commissioners is scheduled for 5:30 p.m. November 22, 2021. Zoom links will be provided to both events closer to the meeting dates.
The voting district update is intended to ensure commissioner districts meet specific criteria:
- Each district shall be nearly equal in population as possible.
- Each district shall be as compact as possible (avoiding unusual, irregular boundaries).
- Each district shall consist of a geographically contiguous area (no islands).
- Each district shall not be configured in a way as to disfavor any racial group or political party.
- Each district shall consider natural boundaries and preserve existing communities as much as possible.
Washington state received 2020 census data in August and forwarded it to Kitsap County. To ensure the County Auditor can successfully carry out 2022 elections, the Board of Commissioners must approve a redistricting plan by December 31, 2021.
For more information on the county commissioner redistricting process, click here to visit the project website or contact Eric Baker, Policy Manager in the Kitsap County Commissioners Office, at ebaker@co.kitsap.wa.us.
Note: This process is completely independent of efforts to redistrict legislative and congressional boundaries in Kitsap County. For information regarding those efforts, please visit the Draw Your WA website at www.redistricting.wa.gov.
Kitsap County Election 2021 Updates
Voter ballots have been mailed to Kitsap voters this last week, so be sure to return your ballots on or before November 2nd. Voters returning their ballots by mail should do so by October 26th, a week ahead of the election. Ballot boxes are located throughout the county and locations can be found here.
One ballot facing all Kitsap voters is Proposition 1, which recommends that the County move to a medical examiner system. Currently, the county coroner is an elected position, while a county medical examiner would be an appointed position. The county medical examiner system is widely considered to be the modern, streamlined approach to death investigations because it is operated by an appointed physician who is (or will become) certified as a forensic pathologist by the American Board of Pathology. The current county coroner is typically a lay person who must contract with one or more certified forensic pathologists to perform autopsies and provide medical expertise in death investigations.
Voter pamphlets can be picked up from the Silverdale Chamber of Commerce and Visitor Center during normal business hours.
REPLAY: Kitsap Legislative Pulse
Proposition 2 w/Fire Chief John Oliver
Learn more about this election's Proposition 2 aimed at funding for Kitsap 911's Emergency Communication System. Regardless of where you live or work in Kitsap County, this proposition effects you and will be on your November 2nd ballot.
Military Affairs Committee
Join the Military Affairs Committee as they continue work on their programs for the year, including Military Appreciation Day on March 5, 2022.
Meetings are held in person at Fairway Kitsap and online via Zoom. The next meeting is Thursday, October 21, 2021 at 2:00 pm.
Manufacturing Week Wrap-Up
Manufacturing workers and employers celebrated Washington manufacturing in early October as the Association of Washington Business bus tour made stops at numerous employers in the Puget Sound region.
The six-day tour of Washington highlights billions in economic output and good jobs with an average compensation of more than $81,000 per year.
“AWB’s Manufacturing Week bus tour is a celebration of Washington’s manufacturing sector and everything built in Washington,” AWB President Kris Johnson said. “We’re excited this year not only to visit with manufacturers and highlight the good jobs they provide, but also talk about what it will take to meet the state’s goal of doubling Washington’s manufacturing jobs base in the next 10 years.
Shop.Eat.Spend.Kitsap is promoting business events this week! Be sure to share your events for the coming holiday season on the Shop.Eat.Spend. Kitsap Facebook and Instagram pages. Want to make it even easier for you to improve your exposure? Fill out the form request to include your event and we'll do the sharing for you!
Haselwood YMCA Looking for Business Participation in Halloween Event
The Haselwood YMCA is hosting its annual Halloween Party and Trunk or Treat on Saturday, October 30, 2021 from 5:00 to 8:00 pm. If your business would like to participate as a treat station, please contact Edna Cabalfin in Silverdale at (360) 307-4041. Costumes are encouraged!
A sleeve is rolled down over a Band-aid featuring Daffy Duck after a COVID-19 shot at the Peninsula Community Health Services COVID-19 vaccination clinic in January. Meegan M. Reid, Kitsap Sun.
County Commissioners Approve $500 COVID-19 Vaccine Incentive for County Employees
The $500 incentive will be offered to the over 1,200 employees who work for the county. The money will come from a medical benefits fund.
“Hopefully this will lighten the outbreaks that have impacted our ability to provide public services in our community,” said Central Kitsap Commissioner Ed Wolfe at Monday's Board of Commissioners meeting.
Call for Proposals, Nominations for 31st Annual Kitsap County Conference for Human Rights
The Kitsap County Council for Human Rights is pleased to announce a call for presentation proposals for breakout sessions during the 31st Annual Kitsap County Conference for Human Rights on December 11, 2021, which takes place virtually from 9:00 am to 2:30 pm. To learn more and apply to present at the 2021 conference, visit the Council for Human Rights website here.
The Council for Human Rights is also accepting nominations for the 2021 Linda Gabriel Awards, which will be presented during the conference. To submit the online nomination form and view a complete list of past award recipients, visit the Council for Human Rights website here.
Kitsap County Sheriff Hiring
Testing Event: November 13, 2021, 9:00 am
The Kitsap Road Report is updated each week. This latest update was released on October 15, 2021.
Bayshore Drive NW is closed for stormwater system installation, local access maintained. Intermittent single lane closures on Washington Ave NW northbound at NW Carlton Street. Washington Avenue NW will be closed from NW Byron Street to NW Lowell Street later in the week.
Crews are doing various maintenance activities at the locations listed below. Expect moderate delays between 5 and 10 minutes:
Dickey Rd NW entire length (MO-WE)
Illahee Rd NE entire length (TH-FR)
NE 3rd St N between East Blvd NE and Illahee Rd NE (MO-FR)
Expect moderate delays at the locations listed below for private development projects:
NE McWilliams Road between State Hwy 303 and Old Military Road NE through October.
Central Valley Road is closed between NE McWilliams Road and NE Vena Street through October. Daytime closure from 7am - 7pm with detours in place.
Single lane closures on NW Stavis Bay Rd from Scenic Beach Rd NW to Stone Farm Ln NW. Traffic control will be in place. The project is anticipated to end by October 31, 2021.
COVID-19 Updates & Resources
Kitsap Public Health Officer Pens
Open Letter to Residents on Vaccination
Dr. Gib Morrow, public health officer for the Kitsap Public Heath District, penned an open letter to the residents of Kitsap County this last week, imploring residents to get vaccinated. The latest data shows that while overall COVID infections are decreasing across the county, the number of cases in children is still high.
Governor Inslee Announces New Vaccination and Testing Requirements for Large Events
Gov. Jay Inslee announced Thursday that anyone 12 and older attending large events in Washington must show proof of vaccination or a negative Covid-19 test within the previous 72 hours.
The new requirement includes indoor events of 1,000 people or more, as well as outdoor gatherings of 10,000 or more. It goes into effect Nov. 15.
"We know that these vaccines work, and that's why we're taking these measures," Inslee said.
The governor also confirmed he's working on a plan to bring a vaccine mandate to private companies, similar to his requirement for state employees, teachers and first responders.
CDC Recommends Flu Shots to Prevent a 'Potentially Severe Flu Season'
The U.S. is “at risk of a potentially severe flu season” this year, according to the CDC. The best defense—just as it is with COVID-19—is vaccination, which public health experts urge for almost all people 6 months and older, starting now. But new polling shows that while most people acknowledge that flu shots provide the best protection, only 42% of adults ages 18-64 intend to get one. Giving in to “vaccine fatigue” is risky for employers, however.
Health-related absenteeism nearly doubles at the peak of a severe flu season, compared to the lowest time of year. Faced with the current labor market challenges and ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, employers should take straightforward steps to educate and encourage their employees to get vaccinated for the flu—even as you do the same for COVID-19.
Employers can expect questions about the flu shot, unique to these times:
- Does the COVID-19 vaccine protect me against the flu? (No.)
- Can you get the flu and COVID-19 vaccines at the same time? (Yes.)
- Will a flu shot raise my risk of getting COVID-19? (No.)
Answering these questions, making it easier for employees to get flu shots, and pointing them to additional resources, like GetMyFluShot.org and VaccinateYourFamily.org, can help your workers and customers stay healthy during flu season.
King County Vaccination Mandates
Begin on October 25, 2021
Reminder: if you travel to King County for work or pleasure, beginning October 25, 2021, the county will require that customers and attendees at most indoor restaurants and bars, as well as gyms, arts and entertainment venues, and sporting events show proof that they are fully vaccinated for COVID-19 before entering. If unvaccinated, patrons may provide proof of a negative COVID-19 test done in the last 72 hours by an FDA-approved test.
COVID-19 Vaccine Resources
Finding COVID-19 Vaccine Providers
Across Washington State
No matter where you are in Washington, the Vaccine Locator provided by Washington State Department of Health makes it easy to find and schedule an appointment for a COVID-19 vaccine.
Homebound and need a COVID-19 vaccine?
Fill out a secure online form to let us know if you or someone you know is homebound. Your answers will allow us to connect individuals to available County and/or State Mobile Vaccine Teams.
Need help? Call the hotline at 1-833-VAX-HELP (833-829-4357), then press #. Language assistance is available. You can also text your zip code to 438-829 (GET VAX) or 822-862 (VACUNA) for vaccine locations near you.
Need transportation? If you need transportation assistance to a COVID-19 vaccine site, please call Kitsap Transit's ACCESS service at (360) 479-7272 or (800) 422-2877. To make an appointment for a vaccination, please contact your health-care provider or the clinic. Find available appointments at vaccinelocator.doh.wa.gov.
Due to waiting times at clinics, you will need to call ACCESS after you have received your vaccine to request a ride home. Kitsap Transit is waiving fares for these rides. Click here for office hours and locations.
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Activities for Families Around Kitsap
Kitsap Kids’ Directory is a magazine featuring goods, services and events for children and families. They include resources for volunteer opportunities, youth groups, recreation and education.
Bremerton Chamber's Eggs & Issues
October 19, 2021, 10:00 am
The public is invited to attend Eggs & Issues on October 19th, from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm at the Kitsap Conference Center in Bremerton.
Featured at this latest edition of Eggs & Issues are the candidates for Bremerton's City Council. Meet the candidates and hear their thoughts on leading Bremerton.
Advanced registration is required. The registration fee is $10.00.
Kitsap History Museum Holds Online Auction
October 18-23, 2021
From October 18-23 you can raise a (virtual) paddle for the Kitsap History Museum. Bid on a collection of fine art, custom made goods, beautiful antiques, unique experiences, and more! You’ll find treasures at every price point. The online auction will be accepting competing bids throughout the week of Oct. 18-23, 2021.
CRISTA Ministries announced in August plans to consolidate operations, closing Island Lake property. Photo courtesy of CRISTA Ministries.
Island Lake Camp Officially
Closes Doors on October 31, 2021
After 34 years as members of the Silverdale Chamber of Commerce, the Island Lake Camp will officially close its doors this month.
Plans to sell the property and consolidate operations was announced by owners, CRISTA Ministries, earlier this year. The Island Lake Camp had been a popular summer activity for area residents since the 1970s.
CRISTA Ministries plans to continue operations at their Miracle Ranch location in Port Orchard, with plans to upgrade facilities and expand the property.
Coffee Oasis' Hitchhiker's Guide to
Kitsap 2022 Available Now
Fall Festivities in Kitsap
Harvest Festival activities are open Saturday and Sunday only through October 30th. The front pumpkin patch is open for those who want to purchase pumpkins 7 days a week.
Monday - Friday 12:00 - 5:00 pm
Saturday & Sunday 10:00 am - 6:00 pm
Have something to share? CLICK HERE to submit stories and
events for the Monday Morning Memo!
David Emmons
Irene Moyer
Director of Member Relations
Joe Barboza
Tourism Coordinator &
Operations Manager
Marisa Acuna
Finance Manager