All in studio classes are temporarily cancelled starting Friday Nov 13th

With the recent announcement by the Government of Alberta, regarding the Coronavirus (Covid-19) developments, we will be temporarily closed for the next two weeks for all
in-studio classes as mandated by the government. We are doing this because we believe in the health and wellness of our OM family.

Since re-opening our doors we have done our part to keep you safe, with continous cleaning, social distancing measures, and the lack of cases from our space proves we were on the right track. But ultimately your health and safety is of the utmost importance. So as sad as we are to not see you in person we will continue to provide classes online to serve you.

We will keep you in the loop as more information is presented to us.
Virtual Classes
Our amazing classes will all now be online to serve you.

Sign up for our online classes through our website or through the Mindbody app. 15 minutes before class you will be sent a link to join the class virtually through the Zoom platform. Use your browser, or get the free Zoom app in your app store.
Visit our online Store for all your yoga needs

For your home practice you may want to grab some props or a new mat to compliment doing yoga from home. Buy online and we can arrange curbside pick-up
Contact us with any questions
or queries you may have.

If you are worried about your pass or have questions about what online classes will look like please reach out. We have been running all of our classes virtually since March and have it down to an art. We truly believe that you will find that the online classes are as good as the in person experience.