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Mid-Month Reminders
March 23, 2023
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Informed Parents Make Great Partners | |
SOARing Into Spring at Aspen Ridge |
We hope you're all enjoying a change of pace, and maybe of a change of scenery during this Spring Break week. We'll see you in just a few days to kick off our final quarter of the year!
Let's all congratulate the 8th grade students pictured above (plus one additional student, not pictured) who competed in the National History Day Regional Competition this month and are now moving on to the State Competition in April! Way to go, Owls!
We have a few reminders and updates that couldn't quite wait for our April Newsletter. Thank you for reading through and staying up to date on all that's happening at ARPS!
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Upcoming Dates: Mark Your Calendars | |
* We're just a few weeks away from our students demonstrating what they know on the Colorado Measures of Academic Success (CMAS) tests. The assessments in language arts, math, and science will take place April 10th - 28th. Please do your best to ensure that your student can SOAR during their assessments by encouraging them to get plenty of rest, eat a healthy breakfast, and arrive at school on time. Thank you! | |
Spring Gala Tickets and Tables are On Sale Now! | |
Sign Up for PTO Middle School Night! | |
RSVP for Breakfast with Dad
(& Donate If You Can through Venmo to @ARPSBWD!)
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We Love Our ARPS Sponsors!
We have the best sponsors around, and we hope you'll show them some love when you're in need of a local service. Thank you, ARPS Sponsors!
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Phone: (720) 242-6225
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