Greetings Friends from around the World, fellow Souls on the Path,
I’m writing from near the Salish Sea, in the Pacific Northwest Region of North America, where Spring sprouts with green, blooms in color, croaks in the twilight, bursts with birdsong, pours in grace, and shines with warmth. Change is constant. But Change feels easiest to recognize and welcome during the rapid growth and the return of light of the season of Spring.
A couple months ago, mid-winter, I found myself, fasting on a 4-day solo retreat in a wide and silent and star-filled desert. It was a return; a turning again towards wild nature and towards True Nature. Why is it that humans return time and again, through every generation, through every hardship, through every season of life, through all kinds of joy and calamity to the All-Encompassing Embrace of Nature for retreat, repose and reflection?
Consider countless Indigenous People around the world on Rites like Vision Quest or Walkabout.
Consider Buddha, under the Bodhi tree. Jesus, in the desert. Mohommed, in the cave.
Consider other less-often-named luminaries and saints and sages, the spirit leaders of Humanity.
To reach what they taught and bring what they brought, each of us must seek what they sought.
Unlike another meaning of the word retreat, practicing Nature retreat is not about escape. Retreat does seem to involve walking away, but the essence of retreat is really turning towards. Turning toward Presence, which is a moment to moment choice not dependent on a particular length of time or practice. Still, for many of us it is important to create regular routines of return and practices of Nature retreat. To sandbag out the flood of normal doing and thinking for extended periods of Being seems to create pathways out beyond the well-traveled nonsense of the modern experience. Offering ourselves to the guidance of those who know the road of return through regular travel can be helpful, whether that’s a trusted teacher or a promising program. (Consider attending a Khilvat, a Sufi Sesshin, or Sufi Camp Retreat.)
As always, Nature, the Infinite Presence of the One Being is available as soon as your next breath, it’s as ever present as the whispering wind, larger than the great silent desert, more beautiful and bewildering than the vast ocean. My encouragement this Spring is to plant seeds of retreat in the garden of your daily life. Make time to retreat to Nature in both small and large ways during the days and weeks of this next growing season.
Sit outside once a day. Take a day-long walk. Plan a weeklong wilderness retreat.
Return Again!
Blessings of the Season,