Everybody In! Nobody Out!
News, Events, and Actions

Join this opportunity to bring your comments on how a single payer universal health care system can address health equity. The State-Based Universal Health Care Act calls for broad rather than narrow waivers.
HOPE Amendment (SJR 12) Certified Ballot Title Issued
The Secretary of State's Office has issued the Certified Ballot Title for 2022-IRR 401 (SJR 12). HCAO's and SEIU's comments on the proposed ballot explanation were accepted. The Certified Ballot Title and comments can be found here.

"Amends Constitution: State must ensure affordable healthcare access, balanced against requirement to fund schools, and other essential services."

We are pleased to announce that campaign efforts will be led by SEIU 503 with Our Oregon. HCAO Board Member Annie Naranjo-Rivera will serve as HCAO point person on this effort. More information will be forthcoming on the campaign ahead. "HOPE" you will be prepared to do get involved.
Joint Task Force on Universal Health Care Resumes its Work
The JTFUHC resumed its meetings on August 26, 2021. Senator Dick Anderson from Senate District 5 in Lincoln City has just joined the Task Force. Encourage everyone to listen to his background and interest in joining, If you live in the District, please contact him to share your thoughts.

There was a robust discussion of community engagement led by Rebecca Schoon, Asst. Professor of Public Health at Pacific University. The Task Force now seems poised in earnest to begin the essential and equitable public engagement process as called for in the original bill. You can listen here.

The next meeting of the JTFUHC is tomorrow 9/9 at 1:00 pm. Tell the Task Force what kind of a health system you want through your personal testimony. Go to this link to find out how to submit oral or written testimony. Here is the link to the schedule for future meetings.

There is a current pathway to getting needed waivers through the Budget Reconciliation process in Congress. As Chair of the Senate Finance Committee, Senator Wyden is absolutely key in this effort. The JTFUHC has submitted a request to Senator Wyden as Chair of the Senator Finance Committee to support the waivers which would provide significant help in getting funding for a state-based system.

Now you can help. Please contact Senator Wyden and ask that he advance the needed waivers in Budget Reconciliation so state's can create their own plan.

For assistance, contact:
Zainab Alidina, HCAO Legislative Chair ( or
Tom Sincic, HCAO President (
How about writing a letter to the editor to express your thoughts? Here is how.
Guess What! Single Payer is a Conservative Issue

Check out how Dr. Sam Metz clearly makes the case in this Portland Business Journal editorial which reminds us that access to healthcare is a nopartisan issue.

Setting the Record Straight

JTFUHC member and former HCAO Board Member Glendora Claybrooks takes apart a recent misleading Bend Bulletin editorial on the Task Force with her write up in the Oregon Way. Read more.
HCAO Portland Chapter Builds Support at "Fremont Fest"
Volunteers Make It Happen
Thanks to volunteers Sierra Alberti, Collin Stackhouse, Dawn Regier, and Sally Sincic, HCAO was able to safely connect with numerous community members including many businesses on Saturday, Aug. 21. All volunteers were required to be vaccinated and wear masks. They met up with current HCAO supporters like Grant from AFGE and engaged others eager to learn about the universal health care movement.
Family very interested in joining the fight.
All smiles while proudly showing an HCAO sticker.
The HCAO message attracts another masked supporter for the cause.
Many kids answered health related questions to land a prize
It only takes one or two dedicated people to make a difference.
Join or start a local chapter
The Climate Crisis is a Health Care Crisis
HCAO Supports Carbon Pricing
At the request of the Citizen's Climate Lobby, HCAO supported a call for "Carbon Pricing" in the Reconciliation process in Congress. Action on the climate crisis is necessary to achieve on of HCAO's ultimate purposes: " to improve the health of individuals, families and communities." Background information.
Climate Change Is Greatest Threat To Health
Inaction On Climate Change Is Greatest Threat To Health, 220 Medical Journals Warn. Read about it. Picture Credit Getty Images

Suggested reading from Health Affairs: "Climate Change Calls For A New Hippocratic Oath"
Story sharing is a powerful tool in the movement. Share your story and/or help others share theirs at
Your Financial Support Is Needed
HCAO's ability to educate about and advocate for universal healthcare is possible ONLY because of YOU.

For further information and questions, contact Linda Alband (
Please become a member, make an additional contribution, or volunteer.
Everybody in! Nobody out!