The JTFUHC resumed its meetings on August 26, 2021. Senator Dick Anderson from Senate District 5 in Lincoln City has just joined the Task Force. Encourage everyone to listen to his background and interest in joining, If you live in the District, please contact him to share your thoughts.
There was a robust discussion of community engagement led by Rebecca Schoon, Asst. Professor of Public Health at Pacific University. The Task Force now seems poised in earnest to begin the essential and equitable public engagement process as called for in the original bill. You can listen here.
The next meeting of the JTFUHC is tomorrow 9/9 at 1:00 pm. Tell the Task Force what kind of a health system you want through your personal testimony. Go to this link to find out how to submit oral or written testimony. Here is the link to the schedule f
or future meetings.
There is a current pathway to getting needed waivers through the Budget Reconciliation process in Congress. As Chair of the Senate Finance Committee, Senator Wyden is absolutely key in this effort. The JTFUHC has submitted a request to Senator Wyden as Chair of the Senator Finance Committee to support the waivers which would provide significant help in getting funding for a state-based system.
Now you can help. Please contact Senator Wyden and ask that he advance the needed waivers in Budget Reconciliation so state's can create their own plan.
For assistance, contact: