​Packing up to move!
Dear Friends of the Arts,
Although 2020 was a very bumpy road, today I find myself filled with gratitude. Thanks to the efforts and donations of many, we managed to retain our staff, and though our Center was physically closed to the public most of the year, we still managed to create three virtual art exhibits seen by at least 1,918 viewers, and a table reading of “The ReGifters” as a view-on-demand performance.

Our YouTube channel has had 5,570 views, including sixteen Songwriter Showcases, virtual photo collections, “COVID 19 Galena, the Story in Song” (also the DVD), a Heather Swan poetry reading, and a series of eight YouTube videos on Celebrating Art in Our Lives.

Best of all, we found and purchased a new permanent home for the Center, which offers great promise for the future of the Arts in Galena. We could not have done any of this without your support and encouragement.
Thank you so much!

New home of the Galena Center for the Arts
Our New Home Progress Report
Signing at the Closing
Clockwise from left: Carole Sullivan, John Cox,
Joe Mattingley, Al Jirkovsky, Jay Dickerson
On Dec. 31, we gathered for the closing on the purchase of the Illinois Bank & Trust (IB&T) building at 971 Gear Street. We have been searching for a permanent home for years, and this property has everything we were looking for: a staunch building with 18,000 sq. feet total, with room to grow when the time comes; plenty of parking space and easy access; and great visibility, which will be helpful for tourists to be able to find us.

We owe many thanks to our attorney John Cox, who carefully shepherded us through the whole process, and to Joe Mattingley of IB&T, who has been extremely helpful and gracious as we worked our way through all of this. For the first year, we will move into the lower level, and IB&T will remain in the first floor, while they work on creating a new IB&T banking center in Galena.  Then in 2022, we will move into the upstairs, as well as being in the lower level.

We have been busy packing, and hope to start our move on Jan. 5. We see unlimited opportunities at this new site.
Please share your suggestions and ideas with Carole at: Now the real work begins.
We will keep you updated on our progress every month!
After the closing. Behind the masks, we are all smiling.
Standing: John Cox, Jan Lavacek, Al Jirkovsky, Joe Mattingley
Seated: Jay Dickerson, Carole Sullivan
Become a Member
Did you know you can become a member online?
Click HERE for information about our membership program.
Please Donate
Please help us to advance our mission to
elevate and celebrate regional arts and artists.
To donate online click on This Link, or send your check to:
The Galena Center for the Arts, 219 Summit Street, Galena, IL 61036.
Our galleries will reopen when it’s safe
for our patrons, artists, and staff.
Songwriters Showcase
Twinray is a multi-talented team that has provided the world with original music since 2008. Mike and Dez have recently moved to Jo Daviess County, and we are excited to introduce them to our audience here.

They assist in creating work for other musicians and pass their knowledge on to others through tools of spirituality, education, and shared experiences.

Through the use of music, education, literary and intuitive arts, comedy and entertainment, they share their life’s work. Their aim is to contribute joy by moving through the pain, choosing to transcend adversity and then molding that energy into different creative mediums.
Join our free YouTube Premiere Watch Party
on Wednesday, January 27 at 7 pm.
We’ll send you the YouTube link closer to the event.
Summit Street Singers
We are happy to report that Kent Parry has moved back to Galena, and is enthusiastic about returning as director of the Summit Street Singers, and Fevre River Voices, when it is safe to do so. We know it will be a while yet, but just wanted you to know that in time, we’ll be singing together again. Perhaps we can hope to begin in the fall.  In the meanwhile, below is the YouTube link to an interesting performance.
JoCanto – Al·leluia de G.F.Händel
Some artists have been able to brilliantly pivot to new forms of expressing their art, due to the pandemic, offering creative ways to share their experience with others.
The challenges of lockdown didn't dampen the Birmingham Ballet's creative spirit. Dancers and musicians collaborated on several wonderful films and kindly supplied the Company with numerous short and entertaining clips. The most popular of these was a complete work of around four minutes, entirely devised, danced and played in Company members' homes. Uplifting and hopeful, despite the circumstances, here is another chance to enjoy Alone | Together.
Click on FaceBook link to view:
Do you enjoy watching Rudolph Nureyev dance?

Get ready for a surprise.
Finding Beauty
A Virtual Exhibit
Beauty is all around us. Twenty-seven artists have shared images of their photography, jewelry, paintings, sculptures, and fiber art in this virtual and print edition of our current exhibit. Many of the pieces are for sale.

You can view it on-line as a flip book on our website by clicking the image, or order a print copy of your very own for $22, sent directly to your mailbox by emailing Patricia, the Gallery Manager.
Click on the image above.
Other flip books on our website:
Photography Slideshows
A relaxing respite can be found with musical backgrounds as you view our magical landscapes. Bob Rivoire has shared many of his wonderful photos with us in the form of slideshows available on our YouTube Channel.
Look for Winter, Beauty?, Autumn, The Cloud - click on image.
Call for Art—Inspirations
We are seeking artwork for the next virtual exhibit. 

What are you inspired by? The dictionary describes “inspiration” as the excitement of the mind or emotions to a person or thing, a creative act, or divine guidance.

Are you inspired by: a famous painter or sculpture? an art teacher? COVID 19 lockdowns and isolation? nature?
music? scent? books? maps? movies? current events? friends or family?

Email Patricia, the Gallery Manager, for more information on how to submit your work. The deadline is January 22.
This PBS Peabody Award-winning series was produced by Carol Sauvion, who founded Craft in America in Los Angeles, California. She was a guest speaker at the Craft Invitational at Dubuque Museum of Art a couple years ago. Twenty-five episodes have been produced since its inception in 2007 and are available on this website.
Check out this link Craft in America to learn more about the organization Craft in America, and all the programs and events. There are education guides on craft you can download for K-12 students, a myriad of YouTube links on various artisan craft subjects, information on artists and their work, and more. 
Broad Ideas 2021
After our March 2020 events were shut down, like everyone else we tried our best to navigate the uncertainty. We didn't know what would happen to our show, but
we did all agree that Broad Ideas needed to continue. As we head into the new year, let's make it official: Broad Ideas will be back in March 2021! Our show will look a bit different, but the show will go on. We will soon be calling for visual and written submissions relating back to our Broad Ideas message. These will be shared via a digital book. At this time, artists and authors need to be aware that there will be a two piece limit and submissions are due February 5, 2021. Additional specifics coming soon will include releases, dimensions, resolution, etc.
Submissions should be emailed to:  Please check our website and Facebook page for more information in the next few weeks.
All details will be posted and shared there.
  • Lee Adami
  • Tracy Bauer
  • Claire Bersbach
  • Marty Busch (Busch Music)
  • Chris Chapin-Tilton
  • Paul Chase
  • Steve and Maren Coates
  • John Cox
  • Larissa Distler
  • Galena Foundation
  • Mark and Sheila Haman
  • Dick and Joan Harmet
  • Cathy Harms
  • Illinois Bank & Trust
  • Terri Jackman
  • Suzy Kania
  • Daz Kovalec
  • Joe Mattingley
  • Midwest Medical Center
  • Courtney Moser
  • Gregg and Emily Painter
  • John and Nikki Raaz
  • David Resnick
  • Riverview Center
  • Kenneth Robb
  • Brian and Lisa Schoenrock
  • Brittani Stephenson
  • Lenny Wayne
  • Mary Weck
Clean, Sturdy Cardboard Boxes — Please email Carole if you have boxes to donate for our upcoming move, so that we can finish packing our library books, office files, and other equipment and supplies.
Support us with AmazonSmile Foundation Donations
We invite you to show your support for the Center when shopping on Amazon. We are now established as a charitable organization for contributions via the AmazonSmile Foundation. The Foundation will donate 0.5% of eligible purchases to us whenever you designate the Center as the charitable organization of your choice.

Here’s how to support the Center:

  1. Visit (you need to follow this step each time you designate donations).
  2. Log in with your regular Amazon account information.
  3. Select “Galena Center For The Arts Inc” as your charitable organization choice.
  4. Begin shopping.

Thank you for your support! We truly appreciate your thinking of us when shopping with Amazon!
Become a Member
Did you know you can become a member online?
Click HERE for information about our membership program.
Please Donate
Please help us to advance our mission to
elevate and celebrate regional arts and artists.
To donate online click on This Link, or send your check to:
The Galena Center for the Arts, 219 Summit Street, Galena, IL 61036.
Please forward our newsletter to your friends and relatives. They can click below to receive their own monthly update. Thanks for sharing our news with others!
This program is partially supported by a grant
from the Illinois Arts Council Agency.
This program is supported in part by an award from The Chicago Community Foundation, from the Arts Work Fund – Arts for Illinois Emergency Relief Fund housed at The Chicago Community Trust.
This program has been made possible in part by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities: Exploring the human endeavor.
This program is partially supported by a Business Interruption Grant from the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity.
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Thanks so much for your support of the Galena Center for the Arts!
Newsletter produced by Dennis Waltman