Sanctuary Project Documentary Unveiled
The Sanctuary Project's oversight committee, which included Chair Chip Nichols, Project Manager Alyson Eyer-Delevett, Pete Adams, Sheri Benninghoven, Tom Mack, and Geoie Writer, was not just responsible for coordinating all aspects of the reconstruction of the Bell Tower and the Sanctuary, but also of overseeing the budget, scheduling and communications, among many other responsibilities.
The team felt that rather than produce a final newsletter for the parish that captured the magnitude of the effort, a documentary would be just the right tool. We enticed Rev. Aimee and Chip to be our narrators and we think you'll agree they did a magnificent job.
It was unveiled during last week's festivities and we promised that we'd share it with all those unable to see it previously. So ... without further ado -- just click on the image below (make sure your sound is turned on). And we'd love your feedback!