Nov. 13, 2021

Week of Remembrance & Celebration:
Solemn, Thankful, Exuberant

At last week's requiem mass, we prayed for and celebrated those we lost during the era of the pandemic. All Saints then turned its attention to thankfulness for all who participated in the How Firm Our Foundation capital campaign and led the oversight of the Sanctuary Preservation and Readiness construction project. We rejoiced in the remarkable work of so many individuals, from parishioners to our contractors. It was a memorable and touching week that served to send us off into our next 120-plus years of service.

Please click the links below to view the online photo album of each of the commemorative events.

A full house for the 10:30 a.m. service for the dedication and blessing of the new/old Sanctuary!
The solemnity of the day was captured in the ceremony and traditions of our faith.
Sanctuary Project Documentary Unveiled

The Sanctuary Project's oversight committee, which included Chair Chip Nichols, Project Manager Alyson Eyer-Delevett, Pete Adams, Sheri Benninghoven, Tom Mack, and Geoie Writer, was not just responsible for coordinating all aspects of the reconstruction of the Bell Tower and the Sanctuary, but also of overseeing the budget, scheduling and communications, among many other responsibilities.

The team felt that rather than produce a final newsletter for the parish that captured the magnitude of the effort, a documentary would be just the right tool. We enticed Rev. Aimee and Chip to be our narrators and we think you'll agree they did a magnificent job.

It was unveiled during last week's festivities and we promised that we'd share it with all those unable to see it previously. So ... without further ado -- just click on the image below (make sure your sound is turned on). And we'd love your feedback!
Click on the video above to view the Sanctuary Preservation and Readiness Project documentary, featuring the narration of Rev. Aimee and Project Chair Chip Nichols.
Final Opportunity To Participate in How Firm Our Foundation Capital Campaign

More than 250 families contributed to the How Firm Our Foundation capital campaign. We achieved so much together and to each family we offer our sincere thanks.

If you would like to support the campaign, just a few days remain to donate and ensure your name appears on the donor tribute wall -- check out a mock-up of the tribute wall outside the vesting room. If you have questions, you can reach Alyson at (805) 969-4771 x108 or at at this email address.

Capital Campaign Co-Chairs
Bitsy Bacon
Sheri Benninghoven
Ed Birch
Memorial Chapel With Columbarium: Right For You?

The newly constructed Memorial Chapel allows us and our family members to be interred here and to memorialize family members who are interred elsewhere.

This sacred space provides the opportunity to rest in peace within the walls of the All Saints Sanctuary, a tangible reminder of what is already spiritually true — that we gather each week in communion with the faithful who have gone before us.

If you would like to purchase a niche, which contains space to hold two urns, or commemorate a loved one on a memorial plaque, you can learn more at this link or contact Kathleen in the Church Office at (805) 969-4771.
A Few Photos From Last Week's Events
Rev. Aimee leads friends and family of those lost during the years we were closed due to the pandemic.
The capital campaign leadership team gathered for a time of reflection, thanks and celebration for all that was accomplished.
Celebrating at a campaign leadership team reception were Phil Hawes, Karl Sandin, Georgia Lynn and Pamela Hawes.
Bishop John Taylor gathers the Saints of All Saints prior to the 10:30 a.m. service on Sunday to lead a blessing of our newly rebuilt Bell Tower and Sanctuary.
How Firm Our Foundation capital campaign co-chairs Ed Birch, Sheri Benninghoven and Bitsy Bacon prior to the dedication ceremony and service.
Parishioners await the start of the service to commemorate the Sanctuary's start to its next 100-plus years of service to the parish and community.
Bishop Taylor blessed our new organ.
Interim Music Director Steven Thomson leads the All Saints choir and invites the parish to join in the singing of the hymn For All The Saints.
Honorary Capital Campaign Chair Lady Leslie Ridley-Tree serves as a Lector during the moving service.
The prayers of the faithful ascend to Heaven in the burning of incense during our feast day service.
Bishop Taylor and the All Saints clergy and lay ministers conduct the Eucharist.
What's a visit of our Diocesan Bishop without a baptism? Welcome Baby Caroline into the community of faith, as part of the body of Christ, our church.
Rev. Aimee and the children of the parish sprinkle the new Memorial Chapel with columbarium ... and each other ... with holy water.
Our fist-bumping Bishop.
Pat McClure and Junior Warden George Messerlian catch up at the reception after the 10:30 a.m. service.
Parishioners Sandi Wilson and Angeli Ruiz celebrate on the patio after the service.