Prayer for Leaders and Ministers...
Because of the Times 2022 is scheduled to convene January 18-20, 2022, at the Pentecostals of Alexandria (POA), in Alexandria, LA, where Anthony Mangun is Bishop and Gentry Mangun is Senior Pastor. The 2022 theme of the conference is “NOW.” The scriptural theme is "And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed" (Romans 13:11). The key declaration is “We are determined to no longer focus on what we’ve been through, but we are looking forward to what God will do in 2022.”
Other dynamic events are transpiring at the POA! A “Preachers Kids” (PK) Conference also will be held during BOTT 2022. Although not a part of the BOTT 2022 schedule, the Seven Symposium (FREE) led by Sister Mickey Mangun will occur on Tuesday, January 18 at 9 am – 1 pm for those desiring to attend.
Prayer for our leaders and ministers and their families is essential, especially as they stand in the forefront and lead the way in the kingdom of God! The Bible exhorts us to consistently pray for those in authority (I Timothy 2:1-3). Please join with us in fervent prayer and fasting on behalf of this great event and those in leadership and ministry!
that the Body of Christ embrace and act upon the theme “NOW” as intended and stated on the BOTT 2022 advertisement. Pray that we advance the Kingdom of God NOW.
for the POA and for the overall success of BOTT 2022. Pray for the event/forum speakers and all involved in the conference agenda, including musicians, singers, greeters, conference workers, and others.
- for a mighty outpouring and liberty of the Spirit of God in this event, and that He would more greatly anoint and use our ministerial leadership in the fullness of the fivefold ministry.
- that God would meet the needs of those in ministry in all aspects, including spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, provisionally, etc. Pray that they receive direction.
- the whole armor of God upon each minister, and for a hedge of protection over them. Pray that God would grant great overcoming power and victory amid the pandemic.
- that God would equip and anoint the ministry to do great things in His kingdom, to His glory, and they be endowed with the fruit of the Spirit/the gifts of the Spirit. Pray for unprecedented revival, renewal, restoration, reaping and retention of harvest.
- that the Word of God go forth with power and authority and be confirmed with signs following. Pray that God gloriously would perform healings, miracles, signs, and wonders. Pray that God would heal and restore the broken-hearted, the bruised, and the hurting.
- for God to send His angels to help the ministry, as they seek to fulfil His great plan. Pray that God’s warring angels fight for the people of God, and the enemy be defeated!
- that the blessings of God would rest upon those involved in ministerial work and upon those in attendance at this event, and that all go home with renewed vision and passion.
- Spirit-led and Kingdom-minded prayers for what God desires to accomplish in the life of every leader and minister, and their families, according to His divine and perfect will! Pray that the people that do know their God will be strong and do exploits!
Flo Shaw
World Network of Prayer
30 Days of Prayer: Week Two
Pray that we call upon, advocate, and demonstrate in the name of Jesus, and serve Him with gratitude. Pray that we spread the gospel and make Him and His deeds known, even in the midst of economic, social, and moral degradation, societal peril, political unrest, pandemics, world crises, etc.
"Give thanks unto the Lord, call upon His name, make known His deeds among the people" (I Chronicles 16:8).
It is important to consecrate ourselves through prayer and fasting. All individuals and churches are encouraged to participate in the annual 30 Days of Prayer on January 2-31, 2022.
This and other prayer info is found also at Let’s join together anticipating great revival, harvest, and success, knowing that “Above Him There’s No Other, Jesus is the Way!”
The World Network of Prayer Presents
24/7 WATCH: A Year-Round Initiative for 24/7 Prayer
Beginning on January 1, 2022, WNOP is launching annual 24/7 prayer and fasting worldwide in coordination with our existing “Year of Prayer.” Each week WNOP will post a prayer focus as daily prayer for the entire week. Also weekly, a prayer leader and/or minister will appear on Zoom on the WNOP Facebook Page to lead in periodic prayer. We encourage your participation. More info will be provided soon on the WNOP website and on Facebook.
Will you commit and join with others throughout the world in united prayer and fasting? Sign up by committing in your heart unto God that you will consistently set aside a day each week to do some prayer and fasting. All these hours of consecration will culminate to help provide a complete mass prayer covering over the Church body and bring greater success in all that we do in Christ! Together, let’s “watch and pray” and behold great and mighty things in the kingdom of God! Let’s prevail over the enemy with victory and declare, “Not on My Watch!”
Flo Shaw
WNOP Director
Personal Consecration: Repentance
Following is the “24/7 Watch” daily prayer focus for week 2. Join with us in consistent prayer & fasting.
World Needs:
- Pray for India and all that have lost a loved one as at least 6 people were killed and over 20 hospitalized after inhaling toxic gas due to illegal dumping of waste chemicals at a dyeing and printing mill.
- Pray for the Lord to settle the unrest in Kazakhstan that has left 12 police officers dead, 353 injured and dozens of protesters were killed during attacks on government buildings and the mayor’s building was set on fire. Protests began over a sharp rise in prices for liquefied petroleum gas fuel.
- Pray for the Lord to protect and give direction in America concerning protection of the people from natural storms or extreme weather, such as tornadoes, earthquakes, volcano explosions, and snow storms, and man-made storms, such as economic turbulence due to the economy or man-made products and/or systems. Natural storms such as the Virginia snow where hundreds of motorists were trapped for hours and in some situations the entire day along a 50-mile stretch of I-95 in Virginia, record breaking rain and snow melting in Washington and California is causing flooding and avalanches.
- Continue to pray for Jesus to protect the Harvest field and the life of newborn children within our world.
- Continue to pray for the Bride of Christ, the harvest field and the healing of our nation and world during the Covid season concerning the rise of the highly contagious Omicron variant with ensuing cancellations, closures, travel woes, restrictions, guideline issues, and Covid-19 testing kits shortage. Experts are indicating that Omicron causes more upper airway problems. A pediatric hospital in Houston has reported a four-fold increase in child hospitalizations over the last two weeks. Also, there is concern about “flurona,” a rare coinciding infection of Covid-19 and the flu. Ontario, Canada, China, Hong Kong, Germany and Australia have increased and/or re-initiated Covid-19 restrictions.
Come and experience the impact of prayer & ministry and the move of God!
Small Group Video Series: Rev. John Hanson, Bishop of Acts II Ministries, has produced some in-house video series for prayer groups and made these available online as free resources for churches with limited budgets. Please visit to access these remarkable resources, as applicable.
Dr. David K. Bernard
UPCI General Superintendent
UPCI General Presbyters (A-J)
Access Challenged Nations
Join the World Network of Prayer and Global Missions in praying for the nations that currently do not have an apostolic work. We will focus on one nation each week.
2022 WNOP Events
- 24/7 WATCH: WNOP Facebook Worldwide Prayer Initiative (January 1 - December 31)
- 30 Days of Prayer (January 2-31)
- New York Metro District Conference (January 27-29). Location: TBA
- South Carolina District Summons - Regional (February 24-26). Doubletree Hotel, Columbia, SC
- *Arkansas District Summons (March 11-12). First Pentecostals of Benton, Benton, AR
- UPCI Fivefold Ministry Discovery Conference (March 30-April 2). South Bay Pentecostal, Chula Vista, CA
- WNOP Leadership Retreat (April 6-8). UPCI World Headquarters, Weldon Spring, MO
- Washington District Summons (April 21-23). Location: TBA
- National Day of Prayer (May 5)
- National Apostolic Day of Prayer (Date TBA). Apostolic Fellowship Summit
- WNOP International Summons (June 2-4). New Life St. Louis, Bridgeton, MO
- World Day of Prayer/Pentecost Sunday (June 5).
- New England Territory Summons (NETS) - Regional (August 18-20). Christ Temple, Tiverton, RI
- UPCI Day of Prayer (September 28)
- International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church (November 6)
- *South Texas District Summons (Dates TBD) Houston, Texas
- *Ontario District Blitz (November 4-13). Location: Various Sections in Ontario, Canada.
- YM + WNOP Summons (Rescheduled Dates TBD). Location: TBA
- WNOP “Operation Prayer Evangelism: “Switzerland” (Rescheduled Dates TBD)
- WNOP “Operation Prayer Evangelism: “Operation Turkey” (Rescheduled Dates TBD)
- WNOP “Operation Prayer Evangelism: “Operation Jamaica” (Rescheduled Dates TBD)
*Pending Board approval. Note: Events and schedule subject to the restrictions and impact of the ongoing pandemic.
Also, more 2022 event dates to be added to the WNOP Calendar later as approved by the Board throughout the year.
(For more info on these specific listings, please contact WNOP at 636-229-7986)
Consider supporting WNOP with a tax-deductible donation. Give the gift that keeps on giving:
WNOP Personal Prayer List
To join WNOP in praying for the personal needs submitted by email, phone and website, please click the button below.
You may submit requests by email at
"If you received an answer to prayer or have a victory report, post it on WNOP's Facebook page. We would like to hear from you."
World Network of Prayer | United Pentecostal Church International
36 Research Park Court, Weldon Spring, Missouri 63304