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The Trailblazer Times!
Calendar Events
Wednesday, January 12th- PTG Meeting @7pm (Virtual-See below)
Friday, January 14th- Early Release @1:45
Monday, January 17th - No School (Martin Luther King Day)
Friday, January 28th- Early Release @1:45
Monday, January 31st- No School Weather Make-Up Day

Message from the Principal
Hello Mullan Road Families,

We rely heavily on your partnership and vigilance in communication and monitoring your child for COVID-like symptoms to ensure student health and safety. We want you to be aware that if your child shows possible COVID symptoms at school or if you call in your child as sick, we will be continuing to ask questions surrounding their symptoms. We are following this same protocol with our staff members. As a result, staff will be home for greater lengths of time. 
Additionally, your child will have more substitute teachers/para-educators than in previous years. We will also face more unfilled positions that we will creatively cover as a building. If your child’s teacher/para-educator has any slight sickness, including simple cold symptoms, they will not be able to come to work. 
Thank you for helping us to keep everyone safer by keeping your child at home if your child is sick. If your child is sick or if someone in your home is sick, please call our school. We realize that keeping your child home is an inconvenience and creates hardships; we also realize it is difficult for our staff to be away from the job they love and the children and families they are passionate about serving. We are focusing first on keeping everyone healthy and safe. We then turn our attention to meeting each child’s educational needs and to maintaining in-person learning. Thank you for your partnership in safety and education.


Matt Beal

School closure/delay information

January Kids for Moms and Dads
Counselors Corner
We have been busy teaching social skills in your child’s classroom this fall!
Counseling lessons have focused on the Zones of Regulation and solving small
problems with Kelso’s Choices. If you haven’t heard about our lessons at home
yet, please ask your child what they have learned. We enjoy being in the
classrooms. This is an opportunity to get to know the students and build
relationships with them. We are another support at Mullan Road for them and we
want them to know we are here to help them to have a great school year. We can
also check in with any student who may need a bit of an extra touch at school.
While school counselors do not do therapy at school, we can provide additional
support for students. If your child would benefit from a little bit of counselor
support, please contact us. We are happy to talk with you and are so lucky to
have two counselors at school this year!

Kara Eckhardt (grades 3, 4, 5, 6)
Katy Vancil (grades K, 1, 2, 6)
  • As weather gets cold, please remind students to bring appropriate clothing for outside recess. (Boots, gloves, hats, etc)

Library/Tech Newsletter
Look out for a NEW newsletter coming in February

~Ms. Jensen & Ms. Crawford

Lost and Found

Our Lost and Found is growing!
Please remind your student to stop by the lost and found to check in for any items they may be missing at home.
Helpful Links
Meals and Food
in Schools
COVID Quarantine Guidelines and FAQ
PTG Corner
Our next PTG Meeting will be on January 12th from 7-8pm. To join our virtual meeting you can find the link on the website linked below. We have several opportunities available if you'd like to be involved this year.

Did you know a percentage of your purchases on Amazon can be donated back to the PTG? Log onto and choose Mullan Road Parent Advisory Council. Your shopping experience will be the same as usual, but it benefits the school. It's that easy!