


Following the snow and ice the last week of December and the heavy rain and wind last week kept us busy preparing for and cleaning up after the storms. The weather this week looks quite benign and we can get back to our winter service,  

We often get asked: “What we do you the winter?” Answer: “We Keep very busy preparing for spring!” See below our winter priorities to prepare for spring. 

Winter Turf Moss Control


With our dark wet winters, moss grows and thrives. We recommend treatment twice yearly, once in December or January and again in March or April. This keeps moss under control and allows the grass to survive and thrive. 

Winter Pruning


Pruning during the summer is mostly focused on managing the new growth. Winter pruning is more focused on structural and rejuvenation. These efforts help ensure the plants are ready for their spring growth flush.

Shrub Bed Clean-up


Following the messy fall and early winter, we perform a comprehensive raking and grooming of the shrub beds. This gets them ready for pre-emergence weed control application and re-barkdusting (if planned). 

Shrub Bed Pre-emergence


To prevent weed germination through the spring and summer, we treat all shrub bed areas with a pre-emergence product to keep weeds from germinating and getting established. This keeps our shrub beds clean of weeds through the summer.

Winter Pansy Maintenance


Due to our mild winter, most pansies are doing quite well. However, weed are growing and general debris is collecting in these areas this weeding and cleaning is occurring.  In addition, we treat our pansies monthly with fungicides to prevent disease. If you look around, you will see other contractor’s pansies infected with disease and starting to decline.  

Winter Shrub Fertilization


Virtually all lawns, shrubs and trees get fertilized during the winter as this is the most important time.


It is not the most fun time to spend outdoors but an important time for us to prepare to help ensure your landscape is beautiful and healthy this coming season.

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