I am about to turn 50 in a few short days but before that happens I will strike one off my bucket list by going to Philmont. I have shared before in the newsletter that I didn't grow up in a "hiking troop" and nobody in my Air Force Base troop ever hiked Philmont as a kid. As an adult my summers were always full with summer camp staff, running summer programs at a public school or raising kids. I'm sure I can think of another excuse somewhere. But this week that all changes when I report to National Camp School at the PTC.
I am not a very good traveler when it comes to airplanes. I've done just about everything from missing my plane because I was reading a book in the terminal to sending my luggage to Rio (yes in Brazil) but that one was not my fault technically. Luckily my wife is a good traveler and she can help me navigate the journey. My biggest hang up is I'm not in control like I would be if I was driving so I don't like feeling helpless when things go sideways. I'm sure some of you can relate.
As I reactivate an old eBay account all the contents of a 1953 Jamboree jacket are ending tonight at auction. These came from collection and include some really nice old OA including a Tomahawk R1 and Marnoc A1.
Over on Santeeswapper I have 240 live auctions with such a great variety it's hard to even describe. Everything from religious medals for adults to SAPs, JSPs and OA. This is my "everything" store and certainly I have a touch of everything up for auction this week.
While I'm gone my employees will keep the warehouse humming with shipping and listing. I have auctions scheduled for a month in advance so if all my planning and systems work then I should not be missed too much - that's the plan anyways.