Curbing COVID-19 in Indianapolis
Cities raced to keep services available while keeping as many people as possible at home in the weeks and months after COVID-19 forced major changes in the way we live last spring. Indianapolis, Ind., was one of those, and helped contain the spread with a new strategy for repurposing the curb. Read their case study here and see how it might apply to your organization in 2021.
In the Clouds
The IT world has migrated to the cloud—but what does that even mean? Learn all about “the cloud” and what your organization should know before taking the leap, including questions to ask potential providers.
Casting a Long Shadow
COVID-19 took a big bite out of parking, mobility, and transportation, but what might it mean for the future? Members of IPMI’s Planning, Design, and Construction Committee weigh in on short- and long-term changes and what’s ahead this year.
IPMI's Year in Review
Anybody else have Ross from Friends flashbacks this year with so much pivoting? Take a look at the year that was 2020 and all the new ways we found to keep connected, keep moving forward, and keep going—you might discover some new tools for your organization.
Also in this issue...

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