Bryson Broadcasting International Newsletter

Raising Radio and TV Revenues Worldwide! 
1 May, 2021

What's In It For Your Client?
Selling Benefits
Take a few minutes to write down seven facts you know about your stations. Now take a few minutes and write down WHY these facts are important to your clients.

This is a bit of a trick question. To write down WHY these facts are important, you need to have a specific client in mind. Not all facts are important to all clients! In fact, if the client hasn't given you a reason to believe a particular fact IS important to them, it probably isn't. It's not about US: it's about THEM!

When you fill your Phase Three presentations with overflowing facts about your company, you may notice that your clients' eyes glaze over. They suddenly have another meeting to attend.

Spouting facts about our stations in the Phase Two needs analysis meeting can be fatal. You will either bore your client or tell them something about your station that doesn't fit their needs. Either way, your sale might be over before it starts.

Clients are interested in our stations (our world) only because they believe that we can make their world better.


Fact: This is important to you because.....
Fact: You asked about this.......
Fact: You would be interested in this because......
Fact: This has meaning to you because.....
Fact: What this means to you is.......

Fact: Benefit. A sales technique we all need to learn. It answers WHY a fact is important to a client. And the "why" is uncovered in the Phase Two needs analysis stage and brought back to your client's attention when we present benefits in Phase Three.

It's not about US: It's about THEM!

Learn this. Use this. Higher billing awaits!
The Client's Corner
Radio is at its best when it is serving its community of license. Enid, Oklahoma is fortunate to have just such an organization, Williams Media. For three days in April, Alan Clepper, the morning show host and program director for My Country 103.9 and Talk 100.9, spent his days suspended 40 feet in the air. His continuous broadcasts raised over $25,000 for the Oklahoma Make A Wish Foundation. In a town of 50,000 people, that total is generous. It shows the power of radio to reach listeners, to move them to action. My compliments to Bob Villones and the entire Williams Media staff for making a difference for the children in their home town.
Words to Live By ......
"Sell benefits, not your company or the product. People buy results not features."
Jay Abraham

Our New Book is a Guide to Higher Revenue in 2021!
What people are saying about this new book:
“Read it! Loved it! We are taking the entire sales staff at our radio stations through a chapter by chapter study starting in January."

Mark Hill
Small business owner at Scrips 911
Ozark, MO
Radio at its best: serving local communities
MW 2021-3
The My Country 103.9 and Talk 100.9 staff at the Make A Wish Fundraiser in Enid, Oklahoma.
MAW 2021-2
MAW 2021-5
Anything to raise money! Alan Clepper and Amy Biggerstaff brave the elements.
We want to help your staff increase revenue!

We at Bryson Broadcasting International are available to help your sales staff achieve its next level of expertise. We customize our programs to meet your needs. As needed, we make use of interpreters and produce sales materials in your language. Our training options include on line sessions done live for your staff.

If you would like to discuss your sales training needs, we may be reached at,

or call us at 918.810.3068. 

For more information about BBI, click here.

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