We are thankful for your service.
Happy Veterans Day
Members, Volunteers, Sponsors,
and Supporters:
2020 has definitely been a challenging year to say the least, but here at KALB, we still have many things to be thankful for. This season of gratitude is the perfect time to recognize those who have made a difference to our organization on many levels.
The KALB Membership Drive was a huge success this year, and that is because of you, our members! We made some changes to our yearly membership, and you all not only accepted those changes, you embraced them by giving us extra support through your donations. We are truly grateful for your generosity during a difficult year.
Our volunteers are wonderful! Thank you to everyone who has cleaned up litter, volunteered for events, or worked on specific projects for us. We couldn't do anything without our volunteers.
KALB has three hardworking boards under our organization's umbrella. These are made up of volunteers that help to keep our organization running smoothly as a whole, while focusing on their own programs and projects. Thank you to the KALB Commission, the Athens-Limestone Recycling Board, and the Athens-Limestone Beautification Board for your hard work and dedication to this organization.
There are many businesses and industries that sponsor KALB events and programs throughout the year, and to these we offer our humble thanks. We appreciate your willingness to donate to our organization, and for your trust in us to continue our work in the community.
We are also extremely grateful to both the City of Athens and the Limestone County Commission. They continually offer support to KALB, and are a pleasure to work with, as we work together toward our common goals of making the City of Athens and Limestone County a better place to live, work, and play.
As you can see, we have had so many blessings to count this year. We hope to continue serving the citizens of our city and county for years to come. The only way we can continue to do this is with help from our community. So again, thank you to everyone who has supported us this year. If you are interested in getting more involved with KALB, please drop in or give us a call. We would love to hear from you!
Customer Appreciation Day at
Athens-Limestone Recycling Center
Athens-Limestone Recycling Center's
Monday, November 16th
6:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
The Athens-Limestone Recycling Center is celebrating both its
40th Anniversary and America Recycles Day! Please drop
by the Center any time during business hours on
Monday, November 16th.
Bring your recycling and stay for snacks, drinks, and more.
There may even be a drawing for a cash prize! This is just a
small way to say, "Thank you," to everyone who has
supported the center over the years, and to show
appreciation for your continued efforts to recycle
items that you bring to us.
We look forward to seeing you then!
For more information regarding the Recycling Center,
please see "Recycling Center Updates" later in the newsletter.
Current Athens Now Article:
Frying A Turkey This Thanksgiving?
Remember, You Can Recycle
Fats, Oils, and Grease (FOG)!
Thanksgiving will be here before we know it, and that means there will be lots of cooking and frying! Fats, oils, and grease (FOG) are created when we cook meat, use cooking oil, butter, or other similar products. Pouring these FOGs down the drain can cause serious plumbing and sewer issues that can easily be avoided.
Cooking fats, oils, and grease can be recycled in LImestone County!
How To Recycle FOG:
- Pick up a free FOG container from one of the cages located at the Athens-Limestone Recycling Center, at the KALB office, or at the Athens Utilities Building.
- Fill your container with fats, oils, and grease from your kitchen.
- Return the full container to the bottom shelf of any of the FOG cages and take an empty one.
Let's do our part to keep FOGs out of our drains and sewer systems!
LITTERING: Be Part of the Solution!
Litter is unsightly and frustrating to deal with, not to mention bad for the environment. There are ways that everyone can pitch in and help out! Here are a few ways that KALB can help you to be part of the solution:
KALB can supply you with everything you need to host a cleanup. You may choose to work individually or organize a group cleanup for your neighborhood or another area that needs attention. We will be happy to support you by lending supplies needed to clean, including litter grabbers, trash bags, safety vests, and gloves. Just give our office a call (256-233-8000) and we will be to help!
If you are interested in volunteering on a more regular basis, our Adopt-A-Spot program may be just what you are looking for. Groups or individuals may adopt a stretch of roadway, and KALB will provide you with the supplies needed to clean the area regularly. Adopt a spot in the City of Athens and your non-profit or civic organization can benefit! Groups that commit to clean up their adopted spot once a month will be rewarded with a check for $50 after every 3rd cleanup (maximum once per quarter). The money must be sent to a civic or non-profit organization and cannot benefit individuals or private business. Individuals that adopt an area in the city may donate their $50 to the civic or non-profit group of their choice.
If you see someone litter from their vehicle or you see litter flying from a truck bed or commercial vehicle, REPORT IT! Call the Litter Hotline at 256-233-8000. Tell us the time and location, vehicle tag number and description, and what you witnessed. We keep your information confidential. Let's let litterbugs know that we care about our community and we are watching.
The Recycling Center Manager and Ass
istant Manager are working in the
**UPDATED BUSINESS HOURS (effective as of
November 2nd):
Monday through Friday -- 6:30 am to 2:30 pm.
The Recycling Center Manager and Assistant Manager are working in the plant full time handling and baling materials. They will not be in the office to answer calls, but will return messages. If you do not leave a message, they cannot return your call. Please be patient as they are doing double duty to accommodate the needs of the community as best they can with less than half of their staff.
NO PLASTIC will be accepted at this time. Watch for updates on the Athens-Limestone Recycling Center and Keep Athens-Limestone Beautiful Facebook pages.
The Recycling Center will accept the
following materials at the
Please SORT BEFORE ARRIVING. If bringing items in a plastic bag, empty your items out of the bag into the correct bins. Do not leave the plastic bags.
Electronics (if you have heavy items, please bring help to unload. We currently do not have staff at the plant to help you. There is a $10 fee for TVs of any size. All other electronics are accepted free of charge.)
- Cardboard (including paperboard: cereal boxes, drink cartons, etc.) (Cardboard MUST be broken down. Unbroken boxes take up too much space!)
- Newspaper (must be separate from other paper)
- Junk Mail, Office Paper, Magazines
- Steel/Tin Cans and Other Steel Items
- Aluminum Cans and Other Aluminum Items
- Glass Bottles and Jars - All Colors (Glass must be sorted by colors: brown, clear, and blue and green. NO other types of glass accepted!)
NO COUNTY TRAILERS will be in place. Materials must be brought to the Lucas Ferry Rd. facility. We do not know when the trailers will be put back in place. We will update on the Keep Athens-Limestone Beautiful and Athens-Limestone Recycling Center Facebook pages.
Athens-Limestone Recycling Center
City of Athens Sanitation Department
(Athens City Curbside Recycling)
Here is the link to our most recent articles featured in Athens Now:
October 16, 2020
November 6, 2020
Athens Now can be found twice monthly in local grocery stores, pharmacies, doctors offices, etc. KALB's article is always on PAGE 12.
You can also read KALB's Clean and Green articles (current and past) online at www.KALBCares.com.
Keep Athens-Limestone Beautiful | 256-233-8000 | Fax: 256-233-8012
KALBCares@gmail.com | KALBCares.com