Litter is unsightly and frustrating to deal with, not to mention bad for the environment. There are ways that everyone can pitch in and help out! Here are a few ways that KALB can help you to be part of the solution:

KALB can supply you with everything you need to host a cleanup. You may choose to work individually or organize a group cleanup for your neighborhood or another area that needs attention. We will be happy to support you by lending supplies needed to clean, including litter grabbers, trash bags, safety vests, and gloves. Just give our office a call (256-233-8000) and we will be to help!

If you are interested in volunteering on a more regular basis, our Adopt-A-Spot program may be just what you are looking for. Groups or individuals may adopt a stretch of roadway, and KALB will provide you with the supplies needed to clean the area regularly. Adopt a spot in the City of Athens and your non-profit or civic organization can benefit! Groups that commit to clean up their adopted spot once a month will be rewarded with a check for $50 after every 3rd cleanup (maximum once per quarter). The money must be sent to a civic or non-profit organization and cannot benefit individuals or private business. Individuals that adopt an area in the city may donate their $50 to the civic or non-profit group of their choice.

If you see someone litter from their vehicle or you see litter flying from a truck bed or commercial vehicle, REPORT IT! Call the Litter Hotline at 256-233-8000. Tell us the time and location, vehicle tag number and description, and what you witnessed. We keep your information confidential. Let's let litterbugs know that we care about our community and we are watching.