Our annual conference took place online just over one week ago. Over 700 attendees joined us from around the world for insight on our conference theme, Wisdom of Nature. Read on for reflections from our faculty members, and highlights from attendees (plus details about recording access).

We did not know how much we needed this year's annual conference! The simplicity was balm for our tired souls. The messages touched on basic human truths: Dependence, Food and Story. 

Genevieve Schreier

There are so many messages out there saying that we shouldn’t need each other. Indeed, needing others does bring the possibility of pain, hurt, and disappointment. It’s not surprising that it might occur to us that it’s safer to stop needing each other all together and to rely only on ourselves.

But, there is a part of the story we never talk about - the part that as humans we need each other; caring for and helping each other– and being cared for and helped are all essential to human existence and survival.

Listening to Dr. Neufeld’s keynote, I couldn’t help but reflect on my journey with my mom who was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s last year. There is no time when dependence comes more clearly into focus than when the parent-child relationship tables begin to turn and shift with aging parents. As I care for my mother in her season of need, I am thankful for Dr. Neufeld’s reminder of the dignity in being taken care of and the fulfillment that comes from caretaking. 

“The Wisdom of Dependence” keynote reminded me that the very best we can do is to focus our attention on helping each other find somewhere to lean, and to make leaning as safe as possible for those who depend on us.

Michele Maurer

As a counsellor for more than 30 years, it occurred to me that I have a front row seat to the suffering fueled by the belief in the superiority of “independence” to “dependence”. Shame, a belief that there is something wrong with me, often emerges from a person who believes they have failed at this expectation to be independent, to not need others to do things you “should” be able to do yourself.

Youth who can’t bear to ask a parent for a ride home often pay by endangering themselves in a vehicle with intoxicated drivers. Young adults who can’t bear to ask for financial help may go hungry. Women who just gave birth may feel ashamed of their yearning and need to depend on others and so may suffer postpartum distress alone.

In short, we suffer directly from trying to be “independent” and we suffer indirectly from the shame we feel when we fall short of being able to do so. Dr. Neufeld’s "Wisdom of Dependence" keynote provides the antidote to our cultural obsession with independence. In it, he offers us a much-needed perspective that honours the ancient dance of giving and receiving that all humans need to flourish.

Lisa Weiner

Dr. Neufeld’s keynote, “The Wisdom of Dependence” , turns our societal obsession with independence on its head from the moment you hear its title. Dependence? Wise? No!, shouts our current culture, which venerates independence above all else. As only Dr. Neufeld can, he makes it crystal clear why we would do well to focus our energies and invitations not on pushing our kids to be independent, but to invite them into a deep and safe dependence on the caring and trustworthy adults in their world. The ability to be truly and sturdily independent when needed (and in good time) is born from resting deeply into dependence. This keynote gives words to a quiet, yet revolutionary, paradigm shift – one that will make a world of difference in the lives of those who are lucky enough to hear it.

Conference Recordings Now Available

Conference registrants, recording access is included in your conference fee. Check your April 28th email for details of how to access the recordings until July 31, 2023.

Missed registering for the conference?

It's not too late! Click below to purchase access to recordings for $135. Access expires on July 31, 2023.




Bullies: Their Making and Unmaking

Anchored by Eva de Gosztonyi

Tuesdays 4:30-5:30 pm PDT

May 2 to 30, 2023

$150 | Runs for 5 weeks

Bullying is not going away, despite over 25 years of conferences, anti-bullying legislation, national initiatives, a multitude of anti-bullying programs and events like Pink Shirt Day. So much time, energy and resources have been poured into trying to “tame the bully” and it is just not working. Why not? Because you cannot develop an effective intervention if you don’t understand the underlying reasons for the behaviour.

In this revised version of his course, “Bullies: Their Making and Unmaking”, Dr. Neufeld helps us to understand the origins of the Bully Response, proposing that it comes from a perversion of Alpha instincts. This way of looking at bullying then leads to interventions that can really make a difference.

During the online facilitated discussions of the course material, Eva de Gosztonyi and Jeanie Alderson will share their experiences with how they used this knowledge to help schools to effectively intervene with the Bully response.

For more on the subject of bullying, read Deborah MacNamara's article, Dealing with Bullying: What Doesn't Work and What Will.

Details & Registration

The IDEA Centre Educator's Symposium

Taking Care of Our Students

Thursday, May 4, 2023

4:00 pm to 6:15 pm PDT

Join us for our first Educator’s Symposium! A FREE opportunity to hear from our IDEA Centre Team as they speak on the topic of taking care of our students.

The symposium will include each speaker presenting for 20 minutes on their topic, and will conclude with a panel discussion/Q&A facilitated by Tamara Strijack.

We are excited to bring this opportunity to you. It is our hope that you will find encouragement and support as you continue to provide for the students in your care.

Details and Registration

JULY 17-21, 2023


Playful Therapy: Matchmaking Play and Emotion


In this on-site experiential course, we will play with the practical application across the lifespan. What does it look like to bring true play and playfulness into our practice, both in and out of the therapy room? What does it look like to matchmake play and emotion for those you care for and for yourself? With this insight of true play, we can see how play is nature’s design to take care of us, no matter what one’s role. We look forward to playing together with you!

PREREQUISITE: Intensive I: Making Sense of Kids

SUITABILITY: For anyone who would like a better understanding of the dynamics of play in human development, and an opportunity to experience putting play into practice.

FACILITATOR: Tamara Strijack with Tracy Azevedo

DATE: July 17-21, 2023 in Langley, British Columbia, Canada

FEE: $700 early bird rate until May 15, 2023 ($800 afterwards)

Travel and accommodation not included.

Details & Registration

What's included with a Scheduled Online Class registration?

In addition to a weekly live class with a Neufeld faculty member, you receive a 4-month study pass (or 8 months for Intensive courses) to our Virtual Campus featuring Dr. Neufeld's video material, discussion forums, study guides, supplementary resources, and much more. Participants view Dr. Neufeld's recorded presentations prior to the scheduled support session with a faculty member

Class recordings

Not able to attend the live class due to a scheduling conflict? No problem! Classes are recorded so you can catch up later in the week when it works best for you.

Making Sense of Therapy

Anchored by Tamara Strijack

Thursdays 9:00 am-10:30 am Pacific

September 7 to December 14, 2023

$750 | Runs for 15 weeks

Details & Registration

Intensive II: The Separation Complex

Anchored by Genevieve Schreier

Thursdays 11:00 am-12:00 pm Pacific

September 28, 2023 to February 8, 2024

$750 | Runs for 17 weeks

Details & Registration

Intensive I: Making Sense of Kids

Anchored by Karen Bollman

Fridays 12:30 pm-1:30 pm Pacific

October 20, 2023 to March 29, 2024

$600 | Runs for 22 weeks

Details & Registration

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