Wishing you good times, good cheer
and a memorable new year. I hope to give myself a good kick in the pants to get motivated to do more for others. What's your resolution?

Praying for all to go well for my daughter who diligently postponed her wedding twice to avoid the chance of people getting sick from Covid AND then had to deal with the reception location going bankrupt taking 2/3 of our payment with them. Hoping this will be the year that it will happen! Fingers crossed!

Another happy event for us to anticipate this year is the birth of my oldest son's second child. That the due date is on the day our youngest son died is so bittersweet. We hope it is a sign that Alex is sending us his love and looking out for us.

So proud of my husband who will be named a Deacon in our church in June after six years of training. I guess that makes me Mrs. Deacon! Yikes! I hope 2022 is filled with many happy days for you and some wonderful surprises.

Multicultural Children's Book Day is January 28th and a time to make sure you have lots of diversity in your library. Tickled that my upcoming Mermaid Tales book, A Titanic Friendship about a mermaid in a wheelchair, is a MCBD featured book. It's available now for pre-order.

World Read Aloud Day is February 2nd. I'm so happy that the Vampires Don't Wear Polka Dots graphic novel is a WRAD Pick. Thanks to LitWorld and Scholastic for selecting it! Here's the complete read-aloud list and instructions for making a reading crown. I'll be sharing my crown on social media soon. Hope you follow me on Facebook and Twitter. Thanks for those who signed up for my free read-aloud on WRAD. If you missed it, hope you'll tune in on Facebook Live when I read aloud from my first graphic novel and try my 'hand' at different voices. CHECK IT OUT ON FEBRUARY 2ND AT NOON EASTERN TIME.
Book report help here!
Kids can write to Debbie here.