Volume 23 | NOVEMBER 2021
November 13 is Kindness Day
Caregivers may not always reach out for support, and many feel that while family and friends ask about how their care recipient is doing, they don’t always think to ask how the caregiver is doing. Caregivers have shared with us that a simple gesture, such as a phone call asking them how they’re doing, can make a big difference in their day. That’s why for Kindness Day, we’re inviting everyone to call a caregiver they know, to check in and let them know they care.

Please help us spread the word by sharing the Kindness Campaign!
OCO Seeking Peer Support Mentors
Mentorship is a way that many caregivers wish to pass on knowledge and experience in a meaningful way.

As a caregiver, you know how important it is to have a sounding board; a sympathetic ear to listen to your thoughts and someone who understands what you might be feeling. A caregiver can listen, offer support, point you in the direction of resources that you need, and most importantly, understand your situation.

If you are interested in applying as a mentor in the Ontario Caregiver Organization 1:1 Peer Support Program, please register online today. The Ontario Caregiver Organization Peer Support Lead can answer any questions you might have, guide you through your training and create a profile to be matched with another caregiver who needs you.
New Webinar Library
The OCO has created a new library on our website to help caregivers find information and resources more easily.

You can now watch all our webinars directly on our website. They are searchable by keyword, or you can find them under the following themes:

• Caregiver Well-Being
• Financial & Legal Tips For Caregivers
• Advance Care Planning
• Caregiver Skills & Development

Visit the library today to watch new webinars or re-watch your favourites at the time that is most convenient for you!
Allen's Caregiver Story:
From Caregiver To Peer Mentor
Despite suffering from diverticulitis all her life, Allen’s wife Mary was a spitfire. She was the life of the party, and she loved to dance. But in 2013, Mary’s life changed forever. So did Allen’s.

Allen wants to help other caregivers who may be struggling with the stress and emotional rollercoaster that often goes with caregiving. “Listening is one of the most important components of supporting a caregiver. You have to be a good listener and a non-judgmental one.”

These days, besides being an OCO peer mentor, Allen loves spending time with his grandkids and great-grandkids. He has also become a bicycling addict and practices yoga, tai chi and meditation.
New E-Learning Module:
Caregivers Partnering With Health Professionals
The eLearning course, Caregivers Partnering with Health Professionals—A Strategy that Works! is a three-module course aimed at caregivers who are involved in providing care to a friend or family member.

In this course the learner will reflect on the caregiver role and its importance on the healthcare team, learn the value of and tips for effective communication with healthcare providers in both virtual and non-virtual settings, and explore strategies for representing oneself on the care team, including understanding privacy and consent as it relates to the caregiver role. Learners can start a module and return to it if they do not have the time to complete it at one sitting.
Upcoming Webinars
Nov 18: Supporting Kin, Adoptive Parents and Caregivers: Challenges and Support

Whether you are caring for a baby or older child, adopting locally or internationally, caregivers experience some common issues. Join our speakers, Helen Dawkes-Brown and Nicole Renaud, as they help you understand the challenges, gain insights on the adoption and permanency journey, and learn about support services and how to access them.

*This presentation will be in English and available as a recording after the event.
Save the Date For More Webinars
  • December 2: Caregiving During the Holidays: Expectation vs Reality, and Self-Care
  • Stay tuned for more webinars in 2022!
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