SCRC'S Caregiver of the Month Spotlight: Cesar
Help us celebrate Cesar as our SCRC Caregiver of the Month! Cesar has been caring for his mother with coronary artery disease for the last seven years. After his mother suffered a heart attack, he had to leave his family in the United States and move to Mexico to help with her medical needs. For the last six years, Cesar has managed to care for his mother long distance by visiting every week to make sure she is feeling supported, and all her medical needs are being met. In the last few months, Cesar has noticed memory loss symptoms and is afraid her cognitive health is starts to decline.
“At first, I was skeptical about asking for help because I did not consider myself to be caregiver, but I am glad my friend introduced me to SCRC. I have watched most of the educational classes on SCRC’s YouTube channel, and I’ve learned things I did not know I needed”.