January 25, 2022
As a follow up to the recent notice from the Premier’s Office, Special Olympics Ontario is happy to announce that we will follow the provincial guidelines and resume in person activities effective January 31, 2022.
All indoor and outdoor sports programs, who have completed the Return to Program process, may resume training sessions but will be required to maintain the COVID-19 safety protocols for each respective sport. Please refer to the Return to Program website to review those safety protocols. Proof of vaccination will continue to be mandatory for all in person sporting activities. Please contact your Head Coach to obtain access to the online vaccine declaration form.
All in person fundraising events and meetings may resume and will be required to follow facility specific COVID-19 protocols.
School based sport programs will continue to follow the direction of their respective school board. Partner programs will continue to follow the direction of their respective provincial sport organization.
Sports programs that have not completed the Return to Program process are asked to complete the necessary documentation outlined in the Return to Program website to get your program / event back in action.
As we have come to appreciate, things seem to change hour to hour and therefore Special Olympics needs to be pliable, as well. We will continue to monitor and communicate changes in the provincial regulations, as they become available. Our appreciation and thanks to everyone for your ongoing support.   
Special Olympics Ontario continues to promote the importance of vaccinations to assist in the fight against the COVID-19 virus. If you require further information about the COVID-19 vaccine, please visit
We recognize that several member of our organization remain hesitant to return to in person programs. Therefore, we will continue to provide opportunities to participate in virtual programs. Here is a list of the virtual programs currently available: 

Stay informed by going to our website for the latest updates.
Should you have any questions or would like to speak with a staff person about the pandemic please email or call
1-888-333-5515 ext. 311 and leave a message and we will follow up. 

Thank you for understanding, 
Glenn MacDonell
President & CEO

cc: Special Olympics Board of Directors
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