A Welcoming Halloween for All

Halloween can be difficult for children and teens with mental health and other disabilities that are not "obvious" to outside eyes.

Mississippi Youth Programs Around the Clock (MYPAC) Update

The Mississippi Department of Mental Health filed temporary Mississippi Youth Programs Around the Clock (MYPAC) standards on October 14, 2021.

Melody Worsham: Open Letter to Mississippi Attorney General Lynn Fitch Regarding U.S. v Mississippi

Peer Support Specialist Melody Worsham wrote this letter to Attorney General Lynn Fitch regarding U.S. v Mississippi.

The Special Education Advisory Panel Meeting Notice - Oct. 27

The Special Education Advisory Panel will meet on Wednesday, October 27, 2021, at 10:00 a.m. via Zoom.

Cafe' TA Center | A Program of the Family Cafe - Oct. 27

Join The CAFE TA Center's webinar to learn about the challenges of supporting a family member with a mental health condition.

Getting and Keeping the First Job - Oct. 27

Learn the importance of disability self-awareness, resume strategies, job interviews, and more to help youth with carehttps://putyourfootdownms.comfnot oposer planning.

Drop-In Leadership and Policy Discussion - Oct. 28

Drop in and join Families As Allies to discuss the latest policy updates and what they mean for our children.

Training: Talking to Friends and Family About COVID-19 Vaccines! Oct. 28

Join the Made to Save Coalition for a workshop about how to talk to your friends and family about the COVID-19 vaccines.

2021 Bridging-the-Gap HYBRID Style - Oct. 30

Participants will have the opportunity to walk with LIFE of Mississippi at the historical Mississippi River Bridge or from their favorite trail!

2021 Virtual NFFCMH Conference - November 4-6

Join this conference with the National Federation of Families featuring great workshops and speakers to educate and empower families.

Parent Peer Support Specialist Job Listings

Youth Villages, MS has several job openings for Parent Peer Support Specialists. Listed below are the Family Support Specialist openings for each city. If you have any questions, please give us a call at 601-355-0915 or email at [email protected]. Please share this information with anyone who might be interested.

NTTAC School-Based Policy Learning Recordings & Learning Captures

Creating sustainable school mental health systems is a cornerstone of school mental health initiatives. Movements led by local and state leaders across the country ensure coordinated and comprehensive school-based services thrive and meet the needs of school communities.

People with substance use, mental health and schizophrenia spectrum disorders at higher risk for severe COVID-19

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has updated the list of underlying medical conditions associated with higher risk for severe COVID-19. The list now includes mental health disorders limited to mood disorders, including depression, and schizophrenia spectrum disorders. Substance use disorder is also on the list of eligible conditions.

Justice department files brief stating it is not opposed to Mississippi's request (for partial stay)

By STEVE WILSON Sun Staff Writer The U.S. Department of Justice told U.S. Judge Carlton Reeves in a brief filed last week that it doesn't oppose the state's request for a partial stay in a case regarding the state's mental health system.