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Next Week's Calendar

Monday, Sept. 27: Specials Rotation C


Tuesday, Sept. 28: Specials Rotation A

Wed., Sept. 29: Specials Rotation B

  • All School Mass
  • Students may wear 'Just Pray' tshirts with uniform bottoms.

Thursday, Sept. 30: Specials Rotation C


Friday, Oct. 1: Specials Rotation A

September Hot Lunch Calendar

October Hot Lunch Calendar

OLP Calendar

Sycamore School

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The OLP playground has gotten even more amazing in recent weeks with the installation of colorful new games and activities!

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'Just Pray' t-shirts are coming home for students and may be worn on Wednesdays with uniform bottoms. Thank you to OLP's PTO for providing these special shirts for all students and staff!


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The health room is requesting the donation of any outgrown or unused belts, especially larger sizes.

Also, please remember to send a spare mask and a water bottle with your student. The Health Room has limited quantities and they are running out quickly.

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Last call for those grades 5-8 interested in participating in Ukulele or Orchestra. If you completed the interest form and have not heard from Ms. Dieker, please email her at cdieker@olplsschool.org. For complete information about this extracurricular opportunity, please look for the school email sent September 9.

Trunk or Treat T-shirts

Deadline to order is today! Online orders only. www.olpspiritstore.com

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OLP CHEER IS BACK!: OLP cheer is returning this year for girls in grades 3-8. Practices will be Wednesdays from 3:30-4:45 beginning in October. There will be an informational zoom meeting on Thursday, September 23 at 7:15 p.m. (link below) to discuss all the specifics and answer any questions. If interested, please request a registration packet at olppanthercheer@gmail.com.


Join Zoom Meeting



Meeting ID: 766 1961 2769

Passcode: mtq11Q

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PANTHER PARTNERS: Interested in becoming a Panther Partner? It’s not too late. OLP will continue to accept donations during the entire school year!

Any applicable donations received by October 1 are eligible to appear on the banner displayed in the school gymnasium. Want more information on becoming a Panther Partner? Visit our school website for details or email the Panther Partner Committee!

Check out the full list of current Panther Partners that have contributed to OLP for the 2021-22 school year. Please frequent these businesses to show your support of those that support our school.


PTO Updates

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New Spirit Wear Available!

OLP Socks, Bling Spirit Wear, Sweatshirts, Tees and more! Deadline to order is October 7. Click the flyer for full details and ordering information.

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SHOP WITH SCRIP: Scrip is the PTO’s main fundraiser. This is a fundraiser where you buy gift cards - at face value - for items you are already purchasing and a percentage of the total gift card is returned as a rebate. The PTO receives the first $50 of rebates and then all rebates after that are split 50-50 with half going to the PTO, the other half being applied to your child’s tuition the following school year. 

How do you get started? Set up your Family Account. Go to shopwithscrip.com and click on “Create Account.” Fill in the required information and click “I Accept.” Provide the answers to two security questions from the list. Finally, link your account to our school by entering our school code: E2LF4D9C8846.

With each business, you will be given the option to purchase an Ecard or a physical card (sometimes both). If you choose a physical card, many are kept in stock, but those that have to be ordered, usually arrive within the week.

You can pay by check, credit card, or checking account. There is also an app that makes ordering scrip super easy. Get the Raise Right app anywhere apps are available for download. If you have any questions regarding Scrip, please contact the Scrip Coordinator, Regina Jennings at scrip@olpls.org.



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*Leading the Rosary can be counted as service hours.

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8TH GRADERS: Come experience SMA for a day! Dates are filling up to shadow a Student Ambassador as a Guardian for a Day. Click here to register! For detailed information on Ways to Learn about SMA, click here.

Our Lady of the Presentation School | olplsschool.org

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