Connecting the UCSF cancer community with education, mentoring, and career development across all trainee levels.
Featured Career Development Opportunity
HDFCCC K12 Physician Scientist Program in Clinical Oncology (PSPCO)
Upcoming Seminars. Open to Senior Fellows and Faculty. Click here for more information including speakers and the Concept to Completion Certificate Program
Demystifying the Climb - Promotions
at UCSF. July 28, 2-4pm.
This seminar will describe basic advancement principles and criteria, the review process and strategies for navigating a change in series, accelerated action or disagreement about your advancement. Speakers: Gurpreet Dhaliwal, MD, Kevin Shannon, MD, Sue Yom, MD, Emily Bergsland, MD
Protocol Structure and Review
Aug. 25, 2-4pm.
This seminar will provide an overview of how to develop a clinical trial portfolio, fundamentals of protocol concepts and LOIs, multicenter trials, correlative studies, and working with your CRCs and other team members. Speakers: Jenny Taylor, MD, Jo Chien, MD, Bella Whalen, Katie Kelley, MD
Upcoming Career Development Opportunities
Leveraging Expertise to Advance our Professionals/Professors (LEAP) Faculty Mentoring Program
Applications due Sept. 26. The goal of LEAP is to provide career mentoring to early career faculty who do not receive it elsewhere. Open to HDFCCC members who are assistant or associate professors. Mentees/Mentors will be matched mid to late October. Click here for more information and to apply.
Cancer Application REview (CARE) Program
Application due Aug. 9.
Applications now open for people planning on submitting an R01 for the October due date. The goal of the CARE Program is to provide R01 grant review for HDFCCC faculty who do not have access to it in their department or program. For more information and to apply, click here.
Calling all CRCs!
Be a Mentor to an Aspiring CRC
The Clinical Research Coordinator: Learners for Equity (CIRCLE) Program aims to increase diversity in clinical research by providing a two-week training program plus a CRC shadowing experience. Be part of this opportunity to introduce a community member, fellow UCSF employee or a San Francisco State University student to clinical research by mentoring a CIRCLE scholar in your department. Our scholars are HIPAA and CITI certified. Fill out this survey i f interested. Open to all CRCs.
Present Your Work at a Cancer Center Program Meeting
Starting in the Fall, graduate students and postdocs who work in Cancer Center Faculty Labs will have opportunities to present their work at Cancer Center Program Meetings. Look for emails from Cancer Center Program Leaders. For more information, email Jennifer Seuferer.
Evidence Based Teaching Course (STEP-UP)
Learn How to Teach!
This asynchronous course will be open from July 18 - Sept. 30, 2022. Register here by Aug. 1 to receive access to course materials, guidance for staying on-track, opportunities to engage with other learners about teaching, and a letter of completion. Learn more about this course here. Open to all postdocs and graduate students.
All travel expenses covered, including room, airfare, and meals, for chosen applicants. Applications due July 15. Learn about cancer research opportunities in the UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center across our entire spectrum of programs, including Population, Basic, Translational, and Clinical Sciences. The attendees will also have the option to stay over for our 47th Annual Postdoc-Faculty Day on October 13th, where they have an opportunity to present a poster. Open to all historically underrepresented postdocs. Click here for more information.
Click here for more career development resources and training
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