FRC Newsletter - November 2020
Here are the 3 big things from this newsletter:

  • The FRC will continue to be open after Thanksgiving when UMF students switch to fully remote.
  • Masks are still required at all times when in the FRC
  • New disinfecting protocls are in place

The FRC continues to be open amidst the COVID surge, and plans to stay open after the majority of students have departed for the semester (see details below). As the virus increases its foothold in Franklin County, the need for vigilance and face covering compliance becomes increasingly important. We continue to do everything in our power to provide a safe environment for all of our patrons, and we hope you will continue to do so as well.

In addition to the '3 big things' mentioned above, you will also find information below about a virtual 5/10k opportunity in lieu of the Turkey Trot, as well as the Snow Cats learn-to-ski program, registration for which is filling up fast.

From the entire FRC staff, we hope that you're able to safely enjoy what is sure to be a very different holiday season!

Ben White
FRC Director
Masks are required at all times while at the FRC
Thanksgiving Schedule and Beyond
The FRC will remain open after Thanksgiving when UMF students have departed. (UMF students switch to fully remote after Nov. 24, and won't return to campus until Jan. 25.)

Our Thanksgiving week hours are:

Mon-Tue: 6am - 8pm
Wed: 6am - noon
Thu: Closed
Fri: 12pm - 6pm
Sat-Sun: 10a - 4pm

Our current hours (weekdays 6am - 8pm, weekends 10am - 5pm) will resume following Thanksgiving weekend on Monday, Nov. 30.
New Disinfecting Protocols in Place
A new tag system was recently introduced to assist members and FRC staff in knowing what equipment is safe to use, and what needs to be disinfected.

Each piece of equipment now has a red/green card indicated whether it is safe to use (green), or in need of disinfecting (red). Members should only use a piece of equipment when the green side is displayed, and should turn the card to the red side when they are finished with the equipment.
Run in a Virtual 5K!
Our annual Turkey Trot 5/10k and kids fun run will not be held this year, but there is still a great way to run and support UMF!

The UMF Alumni Office is offering the Beaver Dash, a virtual 5/10k race that can be run any time up through Nov. 28 at any location of your choosing. Simply register and report your time!

To register, click here.
Snow Cats Learn to Ski Registration Open
Limited to the first 60 registrants due to COVID protocols, Snow Cats is a learn-to-ski program for elementary school children grades K-4.

Registration is $60/child for Titcomb members, $100 for non-members. The program runs on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons. Lessons are taught by UMF students.

Slots are filling up fast, but there is still space available. Submit your registration information today to guarantee your spot!

Click here for the in-person and virtual
group fitness class schedule