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Care Coordination Works!
New IMPACT Report: Improving Care Coordination for Children and Families with Complex Needs
In Connecticut, approximately one in five children has complex health, developmental, or behavioral needs requiring frequent or more intensive care. Care coordination plays a critical role in supporting these families. 
Research shows that effective care coordination improves child health outcomes and reduces costs associated with care. While Connecticut has a robust system of care for children, there are opportunities to enhance care coordination.

This IMPACT reviews the landscape of care coordination programs throughout Connecticut and outlines ways to enhance and expand them to improve child and family outcomes.

Care Coordination Corner - NEW!
What does Care Coordination look like in real life?

We interviewed a family who used Care Coordination and the positive outcomes they experienced:

COVID-19 Hits
"When school was in session, we had several services that helped. Then COVID-19 hit, and we get a call that school will be out until spring vacation. I was dreading spring vacation already. Two weeks into quarantine we heard that school would not begin again, and we felt adrift in the ocean. Google Classroom worked sparingly, but the speech therapist and the special education teacher didn’t get connected to Google Classroom until two months into it. It seemed like special education students were left hanging dry. […]"
What is the connection between Care Coordination and the Wraparound process?

Care Coordination helps families identify and meet their needs through the use of “Wraparound.” The Wraparound process is designed to be culturally competent, strengths based and organized around family members’ own perceptions of their needs, goals, and vision. A facilitator, called a Care Coordinator, helps families build a team of natural, informal, and formal supports using the Wraparound process. This is called the Child and Family Team (CFT).
The family learns how to use this strength-based empowerment model to help their child improve functioning in home, school, and community. The team helps guide the family toward meeting their needs and ultimately achieving their shared Family Vision through help, healing, and hope.
Care Coordination Puts Wraparound Values into Action
Youth/Family Spotlight - NEW!
Network of Care: Agents of Change - A FAVOR, Inc. Virtual Workshop
Written By Taylor Ford, FAVOR, Inc. Statewide Youth and Family Coordinator

On the evening of October 27th, the Family System Managers hosted the first virtual Network of Care, Agents of Change workshop. The workshop participants were made up of both family members and community partners. It was presented in English first, and then in Spanish. The workshop aimed to help participants understand the process of change that drives the Network of Care, to explore and understand how to be a change agent, and to learn partnership, communication, and relationship building., The dynamic was interactive, as participants shared their experiences working with families and youth. One of the community partners reflected: “It was a really good presentation. I would like to see more in the future. Presentations that help connect community outreach workers, social workers, and the clients we serve to seek the appropriate resources from your organization. Thank you for the invite: it was very informative. It was very helpful to have a Spanish translator and I feel they did a phenomenal job. I definitely look forward to future trainings.” The team thanks all of the participants and everyone that helped to spread the word about the workshop. Be on the lookout for upcoming virtual workshops!
For more information, please contact Taylor Ford at

Introducing Connecticut Early Psychosis Learning Health Network (CT EP - LHN)
The mission of the Connecticut Early Psychosis Learning Health Network (CT EP-LHN) is to support workforce development and community education throughout the state of Connecticut to enhance access, care quality, and outcomes for individuals and families impacted by recent onset / first-episode psychosis. The CT EP-LHN aims to engage various stakeholders with a focus on community providers, young people and families, and educational institutions who support those impacted by early psychosis. The network is the result of a partnership between the Specialized Treatment Early in Psychosis (STEP) program at Yale and the Connecticut Department of Children and Families (DCF).

Upcoming Provider Focused Events:
  • Early Psychosis ECHO – Didactic and Case Discussion – Thursday 12/10 from 12-1pm
  • Available for Connecticut-based clinicians of any discipline who wish to present or participate in case discussions of individuals with new onset psychotic disorders/ first episode psychosis
Meeting ID: 929 3199 8346    
Password: 918152 

  • FEP Basics - Virtual Training (coming early 2021)
Learners will be able to (1) Recognize signs and symptoms of early psychosis in adolescents and young adults; (2) Understand common differential diagnoses for early psychosis; (3) Develop awareness of assessment tools and strategies

*CME/equivalent available; join listserv for Zoom info

Upcoming Family/Community Focused Events:
The CT EP-LHN will host family educational workshops, consisting of expert-led discussions for young people and families impacted by early psychosis. Possible topics include: recognizing signs and symptoms of psychosis, navigating community interventions forcrises, understanding the effects of marijuana use on psychosis, and estate planning. *Schedule to be determined

Interested individuals can sign up for our listserv here: Register for CT EP-LHN
For more information on the CT EP-LHN and for early psychosis resources please visit: CT EP-LHN Website
For questions, please contact:
Feelings stressed, anxious, alone?
Let's take care of ourselves and each other!
Upcoming Meeting Dates:
The Children's Behavioral Health Advisory Committee (CBHAC) meets on the first Friday of the month, from 10am-12pm. The next meeting is December 4, 2020.
CBHAC's mission is to promote and enhance the provision of behavioral health services for all children in Connecticut. Appointed members and community guests attend monthly meetings to address these needs across the state. This committee must submit an annual report that provides recommendations concerning behavioral health service delivery.
CBHAC is open to the public. If you are interested in attending or receiving email communications from the CBHAC, please contact your regional Network of Care Manager or Family Systems Manager.
Thank you!
If you are receiving this CONNECTing to Care Newsletter because you Joined Our Mission – thank you! If you are receiving this newsletter because you are a Children's Behavioral Health Advisory Committee (CBHAC) member and have not yet Joined Our Mission, please consider doing so now:
Watch the video to learn more about Connecting to Care.