May 6, 2021
FRWA Webinar Presentations
A webinar was held in the FRWA office on April 27, 2021 to assist those that had not completed their CEU requirements for the 2021 Operator Certification Renewal period. The attendees agreed that this was a very interesting training session and that the presentations were very timely. We would like to share the presentations from the webinar for your information below:

If you have any questions about any of the topics above, contact FRWA at
 An Expression of Commendation for Hurricane Relief Efforts from Louisiana Rep. Ryan Bourriaque
On Friday, April 30th FRWA received an Expression of Commendation written by Louisiana State Representative Ryan Bourriaque thanking FRWA for "the remarkable work and efforts you provided to assist LRWA, and the systems in order to provide the citizens of Louisiana with safe, potable water after Hurricane Laura".

The Commendation stated that "with the help of generators donated by the Florida Rural Water Association, the LRWA was able to provide lodging, food, and other necessities for first responders who helped manage the aftermath of Hurricane Laura; even after the out-of-state volunteers returned to their homes, the LRWA staff continued to assist communities like Creole, Cameron, Grand Chenier, and Holly Beach with service and water leak location services..." For a complete copy of the Commendation, click here.

Pat Credeur, Executive Director of Lousiana Rural Water futher added, "On behalf of the Louisiana Rural Water Association’s Board of Directors, staff and myself, WE SALUTE and THANK YOU!"

The Florida Rural Water is proud to be a part of the emergency response team that provides assistance to our sister Rural Waters.
EPA Climate Resilience Training Workshop for Drinking Water and Wastewater Utilities for the Southeast
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Creating Resilient Water Utilities (CRWU) initiative is providing a series of free webinars for drinking water, wastewater, and stormwater (water sector) utility owners and operators, as well as other water sector stakeholders. This webinar series is for the SE Climate Region of the US (LA, AR, MO, AL, MS, FL, GAS, SC, NC, TN, KY). The introductory webinar concentrates on building resilience to the impacts of climate change, as well as the identification and implementation of adaptation options, and utility infrastructure financing. The following four webinars focus on conducting a climate change risk assessment using EPA’s Climate Resilience Evaluation and Awareness Tool (CREAT), as well as the financing of adaptation options. The first of this five-part webinar series will be provided on May 20, 2021.
You can register for the Introductory webinar here:
You can register for the CREAT training sessions here:
More information on this training series is attached. If you have any questions, you can contact Curt Baranowski at
2021 Florida/Alabama Joint Conference
June 1-3, 2021
Perdido Beach Resort
27200 Perdido Beach Blvd.
Orange Beach, AL 36561
Phone (251) 981-9811/(800) 634-7263
Group Code: 17379
The ARWA and FRWA are proud to announce that the 2021 Alabama-Florida Joint Technical Training Conference is scheduled! The event will be held at the Perdido Beach Resort in Perdido Beach, Alabama on June 1-3, 2021.

Attendees that live in the state of Florida may click here to register. Your registration will cover the meals and social events at the Conference, class attendance, and CEU fees. Member and Nonmember attendees pay one low price of $100. There is an additional charge of $30 for extra meals for those not attending the Conference. Florida attendees please click here to register.

This year's event will be hosted by the Alabama Rural Water Association, for updated information, please refer to their website at or contact them by phone at 334.396.5511. 

You may register for a booth at This event usually sells out early so don't miss out!

For lodging information, please contact ARWA at

We look forward to seeing you all at the Beach for some Fun, Seafood, and CEU's! Book early! It has been way too long with the COVID pandemic!

CISA Releases Analysis Report on New FiveHands Malware Today, CISA released a current activity alert to highlight the release of Analysis Report AR21-126A: FiveHands Ransomware. more

PFAS: The Real Cost Of Inaction The story of PFAS is a fascinating one that begins innocently enough in the early 1900’s with the invention of freon. more

Biden Administration Proposes 100% Replacement Of Lead Drinking Water Infrastructure As President Biden introduces sweeping legislation to shape the country in the vision of his administration, it has become clear that drinking water infrastructure will be a major aspect of his plans. more

$35B water infrastructure bill advances  A bipartisan bill to boost funding for states' water infrastructure passed the Senate 89-2 Thursday, sending it to the House of Representatives. more

Doctor: US water infrastructure threatens public health The Flint pediatrician who first found elevated levels of lead in the blood of Flint children during the city’s water crisis is expected to tell a congressional committee this week that nation’s water infrastructure amounts to a public health crisis. more

EPA establishes new council on PFAS U.S. Environmental Protection Administrator Michael S. Regan issued a memorandum to EPA’s senior leadership on April 27 calling for the creation of a new EPA Council on PFAS that is charged with building on the agency’s ongoing work to better understand and ultimately reduce the potential risks caused by per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). more

Rubio Blasts Senate Failure to Modernize Outdated, Unfair Water Formula U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) released a statement after the Senate rejected his amendment to the Drinking Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Act of 2021 (S. 914) to modernize the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF). more

End-of-life decisions for America's aging infrastructure As the federal government and states announce plans to overhaul America’s infrastructure, Florida is recovering from the near-collapse of a phosphate-laden wastewater pond. more

Lawmakers propose breaking up Biden’s infrastructure plan to get it passed | WFLA As President Joe Biden works to get his infrastructure package through Congress, a bipartisan group of lawmakers have proposed breaking up the package into two to get it passed. more


Florida members of Congress call for denial of oil drilling permits in Big Cypress | News-Press A handful of Congress members from Florida are urging a federal agency to deny oil drilling permits in the Big Cypress National Preserve. more

Florida To Close Dangerous Wastewater Reservoir In a reminder of just how dangerous and difficult it can be to manage wastewater, Floridians were forced to evacuate their homes earlier this month when a local reservoir began leaking and appeared close to bursting wide open. more

More algae blooms popping up on Lake Okeechobee | WPTV Algae problems continue along the waterways in and around Lake Okeechobee. more

Florida’s engineers applaud legislature for agreeing to strengthen Florida’s water infrastructure resiliency | Okeechobee News The American Council of Engineering Companies of Florida (ACEC-FL) and the Florida Engineering Society (FES) applaud the Florida Legislature for agreeing to provide $50 million for water storage north of Lake Okeechobee. more

Jacksonville Could Get $6M From State Budget For Septic Tank Phase Outs | WJCT Jacksonville could get $6 million from the state to help pay for septic tank phase outs if the Legislature and Gov. Ron DeSantis sign off on this year’s state budget, as it’s proposed. more

Florida Panhandle could get $10M from water projects list | Florida Politics Key lawmakers hail from the Panhandle, and the Panhandle appears to be benefiting. more

Jacksonville’s $6M request for septic tank phaseout funds makes state budget | News4Jax Lawmakers set to vote Friday on record $101.5B budget. more

WATCH: City of Apopka working to replace septic tanks with “mini” water treatment plants | WFTV more

Now Is the Time to Invest in the Security of Our Public Water Infrastructure In late March, President Biden announced a massive infrastructure spending proposal with broad impacts on a variety of infrastructure types across the country. Included in the proposal was at least $111 billion in spending on water infrastructure improvements, much of it focused on eliminating pollutants and ensuring that the water that reaches individuals’ homes is safe to drink. more
This Week in Water History
April 27, 1916: Municipal Journal article. Typhoid Follows Burning of Filtration Plant. “South Fork, Pa.-South Fork has a typhoid fever epidemic. There are ten people ill with the disease now and a number of suspects are under observation. South Fork authorities say the sickness is the result of people not heeding the warning of the board of health to boil the water during the period in which the water was not treated because of fire destroying the filtration plant. The plant was burned several weeks ago. Circulars were distributed all over the town asking the people to boil all water used for domestic purposes. Ministers and school teachers announced the warning and the newspapers published it. Analysis of the water while the filtration plant was not working indicated possibilities of typhoid. The plant is again in operation and tests show the water free from pollution.”
Reference: “Typhoid Follows Burning of Filtration Plant.” 1916. Municipal Journal article 40:17(April 27, 1916): 590.

Commentary: Typhoid fever was still endemic in the U.S. in 1916. Any breakdown in the water treatment barriers caused spikes in disease such as the one described in this article. This also shows the problem with public notification. I guess that they did not have Twitter and Facebook back then.

To enjoy more opportunities to take a look at the past in water history, go to this link.