One Body In Christ
Anne Masters, MA, FAAIDD

June 20, 2020
Dear parents,

You have all been in my prayers and thoughts during this difficult time. I know that many of you, either yourself, loved ones or friends have had covid-19, and some of you have lost loved ones to it. This message brings you the latest information on parishes re-opening, including a picture schedule for returning to mass safely. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions, email is the most efficient way to reach me right now.

Yours Sincerely in Christ,
Safely Returning to Mass Information

Monday, June 15, 2020, began Phase Two Archdiocesan parishes, which already have been reopened for private prayer, will now be reopened for the celebration of public weekday Masses, as well as Funerals, Baptisms, and Weddings. As part of Phase Two, the following protocols will be observed.

  • Each pastor will determine the process and timing for safe reopening weekday public Mass for their local parish. Parishioners are encouraged to contact their local parishes or visit their local parish website for more information. Some parishes require people to sign up to attend a particular mass, in order to meet guidelines.

  • Based on state public official guidelines, the maximum number of participants for public Masses, Funerals, Baptisms, and Weddings is now set at 25% of the church’s capacity or 50 participants in total, whichever is less. 

  • All directives from Phase One remain in force including social distancing, wearing of facemasks, and sanitizing.  

Phase Three of the Directives for Re-Opening Churches is expected to begin Sunday, June 21, 2020, and is contingent upon any further developments or guidance from health and state public officials. All safety protocols are still in effect:
  • Maintain social distancing, at least 6 feet between people
  • Wear facemasks
  • Use hand sanitizer. It would be good to bring your own, in case the parish has run out.
  • This also includes no more than 50 people or 25% of the total seating capacity of the church permitted for a liturgy, whichever is less. Additional information will be announced. 

For the latest Archdiocesan news or announcements, please continue to visit the Archdiocese of Newark’s COVID-19 resource page, at .

PLEASE, if you are sick, are at risk of getting sick, or are uncomfortable attending liturgy during this current time of covid-19, stay home and continue to participate in online celebrations of your parish or other parishes. Online liturgies in the Archdiocese of Newark

COVID-19 Resources for Individuals with Disabilities
and their Families
You may feel "linked out" with all the information that is flowing right now, but you may find these may be helpful.

Christian Horizons COVID-19 Library is an excellent collection of practical and creative resources for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

ALL BELONG Center for Inclusive Education also has many education resources, as well as pastoral considerations,

NCPD COVID-19 Library includes resources of particular considerations for individuals with different disabilities, and their families put together by The National Catholic Partnership on Disability (NCPD).
Stay Tuned: a series of zoom gatherings is currently being planned
Some possibilities:
  • Range of service options: mixing and matching
  • Fostering the small steps of development across the lifespan
  • Employment possibilities for particular skills and interests
Accompanying Families
We currently have two groups for parents of individuals with disabilities that have been meeting for many years at St. John the Evangelist in Bergenfield, one for moms and one for dads. Physical meetings are suspended for now. For more information about other possibilities for gathering, support and connection, contact:

And A Child Shall Lead Us
Contact Anne Masters at
All Dads of Individuals with Disabilities
Contact Deacon Jim Detura at or Anne Masters.
Anne Masters, MA, FAAIDD
Pastoral Ministry with Persons with Disabilities
Phone: 973-497-4309
The Archdiocese of Newark
 171 Clifton Avenue
 P.O. 9500
 Newark, NJ 071074