Important Dates and Signed Reservation Letter Bonus
As we approach the end of the year, the SoCalREN Multifamily Program team wants to remind you of two key dates:

  • December 11, 2020 is when all final documentation supporting completed projects should be uploaded through the contractor portal.
Please sign and submit all reservation letters to ensure we close out projects promptly. 

There are many projects with assessment reports and/or reservation letters currently outstanding. To encourage these projects to commit to a scope of work for 2021 installation, we will be offering a $1,000 bonus for any reservation letter signed and returned to us by 12/31/2020 (subject to budget availability).

We will be prioritizing final inspection and check processing on a first in, first out basis so if any of these dates are missed, project review will slip into 2021.
Remaining Incentive Budget 2020
Also, as we close out the year, we will be providing weekly updates on the status of the program incentive budget. We currently have 50 percent of the incentive budget available to commit to new projects. However, the project pipeline exceeds the 2020 available budget, and we are working with all our contractors to issue reservation letters. Once we fully commit the program budget, all other projects will be wait listed until the 2021 program budget is announced. Please work closely with your Account Representative to ensure that we can commit your project with the current budget.

Please contact your Account Manager with any questions about the remaining incentive budget.
The Multifamily Program will also be holding a virtual kick-off meeting where we will go over both the old and new forms, new processes, and 2021 Program expectations. We will also be honoring contractors with awards for all their hard work during 2020. We will have more details on this event later this year and will send out a formal e-vite.

To accommodate all Participating Contractors as best as possible. Please participate in the poll below and choose what time of the day would be best for you to attend the upcoming 2021 Contractor Kick-Off.
Contractor Kick-Off: What Time of the Day Works Best for You?
Morning Option – 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Afternoon Option – 12:00 p.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Evening Option – 3:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
(877) 785-2237
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