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Call MAP (508) 359-2165

Welcome to MAP! We are so excited to be back at MAP and we are ready for a year filled with new and exciting adventures! This newsletter is to provide you with helpful information that you will need to start the year. Please feel free to call or email if you have any questions at all.

Email Meghan
Jump Start K-1 MAP Building.jpg



Hope you can join us on the MEMORIAL SCHOOL PLAYGROUND for our Open House next week! Make new friends, meet the MAP teachers, and see our space. We'll be offering small group tours of the MAP room to any children who are interested. It's also a great time for families to ask any questions they may have and to get excited for a great MAP year! Siblings welcome too!

Jump Start & Half Day Kindergarten Open House - 4:30-5:15

Full Day Kindergarten Open House - 5:30-6:15

1st Grade Open House - 6:30 - 7:15

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Dates to Remember

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9/1-9/3 Special Sign-Up Days for Kindergarten, MAP is open 8am-6pm. Space may still be available - email Meghan if you are interested

9/1 - First Day of School and MAP for Gr. 1-12!

9/3 - Early Release Day for Gr. 1-12 - all children who are regularly enrolled on Fridays will come to MAP at 11:40. Please send a lunch and extra snacks, and be sure to let us know if your child will not be attending MAP.

9/6 - No School, MAP CLOSED, enjoy the long weekend!

9/7 - No School, MAP OPEN 8am-6pm for families who have signed up. Space may still be available - email Meghan if you are interested

9/8 - First Day of School and MAP for Kindergarten and Jump Start!

9/16 - No School, MAP OPEN 8am-6pm for families who have signed up. Space may still be available - email Meghan if you are interested

How We Will Stay Safe at MAP?

While your child is at MAP, safety is our top priority! We will continue some of the precautions we put into place last year to minimize risk.

At the start of the year, everyone in the MAP building will be required to wear a mask, regardless of vaccination status. If this were to change later in the year, we would communicate with families ahead of time. Children and teachers can play and enjoy time outside without masks.

We will maintain distance while eating, and aim to eat outside as long as weather permits.

We will start the year in smaller groups (20-25 kids) to reduce the risk of possible spread. This worked really well last year, so it's a great way to start the year. Each group will have 2 teachers and an area that they are assigned to for a week. Jump Starters will always be in the MAP room and outside; Ks and 1s will use different areas (MAP room, gym, cafeteria). They will get to switch to a new area and have different teachers each week - we like to keep it fresh and fun!

We ask that families keep us in the loop if anything is going on - if someone isn't feeling well, someone in the house has been a close contact, someone has tested positive, etc. Not all of these examples will exclude a child from care, but it is important for us to know and be able to follow the appropriate guidelines. Thank you!


  • Please update the School Dismissal Manager and also inform your child's teacher of their MAP schedule
  • You must notify MAP if your child will not be attending on his or her regularly scheduled day - the school will not let us know. Notifying MAP before dismissal time will save us from spending time looking for your child and making phone calls. Please note: there is a Finder's Fee that will be charged if families repeatedly neglect to let us know when their child will not be at MAP (check the MAP Family Handbook for more info) Please call anytime, our voicemail is always on.
  • At PICK-UP: Please sign your child in or out and note the time every day. We will try to keep fewer people in the MAP room whenever possible. Weather permitting, a MAP teacher may greet you outside the MAP building and have your child come to you there, or we may ask you to wait outside after you have signed out. Remember to notify us when someone different will be picking up your child. Everyone picking up will need to show ID until we all get to know you.
  • When sending in payments, sign-up forms, permission slips, and other important papers to MAP that have a due date or deadline, it is best to deliver them yourself at drop off or pick-up. Place them in the box labeled Notes, Payments, Permission Slips, etc... at the Sign-Out Table. These may also be mailed directly to MAP at P.O. Box 18.
  • Deadlines: It is important to pay attention to the deadlines for signing up for special MAP days. These days are open to all currently enrolled MAP children. Signing up after the deadline may result in being placed on a wait list for the day as well as an additional fee.
  • Please send any billing questions to MAPOfficeBilling@gmail.com
  • MAP does not provide sunscreen or bug spray. Families are encouraged to apply in the morning and are welcome to send both, clearly labeled, for their child to keep in their backpack. It is important for families to teach their child how to self-apply sunscreen; a MAP teacher will apply bug spray. MAP will offer reminders to re-apply later in the day.

What to Bring

  • Jump Starters and Half Day Ks who eat lunch at MAP should bring food that is ready to eat (MAP teachers will not handle food to heat up, cut, or prepare)
  • SEVERAL SNACKS! Your child will be hungrier than you could ever imagine. Since MAP is not serving snack this year, we will not be able to provide extras (except in a "snack emergency"). It may be helpful to pack a couple of things separately and label them "MAP" so they don't get eaten at school.
  • Extra clothes - it is always a good idea for children to keep a small bag of extra clothes in their backpack
  • Sunscreen and/or bug spray if you would like your child to apply it
  • Weather appropriate clothes and shoes - we will go outside every day if possible!
  • An extra layer, like a fleece or sweatshirt - we will keep windows open and our air filtration system running constantly, in addition to spending a lot of time outside!
  • Did we mention SNACKS? Lots of SNACKS!