Reflections, New Water Funding, Photo Contests, APW, Glen Canyon, Tucson Water
Reflections: On Connecting Land Planning
and Water Planning
Land planners and water planners often work in separate silos. Though all recognize that different land uses have different water requirements, land use decision-making may not be tightly connected to water resource planning. I remember some years ago noting that land use planners were often sparsely represented at water dialogues, with the reverse also true. The lack of connection is understandable considering the differences in background and focus between the two professions. Planning professionals are very busy attending to the day-to-day requirements of their positions, along with other professional responsibilities, such as participating in focused meetings and conferences.

Native Voices in STEM Spring 2022 Seminar Series: Utilizing Diné Science and Innovation to Tackle Longstanding Water Challenges in Diné Communities
Date: January 24, 2022
Time: 3:00-4:00 pm Arizona Time
Location: Webinar Only

Ranalda L. Tsosie, Post-Doctoral Fellow, University of Montana

Dr. Tsosie is a post-doctoral scholar at Montana State University in Bozeman, MT. She is currently working on a point of use filter optimization project and continuing to work with Indigenous communities and water challenges. Dr. Tsosie completed her PhD in Interdisciplinary Studies with subject emphasis in the fields of Chemistry, Geosciences, and Environmental Science/Studies from the University of Montana. In her free time, she enjoys beading, sewing, and practicing traditional Diné arts.

Brown Bag Webinar: Recent Research on Policies for Managed Aquifer Recharge in Mexico

Date: February 2, 2022
Time: 12:00-1:15 pm Arizona Time
Location: Webinar Only

Mary-Belle Cruz Ayala, PhD, WRRC Postdoc, US-Mexico Transboundary Aquifer Assessment Program

In Mexico, groundwater availability has been decreasing, especially in arid and semi-arid regions. One way to address this decline is using Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR) to boost aquifer recharge with stormwater or treated wastewater. Considering the impact that climate change can have on natural recharge, the implementation of MAR efforts in the Northwest region of Mexico would help maintain environmental services, halt seawater intrusion, and act as a source for potable service. However, according to state and municipal water managers, implementing MAR effectively would require improvements in the Mexican legal framework, aquifer recharge policies, and financial programs.

Upcoming Events

Feb 15: Brown Bag Webinar: Colby Pellegrino, Deputy General Manager of Resources, Southern Nevada Water Authority

Mar 15: Brown Bag Webinar: Rio Reimagined: Reconnecting the Salt River With the Valley's Metropolitan Communities
April 7: Brown Bag Webinar: Public Interest, Indigenous Rights, and the Los Angeles Aqueduct; Sophia Borgias, Assistant Professor, Interdisciplinary Programs, Boise State University

Apr 19: Brown Bag Webinar: Carlos de la Parra, Research Professor of Urban and Environmental Studies, El Colegio de la Frontera Norte
Arizona to Make Major Investment in
Water Supply

During his State of the State Address, Arizona Governor Doug Ducey spoke about a new plan to invest $1 billion “to secure Arizona’s water future for the next 100 years.” The plan builds on the state’s past water policy accomplishments with investments aimed at expanding water supply in ways that make AZ more resilient to drought while allowing for continued growth. Over the next three years, the $1 billion investment from the General Fund will bolster the Drought Mitigation Fund; lay the foundation for new large-scale water augmentation projects, including desalination; encourage further reuse and conservation; integrate advanced technologies into water management. Although short on details, the address made clear that the Governor and legislative leaders agree on making water infrastructure a priority.

Image: Yuma Desalting plant, Reclamation

WSP Groundwater Photostory Competition
Groundwater is a crucial resource worldwide and its importance cannot be understated. Water Science Policy (WSP), which conducts independent journalism on water and sanitation, is hosting a photostory contest to raise awareness about groundwater and its role in our lives. The competition is organized in collaboration with the International Water Resources Association (IWRA), the Global Water Partnership (GWP), and the UNESCO World Water Assessment Programme (WWAP). The contest is part of a project affiliated with the Sony World Photography Awards 2021, and the photos will be used to create a groundwater-themed photobook. The selected winners will be announced on World Water Day and will be awarded a cash prize in addition to the publication of their photostories. Submissions should include 5-15 captioned photos and a short water story. The entry deadline is February 20, 2022.
Water photography fans have more to look forward to in February! The WRRC will announce the winners of our 2021 Photo Contest at the 18th Annual WRRC Chocolate Fest. We invite you to join us from 4:00 - 5:00 pm MST on Wednesday, February 16 to celebrate our contest winners, the 20-year service of our director, chocolate, and of course water.

Image: Water Science Policy

Our Water Festival Team is Complete!

We are excited to introduce Lauren Marks as AZ Project Wet's new Instructional Specialist for AZ Water Festivals! As an Arizona native with more than 10 years of experience in environmental conservation and education, she is excited to continue her passion and connection with the community. Lauren received her BS in Biology from Northern Arizona University and was fortunate to spend several years doing field work for a multitude of nonprofits and universities across the country before returning to Phoenix. She considers herself a multifaceted naturalist with areas of expertise in Sonoran Desert ecology, botany and horticulture, avian sciences, and vermiculture. In her spare time, Lauren enjoys hiking, tending her micro-homestead, geeking with fellow cactus nerds, and making ceramic art.
Hidden Treasures Revealed by
Western Drought     
Glen Canyon, at the border of Utah and Arizona, was described by Edward Abbey as “a portion of Earth’s original paradise.” As the decades-long drought continues to impact water resources throughout the west, the dropping water levels in Lake Powell have revealed sections of the canyon hidden by the reservoir for decades. A recent story by National Public Radio (NPR) explores the emerging landscape and land use challenges posed by a changing climate and concerns about Glen Canyon's future. The article considers the numerous resources that Glen Canyon provides, including water storage for the millions living in Arizona, California, Nevada, and Utah, and a profitable outdoor recreation and tourism industry. But, as the article points out, these resources are threatened as the water level drops. After the US Bureau of Reclamation issued a historic Tier 1 Shortage declaration last year, Journalist Nathan Rott noted a shift in attitudes toward embracing a drier, shallower future for Lake Powell. Environmentalists have long advocated, like Abbey, removing the dam and restoring the Colorado River to its natural flow to expose the rock formations that for decades have been under water. The article discusses the Fill Mead First policy being promoted by environmentalists, which would allow the river to flow unimpeded downstream to fill Lake Mead before diverting water into Lake Powell. Alongside testimony from opposing stakeholders, the story published online features stunning photographs and video of the canyon prior to the construction of the dam and how it appears now, highlighting the emergence of long-hidden arches and slot canyons.
Image: Glen Canyon,

Tucson Water by the Numbers
The City of Tucson’s NewsNet Daily Digest recently published statistics about Tucson Water’s 2021 deliveries and activities. These stats are a great way to learn more about water in Tucson and the services that Tucson Water provides. Below are some interesting stats from 2021:
  • 27.4 billion gallons of potable water delivered
  • 152,292 individual water quality sample results collected
  • 21,605 fire hydrants served and maintained
  • 9 wells drilled, lined, or rehabbed
  • 4.4 billion gallons of reclaimed water delivered
  • 3,866 customers received conservation rebates
  • 41.6 million gallons of water saved due to rebate/incentive programs
  • 27,000+ students reached by water conservation education programs
Image: Tucson Water

UArizona Director, Cooperative Extension Job Listing
The University of Arizona seeks a strategic and innovative leader to be the next Director of the UArizona Cooperative Extension System (CES).

Please visit WRRC's website for a complete listing of water jobs & opportunities.
NGWA offers free student memberships to those studying in groundwater-related programs (in both undergraduate and graduate programs), whether in a university, community college, or a drilling school.
Do you have a story idea, water job announcement, or event to share?