Hamilton Headlines

News and notes from Hamilton Middle

April 6, 2023

Vol. 4, Issue 34

ASYNCHRONOUS LEARNING DAY APRIL 10: As part of our work to make up instructional learning time, students will login from home to access learning on Monday.

April Principal Update

By: John Burkholder

It’s April, the first full month of spring, and the month that truly transitions us into a focus on the end of the school year. For Hamilton staff members, our return to work after Spring Break has us diving into class placements for next year, writing the first draft of our 2023-2024 School Improvement Plan, and beginning the interview process for anticipated fall openings. For our students, April means a return to eating outside at Camp Hamilton on warm dry days, and perhaps more space in lockers as the full changeover is made from winter wear to apparel more conducive to the warmer days of spring. The student entrance into the building after lunch will require a bit more adult supervision as the unbridled exuberance of those first days with temps in the 60s and 70s is something to behold. For our oldest students, the idea that their days on a middle school campus are quickly coming to a close sets in, and while there may be a few who find sadness in this inevitable transition, for most there is a building excitement for the expanded opportunities that come with high school. As parents, April often confronts us with the realization that the comforting routine of the past seven months will soon be altered. We embrace summer and all it has to offer, but recognize that idle minds and idle hands can be problematic and in response begin to firm up a plan to engage and supervise our children over the months of June, July, and August. As we step into the fourth quarter of our school year, I hope that you and your family find time both to enjoy spring and to chart a course for the summer months that lie ahead!

Dance Rescheduled!

A reminder that our Hamilton Spring Dance has been rescheduled for April 14, 6pm-8:30pm.

Spread the Word to End the Word

The week prior to Spring Break, students participated in lessons in their Advisory classes focused on Developmental Disability Awareness Month. Lessons focused on building understanding and awareness around disabilities, how to be more inclusive, and identifying prejudice, discrimination, and ableism. The week concluded with a lesson on 'Spread the Word to End the Word', a movement to eliminate derogatory language that targets people with disabilities. The overall goal of the lessons was to help end cycles of exclusion and isolation of people with disabilities through grassroots actions for inclusion. During lunch on Friday before Spring Break, students signed a pledge to Spread the Word to End the Word.

Environmental Stewardship

A local packaging company, Placon, recently partnered with students at Hamilton Middle who created artwork of what the world might look like if everyone did their part to support the environment. Several pieces of the student created artwork were featured in Placon's 2022 Sustainability Report. The artwork can be seen in the linked publication on document pages 27 and 28.

Placon Sustainability Report

Expanding Your Horizons Conference

The University of Wisconsin is holding its Expanding Your Horizons Conference, a day of career exploration activities in science, engineering & mathematics for girls, female-identifying, and non-binary middle school youth. The conference will be held at the UW's Union South on Saturday, May 6th from 10 AM-4:30 PM. Cost for registration is $35. Deadline for registration is April 19th! More information can be found at the below link.

Expanding Your Horizons Conference Info
Library Resources

Hamilton Quick Links:

Music Performance Calendar
MSCR After School Programs
Seventh Grade Assignment Calendar
Eighth Grade Assignment Calendar


This past week we celebrated the retirement of long-time Hamilton-Van Hise custodian, Andy Schabel. We wish Andy well is this next chapter of his life! Tuesday was National School Librarian Day, and the positive Post-It notes and cards from students and staff really piled up for Mrs. Phelps in the library!

So Long Crossing Guard Niko Magallón

Our Hamilton Middle crossing guard assigned to the corner of Mineral Point Road and Segoe Road is moving on to a new challenge with the City of Madison. We thank Niko for two years of wonderful service keeping our students safe! See Niko's goodby letter at the below link.

Niko's Goodbye Letter
Upcoming Dates of Interest

Mark your calendars for these upcoming dates:


  • 10-Asynchronous Learning Day


  • 10-Concert, 7pm, 7th Grade Band & Jazz Band
  • 17-Concert, 7pm, 6th & 8th Grade Band
  • 18-Concert, 7pm, 6th & 7th Grade Orchestra

Link to 22-23 MMSD Calendar

Link to 23-24 MMSD Calendar

Photo Finish:

Above and below: Some additional pics from Spirit Week in March, which included biker and surfer day, jersey day, twin day, and more!

Hamilton Middle Website
