Let's Catch-up: January 2022
Our mission is to empower families to foster resilience and prioritize mental health and emotional wellness in their children through educational programming, access to resources, and peer support. 
New Series: Take an hour for yourself!
Well-Intended Parents, Unintended Consequences
Tuesday, January 25, 2022

How do you respond when your kid is struggling? Do you tell them not to worry because they are awesome? When they succeed, do you declare: You're so smart! And when there's trouble ahead, do you work to smooth the path?

All of that positive reinforcement is well-intended, but it can have unintended consequences. Grab your lunch, log on to Zoom with us, and learn why
cheerleading may be invalidating and removing obstacles is risky. 
Featured Speaker:

Talking about mental health is scary, but not impossible
How do you start the conversation about your mental health?

In a new guest essay in the CATCH journal, Haley Epstein, 2018 Deerfield High School grad, offers advice on engaging in an open dialogue that can make a difference for everyone. Read.

#itsokaynottobeokay #talkaboutit
Learn from Experts: ADHD
Understanding Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
When a kid is struggling to pay attention in school or concentrate on their homework, we often think of that as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). But there’s much more to it than that lack of focus.

Dr. Noelle Pontarelli, PhD, Licensed Clinical Psychologist, Illuminate Psychological Assessments, sat down with CATCH and answered 4 key questions to help parents with kids who may have ADHD in our ongoing video series, Learn from Experts.
CATCH Learn from Experts: Big Questions, Quick Answers

We know parents have limited time, so we've turned to local mental health professionals to help all of us Learn from Experts in short videos.

Check out the entire series on the CATCH YouTube channel
Coffee Talk in 2022
Listen, support, and share.
CATCH Coffee Talk is happening every other Wednesday from 12pm-1pm, and you're always welcome.

Join other parents for a confidential conversation about the hurdles and pitfalls we are all facing. 
We are meeting in person, outside in a heated garage with the door open (weather and COVID permitting), or via Zoom.
Coffee Talk
Sign up, and we'll send you the address or a Zoom link shortly before we meet. Come for as many talks as you are able to attend.

Upcoming Dates:
  • February 2 & 16
  • March 2 & 16

Prioritize your mental health with the self-care of a CATCH Coffee Talk. #TalkAboutIt
CATCH Playlist
A Quiet Winter's Walk
While it may be hard to get outside for some fresh air and exercise during these cold winter months, we know it's important for our mental health.

We hope this new CATCH playlist will inspire you to bundle up and get going.
Mental Health in the News
CATCH is dedicated to making a difference in our community.
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